Page 29: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1983)
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New Raytheon
Meets IMO Requirements —Brochure Available
A new four-color brochure de- scribing Raytheon Marine Com- pany's compact, low-cost RAY-
PATH Automatic Radar Plotting
Aid (ARPA) is available. Un- veiled recently at a Raytheon
Worldwide High Seas Distribu- tors' Conference in Copenhagen,
Denmark, the new RAYPATH
ARPA is low-cost, yet provides many outstanding features and meets all IMO requirements.
The RAYPATH uses the same 16-inch Bright Display Mariners
Pathfinder® Radar which is built into the Raytheon RAYCAS, the
ARPA currently used on ships throughout the world.
The RAYPATH scans to 64 miles and acquires and tracks up to 10 targets at once in a range of l1/* to 12 nautical miles. As the operator adds new targets, least-dangerous tracked targets automatically cancel. Dangerous targets are designated with flash- ing symbols, dots show target trails, and vector lines indicate target headings and speed. An auto detection provides warnings of targets entering a preset safe- ty zone. To help eliminate target swap, RAYPATH's tracking win- dow automatically shrinks to minimum size after it has made a target acquisition.
Raytheon's new "track-ball" mechanism makes target acqui- sition fast and precise. The ro- tating track-ball not only allows the operator to manually desig- nate and cancel targets, move
EBL, and place a "true mark," but also offset ownship up to 67 percent in any direction from the center of the CRT display, increasing viewing range to over 20 miles.
Targets are tracked up to a relative speed of 150 knots — even seaplanes on or near the surface can be monitored.
Raytheon reports operation of the RAYPATH is simple, with push-button program controls mounted directly above the dis- play screen. The system's slim line makes it easy to install, even in small wheelhouses. Raytheon's exclusive digital Bright Display provides uniform, very sharp elec- tronic echo signals, which can be viewed simultaneously by several observers, even in daylight. The
CRT display can be set for rela- tive motion and true motion, and can be switched alternately from
North-up to Course-up presen- tations.
The Raytheon Interswitch per- mits any two models of Ray- theon Bright Display Radars to be interswitched. For example, a single RAYPATH display can be interswitched to either X-band or S-band radars, whichever is appropriate for existing weather.
The Raytheon Adaptive Interface
Unit permits a RAYPATH dis- play to be interfaced with other 12 and 16-inch displays, includ- ing Raytheon/Selenia, as well as those of other manufacturers.
Raytheon also provides a 12- inch radar display RAYPATH
ARPA for ships not required to comply with IMO regulations.
The new RAYPATH ARPA, is a product of eight years of intensive Raytheon design and testing.
For a free copy of the new
Raytheon ARPA color brochure,
Write 19 on Reader Service Card
American Lohmann Gearboxes
Compact industrial gear units are available in 16 sizes for output torques of 2,500 to 750,000 foot pounds. Offset, con- centric and right angle configura- tions with ratios to 2500:1 offer de- sign flexibility to solve every drive problem.
Carburized, hardened and preci- sion-ground gears result in max- imum tooth strength and durability.
Compact design delivers max- imum torque in minimum space with high efficiency and low noise levels. Applications include contin- uous casting machines, conveyor lines, bucket wheel drives, winch drives, stretch mills, mixers, mill drives and others.
Mobile gearboxes tailored to match special require- ments of construction and mining machinery. Output torques to 3.7 million foot pounds; ratios to 500:1 available.
Track drives, swing gears and wheel motors used with hydraulic or electric motors are extremely compact. Available design options are brakes, dual inputs, right angle inputs and choice of mountings.
Winch drives can be supplied with drum and supporting frame.
Pu nip splitter boxes distribute power to several hydraulic pumps.
Carburized, hardened, preci- sion-ground gears assure maximum strength and reliability.
Marine gearboxes feature the advanced technology developed by Lohmann &
Stolterfoht, West Ger- many. They offer the de- sign flexibility needed to achieve top propulsion efficiency and sig- nificant fuel savings. Because these gearboxes are available in the wide range of 130HP to 100,000HP in re- duction and reverse configurations with single or multiple inputs, you can create the ideal system for your vessel.
In addition, we provide highly elastic couplings and clutches, tor- sionally rigid clutches plus a selec- tion of sleeve, thrust and shaft bear- ings for every design consideration.
JT+TW American m , J Mf M j~%Mmb a »nj • a • Manufacturing and General Offices m i ###/*/##/# in Hillside, New Jersey
A^Hmb Corporation 1415 Chestnut Avenue • Hillside, New Jersey 07205 • (201)688-8400
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