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AMETEK Announces
Computerized Inspection
Management System
AMETEK/Offshore Research &
Engineering Division, Santa Bar- bara, Calif., has announced the de- velopment of a computerized in- spection management system. The system is based on the IBM-PC-XT (or compatibles) and offers inspec- tion scheduling, data collection, multi-year analysis, comprehensive search functions and report genera- tion. Options include data exchange with existing mainframe computers, locally and remote site, multi-plat- form data management, graphic dis- plays of items of concern. The pro- gram is available as custom-de- signed software only, or as a turn- key package, customized to client requirements for data types, com- munications, reports and graphics needs. Dependence on a particular diving contractor or any other com- pany is not required, and in fact the system is designed to aid the com- petitive bidding process, assuring more thorough understanding of the requirements by all the bidders, which should lead to better cost control throughout the contracting process, and fewer cost overruns on the actual work bid.
The system is suitable for manag- ing underwater and above water in- spections for platforms, rigs, vessels, pipelines, risers, systems, and many other applications both offshore and on-shore. Versions to run on other computers can also be furnished.
AMETEK is also prepared to fur- nish the systems as a service, using customer or AMETEK-furnished inspection data to generate the re- quired reports and information.
For further information on AME-
TEK's computerized inspection management system,
Circle 42 on Reader Service Card "Marine Library" Literature
Available From DDA
Detroit Diesel Allison (DDA) Di- vision of General Motors has an- nounced the availability of a new, totally revised and expanded Ma- rine Library. This comprehensive technical publication contains fea- tures designed to benefit anyone involved with the marine industry.
The new library consists of three sections: • Elements of Marine Propul- sion—rewritten and enhanced to simplify the understanding of the engine installation and the determi- nation of such elements as basics of marine shaft horsepower. • Marine Installation Manual— includes easy-to-use technical data charts and engine systems informa- tion necessary for proper engine in- stallation. • Engine Specifications—features the latest specification sheets and installation drawings on Detroit
Diesel's full line of marine propul- sion engines.
June, 1985
To purchase a copy of the com- plete Marine Library or the first two sections, contact your local DDA distributor or dealer. Cost of the complete library is $50 but sections can be bought at less cost.
Furuno Introduces
FR-803D Digital Radar
Furuno recently announced the introduction of their FR-803D high brightness digital radar. This is the latest and most cost competitive member of the Furuno digital radar family.
The FR-803D radar offers a steady picture 12-inch CRT, three kw transceiver with Furuno's spe- cial microwave IC front end circuit- ry, / to 36-mile range and a 3.5-foot antenna system. It also has two vari- able range markers, two electronic bearing lines, adjustable sector and range guard zone with alarm, inter- ference rejector, variable pulse- length and PRF's, universal 10-42
VDC power supply.
Its most unique feature is the multilevel quantizing circuitry where several levels of target return are recognized, thus eliminating the "holes" and other picture problems that are seen in other radars.
For complete information on the
FR-803D digital radar,
Circle 41 on Reader Service Card
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TTS specializes in solutions that offer immediate increases in productivity for your yard. Shotblast and paint lines. Panel lines.
Beam lines for N/C cutting and marking of stiffeners. Heavy lift and ship transfer sys- tems. Material handling systems.
Proven, flexible, custom-designed to suit any size shipyard, any existing facility
Give us your particular production prob- lems. Let us propose how to reduce material handling costs, mechanize production and increase productivity We are just a phone call away.
SYSTEMS INC. 813 Forrest Drive
P.O. Box 6127
Newport News, Virginia 23606
Telephone: (804) 595-5153
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Circle 151 on Reader Service Card