Page 13: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 15, 1984)

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Twenty-two reasons why Curtis Bay is the towing choice in three major

East Coast ports.

Twenty-two tugs make a powerful dif- (and cost-saving) efficiencies. Perhaps ference. And with over 70 years of ex- that's why more marine managers are perience plus trained, expert crews, ^ saying, "When you go with Curtis Bay you can be sure of time-saving Towing, you have more on your side."


Philadelphia • Baltimore • Hampton Roads

Headquarters: The World Trade Center Baltimore, Suite 800, Baltimore, Maryland 21202, 301-962-6500. ...More on your side.

Since 1910

Circle 261 on Reader Service Card 15, 1984

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.