Page 28: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 15, 1983)
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Will Connelly Named Head
Of Marketing Operations
For MAR, Incorporated
Will Connelly has been named to head marketing operations for the Marine Services Division (MSD) of MAR, Incorporated, ac- cording to Allan L. Yoder, vice president and division director.
MAR is a scientific research, de- velopment, and engineering firm with strong commitments to the
U.S. Navy in the fields of acous- tics, ocean engineering, and hy- drodynamics. The Fort Lauder- dale-based MSD is the ship operations and marine systems arm of the Rockville, Md., head- quartered company.
Mr. Connelly had previously occupied marketing posts with U.S.
Technology Corporation and Tra- cor Marine in Fort Lauderdale.
Kockums Profit Continues
With Backlog of Orders
Worth SEK 4,700 Million
As of the first eight months of this year, Kockums AB of Malmo,
Sweden shows a surplus of SEK 31 million (last year 39+ million) and expects a surplus for the en- tire year equal to that of 1982 (SEK 56 million). The eight-month report indicates that the value of
VEROLME DO BRASIL: 100% in the shipbuilding market
VEROLME DO BRASI L has now become the largest Brazilian private capital shipyard.
It employs 7 thousand persons and in its yard, which occupies a whole town (12 million square meters), ships of any type and size up to 600.000 TDW can be built.
From its three slipways and one drydock of 80 x 70m, specially designed to build offshore equipments, more than 80 ships and platforms of several sizes, totalizing more than 2 million TDW, have been launched.
VEROLME DO BRASI L has annualy invested around US$ 10 million in the improvement of its shipyard, thus keeping pace with worldwide technological development, providing the yard with the most modern design and production processes.
VEROLME DO BRASI L is placed today among the best equipped and most efficient shipyards in the world, capable of meeting demands from the shipbuilding and offshore market all over the world.
Km 83 of BR-101 Highway - Rio/Santos
Angra dos Reis • Rio de Janeiro-Brazil
Rua Buenos Aires, 65 - 15 th floor 20070 Rio de Janeiro1, RJ - Brazil tel.: (021) 292-3148 - Telex: 21-23776
DO the order backlog at the end of the period amounted to SEK 4,490 million. Since then, the last in a series of four RO/RO ships for
Saudi Arabia has been delivered and a contract has been signed for two car transport ships for the
Wallenius Shipping Company of
Stockholm. The value of the order backlog now stands at SEK 4,700 million and provides full coverage until 1987 for the lower level de- cided upon.
The turnover for the whole year is expected to be more than SEK 1,400 million, of which 1,300 mil- lion is for export. "The order back- log now gives us the opportunity to make further efforts to stream- line the company and carry out de- velopment in areas of strategic im- portance to us," says Kockums' president Goran Herslow.
Marpol/Solas Compliance
Subject Of 60-Page Book
Offered By Intertanko
Guidance for owners on compli- ance with the International Con- vention for the Prevention of Ma- rine Polution (MARPOL), 1973/78, which enters into force October 2, 1983, has been issued by the Inter- national Association of Independ- ent Tanker Owners (Inter- tanko).
This new guide—also covering
SOLAS 1978—deals with require- ments for upgrading existing tankers. In addition, it examines the impact on operational proce- dures and reviews commercial implications.
While some tanker owners may have postponed preparations for compliance, Intertanko also points out that some Administrations also seem to have started rather late in establishing new approval/certifi- cation procedures.
Questions raised in order to achieve compliance are explained in the guide. These include: Crude oil washing; Inert gas systems;
Oily water monitoring; Port state control; Reception facilities; Com- mercial considerations, and others.
Copies of the guide, "1983—the
Year of Implementation—MAR-
POL/SOLAS," are available from:
Intertanko, PO Box 1452 Vika.
Radhusgaten 25. Oslo 1. Norway.
Telephone: (472) 41 60 80; Telex: 19751 ITANK N.
Harland & Wolff To Build
And Market Friendship
Multi-Purpose Cargo Ship
A unique cooperation agreement that covers the building and mar- keting of the highly successful
Friendship type multi-purpose cargo vessel has been signed be- tween two of the world's leading shipbuilding yards. The agree- ment, signed between Harland and
Wolff Limited and Algoship Inter- national Limited in association with the Japanese shipbuilder Ish- ikawajima-Harima Heavy Indus- tries Co., Ltd., covers the construc- 28 Write 716 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News