Page 98: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1985)
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Nav-Control (continued from page 95) tions are programmed into the vari- ous systems and are activated when certain predefined criteria are vio- lated.
Circle 16 on Reader Service Card • NAVSIM NMS-90 Radar and
Navigation Training Simulators—
This eight-page pamphlet, which is well illustrated with drawings and photos of students undergoing training in navigation, explains that simulation provides the solution to developing the ability to navigate a vessel safely and efficiently under all conditions with the highest levels of skill and judgment. The Norcon- trol Navigation Simulator can du- plicate virtually any ship, any waterway, any environmment and any situation that a deck officer will encounter. Furthermore, all exer- cises on a simulator are both con- trollable and repeatable. A typical
Norcontrol simulator consists of up to six own ships and an instructor's station that permits the instructor to create and control all aspects of the training exercise. The system can be configured to train students whose experience ranges from mari- time cadet to senior captain. Skills ranging from basic radar plotting to Bridge Team training can be ef- fectively taught. With addition •: J We are Car and Truck Carriers with 25 specialized RoRo vessels in world wide service for all cargo on wheels.
Our main routes are: Japan-Europe/
Mediterranean, Europe-USA/ Canada,
Europe-Middle and Far East.
Yearly some 750,000 vehicles of all types are shipped by our modern, ver- satile vessels. Anotherfive carriers will enter service during 1985/86.
General agent
USEC & Gull area
Motorships, Inc.
P.O. Box 1157
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Tel. No. (201) 871-0700
Telex TWX710-991-9744
WU 135342 /
WU 135343
General agent
USWC , Inc. Fred F. Noonan Co., 272 Main Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Tel. No. (415) 546-9111
Telex TWX910-372-7235
ITT 470094
RCA 278369
Please contact us for the address to our agent in your area.
P.O. Box 17086, S-104 62 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN
Telephone: 08-7720500, Telex: 19010 owline s
Circle 185 on Reader Service Card
MODEL 1100
UL FILE NO E 86797
Rugged and accurate flow detection for most applica- tions. "Off The Shelf" standard models from %" to 3"
NPT or Silver braze connections. Fixed flow settings from .4 GPM to 100 GPM. Pressures to 1200 PSI (a 100°F.
Materials of Brass, Bronze, Stainless Steel and Monel.
OPERATION: A Shuttle equipped with a magnet is dis- placed by the liquids flow (or no flow) to actuate a her- metically sealed reed switch.
A. Phone (203) 621-9101 Telex: 4994890 y^ssTHOMaS PRODUCTS un. " ^ FLOW SWITCH DIVISION
Circle 224 on Reader Service Card install first row of cables. 96
SAFETY AT SEA on Ships and Rigs
The Sigmaform GK-A60
Multi-Cable Transit System is designed to pass multi- ple cables from one com- partment to another and maintain fire, gas and water tight integrity.
JAj SIGMAFORM '(/] CORPORATION 2401 Walsh Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408) 727-6510
Telex NO. 346-335
P.O. Box 515, Richboro
PA 18954 (215) 322-4453
Circle 201 on Reader Service Card
Install stay Plate above first row. install additional rows of cables and stay plates as required. completed GK-A60 MULTI-
CABLE TRANSIT SYSTEM. of the nocturnal visual system, night pilotage training is available.
Circle 17 on Reader Service Card
Santosuosso Named
New President Of
Lockheed Shipbuilding
Joseph R. Santosuosso
Lockheed Marine Systems Group president Lawrence A. Smith has announced the appointment of
Joseph R. Santosuosso as presi- dent of Lockheed Shipbuilding
Company. He will assume operating responsibility for the activities of the 2,000-employee shipyard in
Seattle, where the company is cur- rently building two 609-foot am- phibious assault ships for the U.S.
Navy. The 97-year-old yard will soon begin a $17-million renovation of three Washington State ferries.
Mr. Santosuosso joins Lock- heed Shipbuilding from his execu- tive position with Ebasco Services
Inc. of New York. He earned BS and
MS degrees in mechanical engineer- ing, and was awarded an MBA from
Arizona State University. He re- places Mr. Smith, who had been acting president of the shipbuilding company in addition to his presi- dency of the parent Lockheed Ma- rine Systems Group, a position he will continue to hold.
Brochure Available On
Industrial Coils From
The American-Standard Heat
Transfer Division, La Crosse, Wise., has available a brochure on the com- pany's wide selection of industrial heating and cooling coils.
The 24-page brochure contains detailed descriptions, complete data and applications concerning the heavy duty industrial coil product line manufactured by the Heat
Transfer Division.
An easy-to-read chart lists all in- dustrial coils offered, complete with the coil sizes, fin types, coil materi- als available and coil ratings of the standard and custom designed product line. An expanded descrip- tion of mechanical specifications, including diagrams, for each coil is included in the brochure.
American-Standard's industrial coils are engineered for modulated and non-modulated steam heating, as well as water heating and cool- ing.
For a copy of the brochure,
Circle 40 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News