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ratios of 2:1, even for propeller shaft applications.
Thordon SXL and XL bearings are also suitable for rudder pintle, stock and carrier bearings, and have been fitted throughout a wide range of vessel types.
For exceptionally abrasive opera- tion in rivers or shallow harbors, the company produces a special "Com- posite" bearing with the capability of offering wear performance con-
Opcning remarks from Conference Director with
Welcome Message from Mr. C.P. Srivastava,
Secretary-General, International Maritime
Organization, London
Session 1
Chairman: U.K. Roberts. Department ot Transport.
Marine Directorate. London
MARPOL Annex II: modifications and amendments agreed since acceptance
P. Bergmcijcr. Head ot Marine Environment
Division, Directorate General ot Shipping and
Maritime Affairs. Rijswijk. The Netherlands.
Chairman: IMO BCH Working Group on
Implementation ot' Annex II to'the MARPOL 73 ~S
Con vention
Simplification of Procedures and Arrangements for Annex II
T.A. Sharp. Department of Transport. Marine
Directorate. London
MARPOL Annex II — a shipping industry perspective
Speaker to be announced. International Chamber ot
Shipping. London
Do Governments fulfill their part of the
International maritime anti-pollution regulations — shipowners do |.P. Page. Presulent-Directeur General. Socictc
Fran<,aisc de Transports Pctroliers. Paris. Chairman:
Intertanko Safety and Technical Committee
Anticipated operational problems associated with applying Annex II requirements
A.A. Damstccg. Consultant. Voorsehoten.
An outline of the present situation on bulk chemicals transportation in domestic waters of
Japan and implementation of MARPOL Annex
Speaker to be announced. Shipbuilding Research
Association ot Japan. Tokyo
A comparative study of multi-national regulation of the maritime transport of bulk chemicals
R.L Brown |r.. Riddcll. Williams. Bullitt and
Walkinshaw*. Seattle. Wash.. USA
Session 2
Chairman: R.J. Lakev. Robert |. Lakev &
Associates. Inc.. Houston. Texas. l:SA
The role of industry in developing operational and safety guidelines
Capt. A. Allicvi. International Chamber ot
Shipping. London
The possible impact of IMO requirements and
EEC environmental legislation upon terminal facilities
P.R. Cooke. Managing Director. Powell Duttrvn
Terminals Ltd.. Fleet.'Hants. UK siderably better than rubber/bronze bearings.
The low, dry, dynamic coefficient of friction of Thordon eliminates the squeal or chatter often asso- ciated with conventional rubber bearings, and the ease of installation based on the material's machinabili- ty and capacity for shrink fittings makes the material an interesting alternative.
Thordon bearings are available to
LONDON, JUNE 25-27, 1985
Experiments on efficient stripping systems for chemical carriers
H. Van't Sant. Directorate-General tor
Environmental Control & C. Van Dam.
Directorate-General of Marine Affairs. Rijswijk.
STWC (1978) Chemical Tanker Certificates.
Onboard v. shore training
D.R. Owen. Safety Services Ltd. Sunburv on
Thames. UK
The economics incentive for employing high- cost crews: chemical carriers and other high technology ships could benefit most s V Phcc. Pi ice & Pi ice. Inc.. Island Heights. N | .
The next generation of chemical tankers — are they becoming too sophisticated?
R.L Lakev. Robert |. Lakev and Associates. Inc.. and
K.J Szallai. President. Troll Tankers Inc.. L'sA
Session 2
Chairman: F.M.J. Van de Laar. Netherlands Dock
Labour Inspectorate. Rotterdam
Practical experience with applying inert gas and nitrogen inerting to chemical carriers |.D. Mazzei and R.G. Terry. Sun Refilling and
Marketing Company. Aston. PA. L'SA
Operational experience with nitrogen generation through membrane separation on a chemical tanker
I'll, lohanncssen. Maritime Protection A S.
Kristiansand. Norway
Handling of vapours generated during transhipment of liquid bulk chemicals
I \\ Uijlcnbrock. Badger B.V . The Hague-
Legislation and regulation developments in the
Netherlands: focus on air pollution
R. A. Hulscher. Ministry of Public Housing. Physical
Planning and Environment. (VROM). The Hague-
Developments in the movement of bulk liquid chemicals to and from New Zealand
P.G. Entwistle. Bulk Storage Terminals Ltd.. Mount
Maunganui. New Zealand
Cargo quality control — the role of the cargo surveyor |. Vermeiren. SGS. Geneva
Quality and quantity inspection — a chief officers' guide
A. E Perce\ . C aleb Brett USA Inc.. Essington.
The determination ot supply and demand for chemical/parcel tanker carrying capacity in deepsea and/or European short sea trades
R.L. Tollctiaar, Maritime Research Institute.
