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served in Gulf's coal, shale, geo- thermal, solar, nuclear, and ura- nium operations.

Technical Sessions

Chairman Jack A. Obermeyer and his Papers Committee again produced a lively and informative technical program, with distin- guished SNAME members and guest authors presenting 12 pa- pers on topics ranging from a com- puter program for recreational powerboats to predicting ship per- formance in ice.

One presentation in particular generated more comment and con- troversy than any paper in recent years. It was titled, "The Jones

Act: Foreign-Built Vessels in the

Domestic Shipping Industry," by

Warren G. Leback, Mar Ad's dep- uty maritime administrator, and

John W. McConnell, who is with the Washington office of the law firm of Haight, Gardner, Poor &


The essential thrust of the

Leback-McConnell paper was that with introduction of foreign-built and foreign-rebuilt ships in U.S.- flag liner trades, vessels con- structed or reconstructed in ship- yards abroad should be permitted in U.S. domestic trades. They pro- pose amending the Merchant Ma- rine Act of 1920 (the Jones Act) to provide eligibility in domestic shipping for: re-flagged, U.S.-built vessels; U.S.-built, foreign-rebuilt,

U.S.-documented vessels; new for- eign-built, U.S.-documented ves- sels not less than three nor more than 10 years of age, U.S.-owned for not less than three years; U.S.- flag vessels built with construc- tion-differential subsidy (CDS), without repayment of CDS but subject to "charge" levied on basis of estimated foreign cost used in determination of CDS.

The authors would also repeal the Jones Act restriction on for- eign-built, U.S.-documented ves- sels transporting passengers in

U.S. coastwise trades, and the 50- percent ad valorem duty on for- eign repairs to U.S.-flag vessels.

Among the dozen or more atten- dees who spoke in opposition to the Leback-McConnell paper were:

M. Lee Rice, president of the

Shipbuilders Council of America, who called it "a travesty of funda- mental national policy"; David H.

Klinges, vice president of Bethle- hem Steel's Marine Construction

Group; Edward Renshaw, chair- man of the St. Louis Ship Division of Pott Industries; D. Ward Fuller, president of American Steamship

Company; James E. Turner, vice president of marketing, Newport

News Shipbuilding; and Gerald

Seifert, counsel of the House Mer- chant Marine and Fisheries


The other distinguished authors and their papers included: • Dale E. Calkins, "An Inter- active Computer-Aided De- sign Synthesis Program for

Recreational Powerboats;" • Petros A. Lalangas and

Panayiotis L. Yannoulis, "Design and Construction of a 25-M High-Speed Aluminum

Motor Yacht;" • Ake Williams and Hans Lil- jenberg, "Revival of the

Flettner Rotor—Beneficial or

Not for Merchant Vessels,

Fishing Boats and Recrea- tional Craft?;" • Yung-Kuang Chen, Lembit

M. Kutt, Christopher M.

Piaszczyk, and Maciej P.

Bieniek, "Ultimate Strength of Ship Structures;" • Miro Kresic and Bruce Has- kell, "Effects of Propeller De- sign Point Definition on the

Performance of a Propeller/

Diesel Engine System with

Regard to In-Service Rough- ness and Weather Conditions;" • Richard J. Baumler, Toshio

Watanabe, and Hiroshi Hu- zimura, "Sea-Land's D9 Con- tainer Ships—Design, Con- struction and Performance;" • N. Pharr Smith, David B.

Lorenz, Carl A. Wenden- burg, and John S. Laird, "A

Study of Drag Coefficients for

Truss Legs on Self-Elevating

Mobile Offshore Drilling

Units;" (continued on page 26) rrrtu diesel power


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