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Interstate Electronics Gets $23.6 Million For Work On

Trident Missile Program

Interstate Electronics Corpora- tion, Anaheim, Calif., has been awarded a $23,640,000 letter con- tract for development and produc- tion of test instrumentation equip- ment in support of the Trident missile program. The Navy Stra- tegic Systems Project Office,

Washington, D.C., is the contract- ing activity.

MSC Awards $200 Million

In Contracts For Four

More SL-7 Conversions

Navy contract options for almost $200 million have been exercised for the conversion of the last four of eight high-speed containerships into roll-on/roll-ofF units. They will be used by the Military Sealift

Command to provide support to rapid deployment forces around the world.

The four ships to undergo con- version are the USNS Denebola at

Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Com- pany (PENNSHIP), Chester, Pa.; the USNS Altair and the USNS

Pollux at Avondale Shipyards, Inc. of New Orleans; and the USNS

Regulus at National Steel and

Shipbuilding Company (NASSCO),

San Diego, Calif.

The same three contractors re- ceived contracts totalling $184 million for conversion of the first four of the ships in September 1982. All eight are named for nav- igational stars. The first four of

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Tel: (904) 355-5421 Telex: 56204 the Fast Sealift Ships now undergoing conversion are the

USNS Algol and the USNS Bella- trix at NASSCO, the USNS An- tares at Avondale, and the USNS

Capella at PENNSHIP.

These containerships are being converted to roll-on/roll-off ships designed to carry containers, flat- racks, seasheds, helicopters, and lighterage. Each ship is capable of speeds in excess of 30 knots. The average speed of ordinary cargo ships is 20 knots.

The conversion of the Fast Sea- lift Ship class will include removal and rebuilding of some internal structures previously used for stowing containers and the instal- lation of new internal and exter- nal ramps for loading, storing and unloading military vehicles. Addi- tional decks, cargo cranes and a helicopter hangar also will be installed.

When converted, the former SL- 7 class containerships will consti- tute a major element of the Navy's

Fast Sealift Ship Program. They will be prepositioned at designated ports for movement of high-prior- ity cargo specified for early sealift deployment.

The Military Sealift Command is responsible for providing the necessary sealift to deploy and sustain military forces overseas, as rapidly and for as long as the military requirement exists. The

MSC also operates auxiliary ships that deliver supplies to Navy com- batant ships while underway, oceanographic and survey ships and tankers and dry cargo ships that deliver Defense Department cargo worldwide.

Newport News Awarded $100-Million Navy Contract

For Nuclear Sub Overhaul

Newport News Shipbuilding and

Dry Dock Company, Newport

News, Va., has been awarded a $100,884,500 modification that converts a previously awarded cost- plus-fixed-fee contract to a cost- plus-incentive-fee contract to ac- complish the overhaul, refueling, repair, and alteration of the USS

Will Rogers (SSBN-659). The Na- val Sea Systems Command, Wash- ington, D.C., is the contracting activity.

Navy Awards $55 Million

To Westinghouse Electric

For Propulsion Components

Westinghouse Electric Corpora- tion, Plant Apparatus Division,

Wilkins Township, Pa., has been awarded a $55,080,000 face value increase to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for na- val nuclear propulsion compo- nents. The Naval Sea Systems

Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity. 12 Write 355 on Reader Service Card Write 108 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.