Page 30: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1983)
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William Law Elected To
Board Of Twin City Barge
William E. Law, president of
Allied Marine Industries, Inc. of
Norfolk, Va., has been elected to the board of directors of Twin
City Barge, Inc. of South St.
Paul, Minn., John W. Lambert, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, announced re- cently.
Twin City Barge and Allied previously reported the signing of an agreement in principle for the merger of Allied into a wholly owned subsidiary of Twin
City Barge. Allied operates on the inland waters of the East
Coast, in coastal trade between
Gulf and Atlantic ports, and in ocean transportation from Maine to Texas, including the Carib- bean.
Mr. Law, as president of Allied, will continue to direct Allied op- erations as Twin City Barge's
East Coast profit center. He is the principal stockholder of Al- lied, and has been its chief exec- utive officer for 26 years.
Twin City Barge is a diversi- fied company engaged in river, coastal and ocean transportation.
Its marine operations extend throughout most of the inland river system of the United States, the Gulf Coast, and the Pacific
Coast, including Alaska.
American Lohmann Offers
Free Literature On
Marine Gearboxes
American Lohmann Corpora- tion, Hillside, NJ, is offering free literature describing their marine gearboxes.
Featuring the advanced tech- nology developed by Lohmann &
Stolterfoht of West Germany, these marine gearboxes offer the design flexibility needed to achieve top propulsion efficiency and significant fuel savings.
American Lohmann marine gearboxes are available in a wide horsepower range (130 hp to 100,- 000 hp), in reduction and reverse configurations with single or mul- tiple inputs.
Gearboxes are provided with highly elastic couplings and clutches, torsionally rigid clutch- es, plus a selection of sleeve, thrust and shaft bearings for every design consideration.
For free literature on Ameri- can Lohmann's marine gearboxes,
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CAB Develops Portable
Steel Grit Recovery System —Free Literature Offered
Phone (906) 863-5553 • Telex 26-3493 • Answer Back FERNSTRUM MNOM
Phone (906) 863-5553 • Tele« 26-3493 • Answer Back FERNSTRUM MNOM
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Economic Survival Gear
Vital Information For You and Your Crew
Times are tough. You need every cost advantage you can get.
Every ounce of performance you can get.
Our monitoring equipment works with your crews to give them up-to-the- minute readings on all their vessel's vital signs. Shows the operating conditions of engines and generators at a glance.
Continuously displays pressures, temperatures, levels,
RPM's and fuel flow at your choice of remote locations.
Alerts the crew to potential problems before they arise. Automatically logs alarms.
Records data on your schedule.
Provides logs of operating history for maintenance planning.
Puts the crew in control of their vessel. Puts you in control of your fleet.
For survival! For success!
WM Cylinder Temperatures
NEW! Ma'" Engine
PMSII A new model specifically designed for work boats. Displays up to 168 temperatures, pressures, rates, levels and switches at a price that makes it the economical alternative to alarm panels. Same dependability. Same flexibility.
PMS 6000
Performance Monitoring System
Economical • Low cost per sensor • Remote data collection • Reduced wiring • Low installation cost
Flexible • Modular design • Easy to expand and modify • Logging on schedule or demand • Displays at multiple locations
User Oriented • Easy to use • User-selected display groupings • Single-function keys • Quick-scan bar graph display
Rugged • Thoroughly tested • Shock mounted components • Tough marine experience • DC power for uninterrupted operations
Certified • ABS ACCU • USCG NVC1-69 • Lloyds UMS
Same ruggedness as the PMS 6000. 13433 NE 20th Street Bellevue, Washington 98005 (206)643-0912
Complete Abrasive Blasting
Systems, Inc. (CAB) of Kent,
Wash., recently announced that the first portable manual air blast application of a skid-mounted steel grit recovery system for field use has been delivered and is in service successfully.
The equipment is being used for the blasting and coating of the intake gates and pit areas of the Chief Joseph Dam in
Bridgeport, Wash. The work is being performed by Abhe & Svo- bada of Prior Lake, Minn., under an Army Corps of Engineers contract. The contract has strin- gent requirements for air pollu- tion control and possible contam- ination due to surface prepara- tion.
The CAB field system was de- signed and engineered by the firm at the request of Gale Svo- bada, company president, not only to fulfill the Corps contract, but also, with minor adjustments, to be suitable for other applica- tions. The CAB system includes an MSA-6 automatic blast ma- chine with 6 operator outlets and a 25-ton hopper; two 50-hp ARS- 750 vacuum recovery systems; and two Auto Dumps on a spe- cial custom-built hopper con-
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ASSEMBLED 32 Write 696 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News