Page 50: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1983)
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91st SNAME
Annual Meeting — A Preview (continued from page 55) ration and corporate communica- tions coordinator for Gulf.
The final affair of the Annual
Meeting will be the Dinner Dance to be held on Saturday evening.
The reception will be held in the
Grand Ballroom Foyer, starting at 7:00 pm, followed at 8:30 pm with dinner in the Grand Ballroom.
Music for dancing will be provided by Steven Scott Productions under the direction of Stuart White.
A ladies' hospitality room will be located in Suite 524/526 and will be open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Thursday and Friday. Infor- mation on places to visit and in- teresting things to do in New York
City will be available as well as maps, brochures and other helpful suggestions. Also a tour has been planned for spouses for Friday from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. This tour will include a visit to Decorating & Design Showroom * Private
Home and lunch at the Tavern on the Green.
Technical Papers (See table for time and place.)
Paper No. 1. "An Interactive
Computer-Aided Design Synthesis
Program for Recreational Power- boats" by D.E. Calkins.
SYNOPSIS—A computer pro- gram based on the design spiral concept has been developed for recreational powerboat design synthesis. The program combines conversational input with graphi- cal output, which allows the de- signer to communicate with the program in an interactive mode.
The program is based on 10 design and analysis technology modules, including configuration initializa- tion, hull architecture, mass prop- erties, hydrostatics, hydrody- namics, propulsion, performance, dynamic stability and response, structural design and operating economics.
Paper No. 2. "Design and Con- struction of a 25-M High-Speed
Aluminum Motor Yacht" by Pe- tros A. Lalangas and Panayiotis
L. Yannoulis.
SYNOPSIS—This paper pre- sents the design, construction and performance of a 25-m (82-foot), 32-knot, all-aluminum, luxury motor yacht. Model resistance and seakeeping data are given and compared with other efficient planing hull forms. The design of bottom structure, details on outfit- ting materials and weights, and noise abatement treatments are also discussed. Actual trial results and noise measurements are shown and compared with those of other planing craft.
Paper No. 3. "Revival of the
Flettner Rotor—Beneficial or Not for Merchant Vessels, Fishing
Boats and Recreational Craft" by
Ake Williams and Hans
SYNOPSIS—Experiments have been carried out at the Swedish
Maritime Research Centre (SSPA) aiming at rotor-powered merchant vessels, fishing boats and recrea- tional craft. Wind tunnel tests were performed to compare rotor and sail propulsion of a coaster of 950 tons deadweight. Complemen- tary "half-scale" tests at sea were carried out by use of a 6-m (20- foot) rotor-equipped test boat.
Paper No. 4. "Ultimate Strength of Ship Structures" by Yung-
Kuang Chen, Lembit M. Kutt,
Christopher M. Piaszczk and
Maciej P. Bieniek.
SYNOPSIS—Described in this paper is a method of analysis of the ultimate strength, as well as the total response, of ship struc- tures subjected to static or dy- namic loads. The analysis takes into account elasto-plastic proper- ties of the material, geometrically nonlinear behavior of the ele- ments and their buckling and post- buckling strength. The finite ele- ment based approach is applicable to individual structural compo- nents of a ship and to the hull gir- der as a whole. Selected applica- tions to typical ship structural problems are presented.
Paper No. 5. "The Jones Act: For- eign-Built Vessels and the Domes- tic Shipping Industry" by Warren
G. Leback and John W. Mc-
Connell Jr.
SYNOPSIS—Section 27 of the
Jones Act prohibits the transpor- ilaval 56 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News