Page 26: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1983)
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Charles Lynch Elected
AIMS Board Chairman
Capt. Charles M. Lynch, presi- dent of Arco Marine, Inc. in Los
Angeles, Calif., recently was elected chairman of the board of directors of the American In- stitute of Merchant Shipping (AIMS) for 1983. He succeeds
J.J. Ervin, president of Trinidad
Corporation, Philadelphia, Pa., following the association's an- nual meeting held in Washing- ton, D.C.
Captain Lynch has been with
Arco Marine since 1946 and was named president of the company in 1980. He assumes the leader- ship of a national association which represents American-flag ships and operators. AIMS' 29 member companies own or oper- ate almost 12-million dwt of U.S.- flag tankers and dry bulk vessels in U.S. domestic and foreign commerce.
The 1983 AIMS board mem- bers, in addition to Captain
Lynch are W.H. Banks, presi- dent, Chevron Shipping Compa- ny, San Francisco; J.A. Cole Jr., vice president, Marine, Texaco
Inc., New York; Richard T. du
Moulin, vice president, Ogden
Marine, Inc., New York; Ran
Hettena, president, OSG Bulk
Ships, Inc., New York; Frank J.
Iarossi, president, Exxon Ship- ping Company, Houston, Texas;
John T. Jacobson, manager, Ma- rine Transportation, Standard
Oil Company (Ohio), Cleveland;
T.D. Patrick, president, Sun
Transport Inc., Aston, Pa.; and
George P. Steele, president, In- terocean Management Corpora- tion, Philadelphia, Pa.
AIMS officers re-elected by the board for the coming year are
Rear Adm. W.M. Benkert, USCG (ret.), president, and Ernest J.
Corrado, vice president. Roseann
Pazak was re-elected AIMS treas- urer and was also elected the association's secretary.
AIMS has completed its 14th year of service to the U.S.-flag merchant marine.
Areas targeted for AIMS in- volvement during 1983 include promoting the interests of U.S.- flag bulk carriers by closely ap- praising port development and
Coast Guard user charge legis- lation, and seeking uniform fed- eral, as opposed to state and local, regulation of vessel air emissions.
AIMS members expressed par- ticular concern about the possi- ble lifting of oil export controls— the exportation of Alaskan oil —and a Department of Trans- portation notice of proposed rule- making which would permit the total repayment of CDS and per- manent vessel entry into the do- mestic trades.
Heerema Group Acquires
Big Inch Marine Systems
The Heerema Group, headquar- tered in Geneva, Switzerland, which is involved worldwide in the design, fabrication, and in- stallation of offshore structures and pipeline systems, recently an- nounced the acquisition of Big
Inch Marine Systems Inc. of Hou- ston, Texas.
Big Inch Marine Systems pro- vides manufacturing and service in subsea pipeline repairs and new construction. Its metal-to-metal products and services include the coldforging process flexiforge, the boltless flange, misalignment ball joint, locking slip joint, ball flange and load limiting connectors.
The acquisition of Big Inch broadens Heerema's diversifica- tion into sophisticated underwa- ter equipment and services. With
Heerema's support and facilities,
Big Inch will increase its world- wide activities with immediate emphasis on the North Sea oper- ating areas.
Big Inch will remain headquar- tered in Houston and relocate its
European office to Heerema Engi- neering Service (UK)'s new fa- cilities in London.
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