Page 7: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1983)
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Watt and Parsons To
Provide Engineering For
Endicott Reservoir Project
Brian Watt Associates, Inc.,
Houston, Texas, has been retained by Ralph M. Parsons Company,
Calif., to provide engineering serv- ices for the possible development of the Endicott Reservoir in
Alaska's Beaufort Sea.
Parsons is performing engineer- ing design services work for oil and gas production facilities for
Sohio Construction Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of The
Standard Oil Company (Ohio). So- hio is the operator and a major owner in the project.
If development proceeds, oil and gas production facilities will be constructed on two gravel islands located near the Sagavanirtok
River Delta. Causeways would connect the two islands to shore.
Parsons is the engineering main contractor for the Endicott facili- ties design and construction. BWA will assist Parsons in the design of the islands and causeways and the foundations for the process facil- ities.
Free Ship Earth Station
Equipment Guide Is
Available From COMSAT
The updated guide to available ship earth station equipment pub- lished in COMSAT's Marifacts magazine has been reprinted in booklet form for those wishing to review the salient features of all the available systems which are certified by Inmarsat to use the In- marsat Satellite system.
Equipment produced by 12 man- ufacturers is described in detail along with the salient points of each. Photos of each system are in- cluded as well as the addresses, telex and telephone numbers of the manufacturers and, where ap- plicable, the U.S. representatives.
For your copy of "Updated Guide to Available Ship Earth Station
Write 35 on Reader Service Card
McDermott Pla ns Study
Of Fixed Platforms For 1,600-Foot Water Depths
McDermott Engineering is plan- ning a study of fixed platforms for 1,600-foot water depths. The study will investigate the technical and financial viability of conventional platforms for environments like those found in the Gulf of Mexico. "The study will provide decision- making data for economic evalua- tions of deepwater leases in the
Gulf of Mexico," said Stephen A.
Will, manager of McDermott's En- gineering Development Depart- ment. "The results will also be ap- plicable to waters around the world with similar characteristics."
The jointly sponsored study is being pursued after a meeting in
Houston to test industry interest in the project. It is still open to participation by interested mem- bers of the industry, who will share resulting critical data about deepwater concepts and costs of all phases of operations from design to fabrication, transportation and installation. "McDermott recognizes that many of the sponsoring companies can make important contributions to the project," said Mr. Will. "Pro- grams like this one also provide for sharing costs so individual in- vestments will be at acceptable levels."
McDermott has fabricated and installed four structures for waters of approximately 1,000-foot depths.
It has designed two of these plat- forms and has completed extensive engineering studies for fixed plat- forms in water depths up to 1,350 feet. These studies, funded en- tirely by McDermott, along with actual design and construction ex- perience in deep water, will serve as the basis for pursuing the solu- tions necessary to move into even deeper waters.
The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of 1984. than conventional polypropylene rope, plus higher abrasion resistance and lower stretch, at the same price
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STEEL LINE is available in 3 or 8-strand construction, in diarfPeters 1 inches and larger. And it's manufactured in the United States from domestic materials.
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November 1, 1983 Write 605 on Reader Service Card 13