Page 6: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 15, 1984)
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(continued from page 7) on her stern for year-round fishing on George's Banks.
In commenting on the new ves- sel Capt. Jarry Shervo said: "Bender was willing to incorporate many of my ideas on what I felt a working boat should be; ideas that come from experience. Traveler is a quality vessel that was delivered on time."
Major Suppliers
Main engine .
Generators . . .
Winch engine
Heating/AC . . . . . (1) Caterpillar
Caterpillar . . . (2) Caterpillar .Electro Hydraulic
Hathaway .(1) Detroit Diesel
Reach rod Penwalt
Alarm panels Murphy
Radar Furuno
SSB radio Hull
Loran "C" (2) Northstar
Depth sounder/recorder Furuno
Autopilot Wagner
Stereo Cybernet
VHF radio Cyberne
Course plotter Furuno
THE BENDIEST ONE. rn the other hand.
MICRO = LAM" Law #2 states:
MICRO = LAM scalfold planking will have consistently uniform strength and stiffness. We guaran- tee it. Because every one has to conform to our tough manufactur- ing standards.
And every MICRO = LAM scaf- fold plank is proof-tested for strength and branded to certify compliance with OSHA.
MICRO = LAM engineered lumber is made from ultrasonically graded veneer, laminated under heat and pressure with waterproof adhesive This patented process eliminates almost all of the flaws and hazards of solid sawn planks- splitting and warping are virtu- ally unknown with MICRO = LAM planking. And it cuts costs by lasting longer
Available in any specified length up to 40 feet, up to 24" wide, and in 6 thicknesses Immediate shipment. Write or call today.
Walk a safer plank:
Scaffold planking
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Philadelphia Gear Supplies
New Propulsion Drives For
San Francisco Ferry Boats
The three ferry boats that carry thousands of commuters and visi- tors daily across San Francisco
Bay between San Francisco and
Larkspur will soon have com- pletely new propulsion drive sys- tems for which Philadelphia Gear
Corporation is manufacturing spe- cial gearboxes.
The original propulsion on the ferries was provided by a triple- drive system using gas turbines.
Because of rising fuel and operat- ing costs, the boats are being con- verted to twin-screw propulsion with two diesel engines. The fer- ries being converted are the San
Francisco, Marin and Sonoma.
They are owned and operated by the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District.
The conversion is being accom- plished by Southwest Marine Inc.,
San Diego Division. In addition to the work being accomplished by
Philadelphia Gear Corporation,
Southwest Marine is modifying the structure of the vessels to fa- cilitate the addition of shafting, rudders and propellers. Additional modifications include advanced engine monitoring and control systems.
In addition to the Golden Gate ferry drives, the company recently supplied new gearboxes for the renovation of the San Francisco
Cable Car System. These pro- grams continue to demonstrate
Philadelphia Gear's leadership in supplying high performance power transmission drives for marine and other tough applications.
Gennaro Oliva Joins
Atlantic Coast Enterprises
Gennaro Oliva, former hull de- sign engineer with Newport News
Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., has just recently joined the staff of
Atlantic Coast Enterprises, Inc., manufacturers of a widely diversi- fied marine product line.
Since his education as a naval architect, and receipt of a Bache- lor of Engineering degree and a
United States Coast Guard Third
Assistant Engineer's license, Mr.
Oliva has continued his advance- ment in the marine industry.
Combining his knowledge and experience in the ship design and construction field, with specialized training as a marine power-plant engineer and certification in ma- rine fire-fighting by the U.S. De- partment of Transportation-Mari- time Administration Division, Mr.
Oliva will add expertise to the ever-growing staff of experienced and highly skilled professionals employed by Atlantic Coast
Enterprises. 8 Circle 332 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News