Page 6: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1983)
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Marine Consultants To
Conduct Study For MarAd
On Bulk Carriers
The U.S. Department of Trans- portation, Maritime Administra- tion, recently awarded a contract to Marine Consultants & Design- ers, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, for a conceptual applications study con- cerning loading, discharge and cargo topping off of bulk carriers.
The study will evaluate the Low
Pressure System of Cargo Convey- ing which purportedly utilizes a new air entrainment technology for the pipeline transport of bulk materials and which is capable of being employed in marine ship- board and shoreside cargo han- dling applications.
The study will address single and multiple systems for pneu- matic conveying of bulk products including; coal, phosphate rock, cement, cement clinker, limestone, iron ore, gypsum, alumina and other bulk products. If found to be cost effective, the development of the system would benefit shipping companies through less expensive conversions to self-unloaders and would assist mining, steel and en- ergy companies in their efforts to- ward more economic production through less costly transportation and cargo-handling installations.
Marine Consultants & Design- ers, Inc. is a business concern en- gaged in the professional activities of naval architecture, marine and mechanical engineering, and elec- trical engineering.
Glomar Robert F. Bauer
Christened At FELS
Far East Levingston Shipbuild- ing Ltd. (FELS) recently chris- tened the Glomar Robert F Bauer, a 2,500-foot wd drillship. The ves- sel was christened by Mrs. Doro- thy M. Bauer, wife of the former president and founder of Global
The drillship, measuring 135 m by 23 m by 11 m, was developed to incorporate the latest in conven- tionally moored drillship technol- ogy. The water depth capability of 2,500 feet permits effective and economic operation in water depths normally requiring dynamic posi- tioning. The Glomar Robert F.
Bauer has a completely self-con- tained propulsion system, mooring system and marine riser system and requires no support while on location. The high transit speed (approx. 14 knots) large variable load of 7,000 t. wide water depth range (100 to 2,500 feet) and proven safety features give this unit an overall capability unsurpassed for self-sufficiency, versatility, econ- omy of operations and safety.
Glomar Robert F. Bauer repre- sents the fifth and largest drillship to be built by FELS. It is also the largest drillship built in this re- gion. It joins Global Marine Drill- ing Company's fleet of some 28 rigs of which 7 are drillships.
Webb Institute To Hold
Annual Alumni Banquet
The Annual Banquet of the
Alumni Association of Webb Insti- tute of Naval Architecture will be held on Thursday, November 10, in the Ballroom of the Lowes War- wick Hotel, 54th Street on the
Avenue of the Americas, New York
There will be a reception at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 7:00 p.m. Robert Taggart, president of the Association, will introduce the program. The highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the W. Selkirk Owen Award to
Richards T. Miller. He will be the 18th recipient of the award which was established to honor alumni of outstanding achieve- ment and service to their profes- sions and alma mater, and given in memory of W. Selkirk Owen.
The president of Webb Institute,
Adm. C.R. Bryan, USN (ret.), will deliver the annual "State of the
Institute" message.
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