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Aqua-Chem Introduces

New Plate-Type Evaporator —Literature Available

The Water Technologies Divi- sion of Aqua-Chem, Inc. recently introduced a new line of marine plate-type, seawater desalting evaporators, designated type "SP".

The standard unit, using low-tem- perature waste heat, is capable of producing 10,000 to 15,000 gallons of fresh water per day; other sizes are available on request.

Specifically designed for naval, commercial marine, and offshore applications, the standard "SP" single-stage plate evaporator measures 83 inches high, 70 inches wide, and 57 inches deep. Using waste heat from a diesel engine or other source, the unit evaporates salt water in a vacuum to produce fresh water.

A swing-away hatch provides easy access to the plate bundles and distiller chamber for ease of maintenance. Standard titanium plates, used in both the evaporator and the condenser plate bundles, provide excellent heat transfer and are resistant to seawater corro- sion. A copper-nickel shell and in- ternals are provided as standard; coated steel shells and internals can also be provided.

For more information and free literature on the new evaporators,

Write 85 on Reader Service Card

Sperry Awarded Navy

Contract Worth $6+ Million

For Technical Assistance

Sperry Corporation, Sperry Di- vision, Great Neck, N.Y., has been awarded a $6,238,000 firm-fixed- price contract for technical assis- tance, logistical support require- ments for the Fleet Ballistic

Missile and Strategic Weapons

System navigation subsystems. The

Naval Sea Systems Command,

Washington, D.C., is the contract- ing activity.

Wesmar Sonar Effective In

Shallow-Water Operations —Literature Available

Wesmar's 500SS side scan sonar has proven to be a valuable tool for locating submerged objects. The lightweight side scan tow fish (13 pounds) and chart recorder are an economical and valuable tool for shallow-water salvage, survey, and diving operations.

Two sonar transducers sweep the sea bottom with accoustical beams. Each transducer can be ad- justed to various angles for the best resolution. One transducer, for example, can be adjusted to look up or down while the other side scans. A versatile shipboard chart recorder records the re- flected images. 2K bits of memory are standard, packing 64 marking points per inch; this gives a sharp, detailed picture that is easy to in- terpret. The recorder can print both left and right channels or print either channel across the 8 inches of paper. For scanning ac- curacy, seven depth ranges (100 to 1,600 feet) are available. Five pa- per speeds match tow speed, depth, and the desired targets position.

The 500SS has proven especially useful in locating and identifying shipwrecks, pipelines, oil heads, and underwater obstructions. The unit paints an accurate picture of the bottom—even deciphering the density of the bottom itself—for virtually any application. If a tar- get of interest appears, the "event" marker can be pushed, marking the spot for easy reference at a later date.

For more information and free brochure on the 500SS,

Write 74 on Reader Service Card $65-Million Navy Contract

Awarded To GE For Trident

Fire Control System

General Electric Company,

Pittsfield, Mass., has been awarded a $65,155,500 letter contract for development and initial produc- tion of a fire control system in sup- port of the Trident missile pro- gram. The NAVY Strategic

Systems Project Office, Washing- ton, D.C., is the contracting activity.

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SOMAR offers a package deal: Fabrication AND delivery. It's the efficient way to coordinate and award your marine construction projects. Total responsibility is ours. It's the SOMAR way!

December 15, 1983 Write 616 on Reader Service Card 13

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.