Page 27: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 15, 1983)

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Kaiser To Supply Anodes

To Asia And Oceania —Literature Available

Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical

Corporation will manufacture and market aluminum anodes for cath- odic protection in marine environ- ments in Asia and Oceania, effec- tive immediately. The anodes will be produced in Taiwan by the

Metal Products Division of Kaiser

Chemicals, a division of Kaiser

Aluminum. Kaiser Chemicals has been a major supplier of sacrificial anodes for the protection of steel in corrosive environments for 30 years.

Primary product for marine ap- plications is KA95, a highly effi- cient, mercury-type aluminum al- loy anode, with maximum current output. The Taiwan manufactur- ing operation will produce flush- mount hull anodes, ballast tank anodes, platform, and multipur- pose anodes.

For further information and free literature on Kaiser Chemical's anode availabilities and specifi- cations,

Write 84 on Reader Service Card $7.6-Million Navy Contract

For SINS And ESGM Work

Awarded To Rockwell

Rockwell International Corpo- ration, Anaheim, Calif., has been awarded a $7,631,000 cost-plus- fixed-fee contract for the FY-84

United States/United Kingdom

Ships Inertial Navigation System (SINS) and Electrostatically Sup- ported Gyro Monitor (ESGM) in- strument repair program. The Na- val Sea Systems Command,

Washington, D.C., is the contract- ing activity.

Sonat Forms New

Subsidiary, Acquires S&H

Diving Corp.

Sonat Inc. of Birmingham, Ala., recently established a new subsid- iary, Sonat Subsea Services Inc., and has acquired S&H Diving

Corporation, the largest independ- ent diving contractor serving the

Gulf of Mexico area, with annual revenues of $10 million. S&H Div- ing, headquartered in Morgan City,

La., was acquired for $4 million in cash and certain other consid- erations. "We have long viewed the inter- national underwater services in- dustry as an attractive and logical extension of our offshore drilling business," said Henry C. Good- rich, chairman and chief execu- tive officer of Sonat. Mr. Good- rich also announced that Bruce

C. Gilman, formerly president and chief operating officer of Oceaneer- ing International, Inc., joined Sonat

Inc. earlier this year and has been elected president and chief operat- ing officer of Sonat Subsea Services.

Navy Extends Contracts

With COMSAT General


COMSAT General Corporation announced recently that the U.S.

Navy has extended its contract for the use of UHF capacity on each of the three satellites in the MAR-

ISAT system for an additional year. The provision of this addi- tional satellite service is valued at $12.7 million. The Navy also has an option on these satellite serv- ices for the following year.

Developed, owned and operated by COMSAT General, MARISAT is the world's first maritime com- munications satellite system. Each of the three satellites operate in three different frequencies: UHF for Navy services, and L-Band and

C-Band for commercial shipping and offshore industries.

The MARISAT system first be- gan providing communications services to the U.S. Navy in 1976.

COMSAT General leases the com- mercial capacity of the system to the 40 nation-member Interna- tional Maritime Satellite Organi- zation, INMARSAT, which pro- vides communications satellite services to 2,000 ships and off- shore platforms.

INFRAFONE® not only provides a better working environment but also ensures maximum utilization of the machine capacity.

INFRAFONE® keeps boilers clean around the clock, both while in operation and while in port. And since the boiler is kept clean continuously and efficient- ly, it can provide maximum output while consuming about one ton less oil per 24-hour period.

We have outstanding experience from about a hundred installations all over the world, on land and sea. During the last year we delivered or received orders for plants for customers, such as

Shell Tankers UK Ltd., AS Safina Co., Saudi-Arabia, Salen Tanker Co.,

Sweden, Cunard Shipping Services Limited, UK, Societe Maritime Shell,

France, Costa Armatori Spa, Italy, Royal Cruise Line, Greece, Texaco Norway AS,

Norway, Shell Tankers B.V., Holland, Texaco Overseas Tankship Limited, UK and

Sig Bergesen DY & Co Norway iififTOFOnE • Low operating cost — approx. $ 4/24-hour period • Easy to install — can be installed by the crew • Low investment cost — approx. $ 28,000 • Maximum utilization — gives maximum efficiency • Short payback time — approx. 7 months • Large capacity —one INFRAFONE per boiler

Contact us for further information and documentation.

STAL-LAVAL — a member of the ASEA Group


Marine dept., S-612 20 FINSPONG, Sweden

Telephone: +46 122 810 00. Telex: 64151 STAVAL S

Return this form to STAL-LAVAL Turbin

AB, Marine dept., S-612 20 Finspong,


Please, send us further information about Infrafone.







You can forget the dirty and time-consuming work involved in blowing a boiler clean with steam.

More and more shipping companies are changing over to INFRAFONE®, which uses infrasound for soot removal. w solution to keep your boiler clean.

December 15, 1983 Write 616 on Reader Service Card 27

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.