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Circle 58 on Reader Service Card


We coined the term and jumboized our first ship in 1956. Since then ^ we've jumboized 24 ships ... more than the rest of the

U.S. industry combined. No other shipyard in the entire world can match our facilities, our people, our jumboizing experience.

We have an engineering and design staff of 3,500.. .and a total work force of more than 28,000 conscientious craftsmen.

We have 8 piers up to 1200 feet and up to 2200 feet of berthing space.. .deep-draft graving docks from 650 to 1600 feet long and 92 to 250 feet wide ... 300,000 sq. ft. of machine acre steel fabrication center., foundry that specializes in pouring marine castings.

We have nearly a century of shipbuilding and ship repair experience and we have the critical knowledge of regu- lation standards and regulatory bodies.

We can produce any size

Circle 324 on Reader Service Card jumbo.. .bulk tanker, cargo vessel, container ship, spe- cial product carrier. We nave more experience than any other U.S. yard in designing, installing and testing inert gas systems, crude oil washing systems, segregated ballasts and other modifications to meet

IMO standards.

If you're consider- ing a jumboizing job or upgrading to meet regu- latory requirements, call us.

Newport News Shipbuilding.

Newport News, Virginia 23607. (804) 380-2600/Telex 82-3453.

TWX 710-880-0007.

Newport News


A Tenneco Company

COMSAT Awarded $12.7-Million

Contract Modification

COMSAT General Corporation,

Washington, D.C., is being awarded a $12,720,000 modification to a pre- viously awarded firm-fixed-price contract for ultra high frequency satellite communication service.

Work will be performed in Washing- ton, D.C., and is expected to be com- pleted September 30, 1985. Con- tract funds would have expired at the end of the current fiscal year.

One bid was solicited and one bid was received. The Naval Electronic

Systems Command, Washington,

D.C., is the contracting activity.

K-C Offers Literature

On Replacement Parts

Line For GM Diesels

Korody-Colyer Corporation (K-

C) of Wilmington, Calif., one of the world's largest after-market compo- nent manufacturers, is offering lit- erature on its complete line of re- placement parts for GM diesels.

K-C produces a complete line of replacement parts for the most pop- ular Series 53, 71 and 92 Detroit

Diesels, and the literature says that all K-C parts, new and rebuilt, equal or exceed OEM in every way— 16 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News tems," gives a table of some of the most commonly used propulsion combinations, followed by examples of pneumatic remote control for ma- rine propulsion systems (with dia- grams), such as: engine, reversing gear, fixed propeller; two engines, gear set, controllable-pitch propel- ler; directly reversible engine, fixed propeller (manually operated); di- rectly reversible engine, fixed pro- peller (automatic operation); and pneumatic clutch control. An exam- ple of electric remote control of ma- rine propulsion systems is included (engine, reversing gear, fixed pro- peller) as well as an example of winch control.

Also dealt with in Section Three are the different problems to be considered in the planning and layout of control systems and the selection of control devices, such as remote control- from several con- trols; remote control of the engine speed: speed control, fuel control and speed control of multi-engines installations (load balancing); re- mote control of controllable-pitch propellers; monitoring of speed and direction or rotation of directly rev- ersible diesel engines; and long-dis- tance remote control.

A catalog of devices for remote control systems on ships is given (with drawings) in Section Four, and Section Five contains a list of worldwide representatives of WAB-

CO Westinghouse, with addresses, telephone, and telex numbers.

For a free copy of the WABCO

Westinghouse booklet "Controls for


WABCO Westinghouse

Offers Free Booklet

On Controls For Ships

WABCO Westinghouse of Han- nover, West Germany, is offering a free 34-page booklet titled "Con- trols for Ships" that gives informa- tion and working data on the pneu- matic and electric control of marine propulsion systems. The booklet, which is illustrated with drawings, diagrams, tables, photos, etc., is di- vided into five easy-to-read sec- tions.

Section One is a preface that gives a brief history of the development of pneumatics, mentioning that a spe- cial field of application is the pneu- matic and electric control of marine propulsion systems, and the WAB-

CO Westinghouse Hanover has a manufacturing program of devices that can solve nearly all problems of control technique, satisfying all re- quirements of the modern marine plant in technical, functional and economical respect.

Section Two discusses the impor- tance of correct handling and treat- ment of compressed air to ensure the safe functioning of pneumatic control systems, and gives instruc- tions for filtering, draining, anti- freezing, and oiling.

The third section, titled "Remote

Control for Marine Propulsion Sys-

Making a big ship bigger is the job for a real shipyard.

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.