Page 49: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1983)
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Annual Meeting
Maritime Exposition pm; Thursday, November 10, from 10 am to 6 pm, and Friday, No- vember 11, from 10 am to 4 pm.
The Annual Business Session will immediately follow the Presi- dent's Luncheon in the Grand
Ballroom at 2 pm on Thursday,
November 10. The agenda for this meeting will include a report of the elections which occurred at the
Council Meeting on Wednesday,
November 9, consideration of pro- posed amendments to the Bylaws and such other business as may be introduced by the chair. Society
President C.L. French will pre- side at this meeting as well as at
November 1,1983 othe^ functions.
Special breakfasts (by invitation only) will be held. Authors, presid- ing officers and assistant presiding officers will meet at breakfasts on the days of their sessions at 7:30 am on Thursday in Suite 524 and on Friday in Suite 520. The Soci- ety's Membership Committee will meet for breakfast at 7:30 am on
Thursday in Suite 520. The Sec- tions Committee will meet for breakfast at 7:30 am on Friday in
Suite 517.
Society President, Mr. French, will make his annual address at the President's Luncheon on
Thursday, November 10. Featured on the program will be the presen- tation of several important awards.
The 91st Annual Banquet, open to members and guests will take place at 7:30 pm on Friday, No- vember 11, in the Grand Ball- room. Featured on the Banquet program will be the presentation of the Society's top awards. The
David W. Taylor Medal "for nota- ble achievement in marine engi- neering" will be awarded to Jens
T. Holm, retired professor of ma- rine engineering, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture. The Vice
Admiral "Jerry" Land Medal "for outstanding accomplishment in the marine field" will be given to Ed- win M. Hood, president emeritus of, and consultant to the Ship- builders Council of America. Fi- nally, Joe W. Key, maritime con- sultant of Houston, Texas, will receive the Blakely Smith Medal "for outstanding accomplishment in ocean engineering."
After the bestowing of these awards, Mr. French will intro- duce the main speaker of the eve- ning, Ralph L. Lewis Jr., retired vice president of Gulf Oil Corpo- (continued on page 56) 55