Page 12: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 15, 1983)
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The Oliver Hazard Perry Class (FFG-7) frigate program reached a milestone recently with the deliv- ery of the USS De Wert (FFG-45) at Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine.
She is the 36th ship of the cur- rently approved program of 54
FFGs. Of this total, 50 are for the
U.S. Navy and four are for the
Royal Australian Navy.
The Guided Missile Frigate Ship
Acquisition Program of the Naval
Sea Systems Command is proud of its achievements with the FFG
Class, and this most recent deliv- ery is one of the reasons why. The
DeWert's delivery is a new high in early deliveries for the FFG-7
Class. To this point, Bath Iron
Works has delivered follow-on ships an average 13 weeks in advance of the original contract delivery dates.
The De Wert was delivered 25 weeks ahead of the original con- tract date.
The FFG program was initiated in 1971 to provide a new class of ocean escorts to replace World
War II destroyers as they were re- tired from the active fleet. The large number of ships being re- tired created the need for a large number of ships (50) to meet the projected requirements of the 1980s. As a result, the FFG-7
Class is the largest class of surface combatant ships to be acquired since WW II.
FFGs are designed to provide protection for military and mer- chant ship convoys. To do this, they are capable of detecting and attacking submarines; destroying anti-ship missiles launched from enemy submarines, aircraft, or surface ships; and destroying hos- tile surface ships.
To accomplish her mission and
at the same time to remain cost-ef-
fective, FFGs were constructed us-
Delivered 13 weeks early by Bath Iron Works, guided-missile frigate De Wert (FFG-45) passed
her acceptance trials recently with flying colors.
ing innovative design concepts.
These include modular construc-
tion techniques and the utilization
of labor-saving devices to keep
crew size to a minimum. Improve-
ments in habitability—lounge
High Wind Loads For tough environments
Easy to install and maintain
Perfect in blast & paint facilities
Send for complete technical information
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Telephone (212) 682-5090
Write 508 on Reader Service Card
Todays Tugs
-our contribution to modern, safe shipping
areas, berthing and mess facili-
ties—also have been incorporated
in these ships.
The Perry Class has been de-
signed to respond to threats as
rapidly as possible. The propulsion
system is a computer-controlled,
40,000-shp GE gas turbine power
plant that can be brought on-line
and made ready to operate in less
than an eighth the time required
for either conventional steam- or
nuclear-powered ships. The com-
bat system integrates a computer-
ized command and decision system
with the ship's sensors and weap-
ons. To meet potential threats,
FFGs are armed with surface-to-
air and surface-to-surface missiles,
a rapid-fire gun, ASW torpedoes,
and the embarked LAMPS
At the recent launching of USS
Taylor (FFG-50) at BIW, Vice Adm.
E.B. Fowler, Commander, Naval
Sea Systems Command, addressed
the success of the FFG Class when
he said, ". . . in firepower and anti-
submarine warfare, FFGs are
greatly advanced from their World
War II predecessors—and with a
smaller crew."
Frigate De Wert (FFG-45) Delivered
Early By Bath Iron Works
On a Carrington tug firefighting installation is amongst the best
available. Usually comprising two monitors, the largest monitor is
remote controlled from the wheelhouse, with a capacity of 60,000
litres of foam per minute.
Our high powered tugs feature the Niigata Z-Peller system.
The Z-Peller drive is a revolutionary product consisting basically
of an engine, a drive-shaft and a Z type propeller.
The Z-Peller is suitable for many vessels including tugs, ferries,
pusher barges and Ro/Ro ships. High manoeuverability is the
biggest advantage, as Z-Peller rotates a full 360 , a twin Z-Peller
drive can turn a hull in any direction. Quick operations such as fast
stopping, sharp turning, spinning, rapid ahead/astern movement
and side-stepping are possible along with fine speed control from
dead slow to full.
Carrington Slipways Pty. Ltd
Old Punt Road, Tomago NSW Australia 2322
Tel: Newcastle 64 8071 Telex AA 28185 Cable; Carrslips.
Twin Disc Offers Free
Bulletin On Parts Kits
An eight-page, pocket-sized bul-
letin detailing various renewal
parts kits available for its full line
of marine transmissions is avail-
able free from Twin Disc, Incorpo-
rated of Racine, Wise. These kits
include renewal parts approved by
Twin Disc for complete overhaul
as well as on-board and shoreside
Each parts kits is numbered and
described in detail covering all
parts included. Twin Disc assures
the user that the parts are equal
to or better than the original. This
permits updating even a 10-year-
old marine transmission with ad-
vanced engineering features.
For a copy of the Twin Disc
Write 90 on Reader Service Card
14 Write 145 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News