Rotterdam. Netherlands
Session 3
Chairman: D.C. Gasson. Technical Operations
Manager. Unispecd Intermodal Ltd.. Southampton.
UK. Chairman: Association ot Lank Container
Operators. UK •ADVANCE REGISTRATION suit any size of propeller shaft or rudder. They can be supplied fully finished or in rough form for final machining in the shipyard. There are Thordon stocking distributors in 50 countries; most have technical specialists available to provide field support.
Circle 95 on Reader Service Card
Twin Disc, Incorporated of Ra- cine, Wise., has been a leading man- ufacturer of heavy-duty power transmission systems for more than 60 years, and has long been recog- nized as a standard of comparison in the marine industry.
In addition to 22 models of Twin
Disc-manufactured marine trans- missions covering a broad power range from 70 to 1,600 bhp, the Wis- consin company offers many other marine products backed by Twin
Disc. These include: Twin Disc/
NICO marine transmissions with power ratings up to 5,000 bhp; Twin disc/Scanprop controllable-pitch propeller systems; a complete line of marine transmission accessories; and approved renewal parts and parts kits.
Several significant equipment op- tions insure that a Twin Disc marine transmission can be tailored to a particular vessel's operation. These include front—and pump-mounted power takeoffs, top power takeoffs, live power takeoffs, trolling valves, output coupling flanges, heat ex- changers, and indicating gauges.
Most Twin Disc marine transmis- sions have been approved by the
American Bureau of Shipping,
Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Det norske Veritas, and Bureau Veri- tas.
Circle 96 on Reader Service Card
UNIPAR, Inc., a division of Na- tional Marine Service, Inc., has available literature that highlights the 40,000-square-foot facility the company has in St. Louis to provide diesel engine power packs, parts, and components.
Monorails and accumulating con- veyors in the semi-automated facili- ty play major roles in the company's commitment to quick service and quality products at competitive prices. The brochure contains pho- tographs of the semi-automated line of work stations, and discusses each process along the way through the final work station.
Circle 12 on Reader Service Card
WACO Fluid Power of Lexington,
Ky., an American-Standard compa- ny, pioneered the concept of remote pneumatic maneuvering control of marine propulsion engines in the early 1940s, and today is a leading
U.S. and international supplier of wheelhouse controls for a wide vari- ety of diesel-powered ships. With control placed directly at the pilot's command, maneuverability is greatly increased and more efficient vessel operation is obtained. As the operator is now removed from direct contact with the propulsion machin- ery and cannot devote his complete attention to precise manipulation and timing of the control handle movement, the possibility exists for mishandling the propulsion machin-
A number ot formal papers will be presented consecutively without discussion. Following the coffee break, the Chairman will initiate a discussion session in which the presenters ot the formal papers will be joined on the platform bv a number ot other
Lank Container specialists. The formal papers arc listed below m order ot presentation.
Tank containers operated by the shipper versus the tank container operator concept — which is the best way?
Mrs. E. Schlund-I ledemann. Hovers (UK) Ltd..
Huddersheld. Yorks.. UK
Multitanks — a new ISO-compatible generation of intermodal tank containers: 2000-10000 litres capacity
H Gerhard. Westerwalder F.isenwerk Gerhard
GmbH. Weitefcld Sicg. Germany FR
Some aspects concerning the maintenance of tank containers
D. Govder. Procor Tank Container Services.
Birmingham. UK
Bulk liquids — the flexible alternative
D.C. Gasson. Unispecd Intermodal Ltd..
Southampton, UK
Discussion led by Session Chairman.
Panel will include speakers listed above together with Capt. H. Wardelmann. IMO. a panellist from
Sea Containers Ltd.. London and others to be announced
Session 4
Chairman: T .R. Farrell. Lloyd's Register ot
Shipping. London
Some considerations on the structure of chemical carriers
P. |. Latreille. Bureau Veritas. Paris
Reclamation of chemical solvents
M.N. W ells. London K C oastal Oil Wharves Ltd..
Canvey Island. UK
A novel automatic level gauging system with very accurate measurements
A. Fain. Autronica A S. Trondheim. Norway
Microcomputer technology for optimisation of chemical tanker management
F R Olsehlager. LGA Gastechnik GmbH. Rcmagcn-
Rolandseck. Germany FR
Development studies on the design of a floating chemical cargo hose
C Barber. IT Flexible l ubes Ltd.. Dclph. Oldham.
In-service maintenance and handling of tank coatings
P I lartland. Sigma Coatings B.V.. Uithoorn.
The effects of low molecular weight cargoes upon tank coatings
D. Banks. Camrex Ltd.. Sunderland. L'K
lite or\>iitit
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