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MariChem 85
London—June 25-27
MariChem 85, the sixth meeting in this series of conferences on the marine transportation, handling and storage of bulk chemicals, will be held in the Kensington Exhibi- tion Centre, London, England, from
June 25-27, 1985. The nearby Royal
Garden Hotel, a modern five-star hotel with panoramic views of Hyde
Park and Kensington Palace Gar- dens, has been selected as head- quarters hotel for the meeting and will also be the location for the main evening reception during the event.
The program for the conference has, inevitably, a strong opening emphasis on Annex II of the MAR-
POL 73/78 antipollution treaty, de- scribed by IMO as "the most im- portant international treaty ever adopted in the struggle against pol- lution of the sea." The mandatory provisions of Annex II come into force on October 2, 1986, and Mari-
Chem 85 therefore assumes special importance as only 16 months will remain before the impact of Annex
II on the bulk chemicals industry.
MariChem 83 concentrated on what had to be accomplished in the three years before the mandatory provisions of MARPOL 73/78 An- nex II came into force. MariChem 85, as mentioned, will again focus on the Annex II provisions, particularly in Session I, June 25, on "Legisla- tion and Regulation," which will be chaired by R.K. Roberts of the
U.K. Department of Transport, Ma- rine Directorate, a past chairman of the IMO Subcommittee on Bulk
Chemicals. Robert E. Claypoole, chairman of the Independent Liq- uid Terminals Association and pres- ident of GATX Terminals Corpora- tion, Chicago, will address the meet- ing on the response of U.S. termi- nals to MARPOL Annex II propos- als, while from Japan, Hisayasu
Jin of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai will present the views of the Shipbuild- ing Research Association of Japan on the Japanese reaction to Annex
Further detailed examination of the way in which industry has to cope with the plethora of rules and regulations from existing and im- pending legislation will come in Ses- sion 2, June 26, on "Operations and
Safety." This will be an all-day ses- sion with presentations aimed at those responsible for operating chemical carriers and terminals. Eu- ropean Community environmental legislation and the impact of IMO requirements on terminal facilities will be discussed by Peter Cooke, managing director of Powell Duf- fryn Terminals Ltd. Capt. Alberto
Allievi will give the International
Chamber of Shipping's view on the role that industry should play in developing operational and safety guidelines, and a paper authored by
Robert J. Lakey of Robert J.
Lakey and Associates, and co-au- thor K.J. Szallai, president of
Troll Tankers Inc., asks "Are the next generation of chemical tankers becoming too sophisticated?" The
Operations and Safety session will conclude with a presentation on the determination of chemical/parcel tanker supply and demand, to be given by R.L. Tollenaar of the
Netherlands Maritime Research In- stitute, Rotterdam.
In Session 3 on June 27, the meet- ing will examine the growing role of "Tank Containers in the Bulk
Chemicals Trades," with presenta- tions planned from operators and constructors active in this increas- ingly important sector of the indus- try. This will be a workshop session with a round-table discussion led by
David Gasson of Unispeed, the session chairman, who is the current chairman of the Association of Tank
Container Operators. The growing role of the intermodal tank contain- er in movement of bulk chemicals will be debated, and technical devel- opments will also be considered in
Session 4 in the afternoon of June 27. This wil be an open-forum work- shop session under the guidance of
T.R. Farrell of Lloyd's Register of
The exhibitions, which are an in- tegral part of the MariChem meet- ings, have grown in size and impor- tance over the years, and more than 90 international companies will be displaying their technical expertise, products and services during the meeting. The MariChem 85 Exhibi- tion will be open from 9 a.m. on
Tuesday, June 25, until 5 p.m. on
Thursday, June 27. The Exhibition will occupy the entire display areas of the Kensington Exhibition Cen- tre adjacent to the Conference room.
Social Events
Welcome Party—A Welcome
Party for all registered delegates, exhibitors and their guests will be held in the Kensington Exhibition
Centre immediately after the end of the Conference sessions on the first day of the meeting, Tuesday, June 25, with the Norwegian Group of
Exhibitors serving as co-host with the MariChem Secretariat.
Cocktail Buffet Reception—
The main social event of the meet- ing will be a Cocktail Buffet Party to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednes- day, June 26, in the Royal Garden
Hotel. Admission to the Cocktail
Buffet Party will be by invitation only. Invitation cards will be pro- vided for all registered delegates.
Luncheons—Luncheons will be served (for delegates only) in the
Kensington Exhibition Centre on
Wednesday, June 26 and Thursday,
June 27.
An interesting program of sight- seeing tours in London, and historic locations near London, has been planned for participants' spouses who will also be welcome at the vari- ous social events held in conjunction with MariChem 85.
Further information on the Con- ference and Exhibition is available from: MariChem Secretariat, 2 Sta- tion Road, Rickmansworth, Herts
WD3 1QP, England, telephone (0923) 776363; telex 924312.
Tuesday, June 25 2 p.m.—Conference opens.
Opening remarks from conference direc- tor with welcome message from C.P. Sriva- stava, secretary-general, International Mari- time Organization, London
Session 1—Legislation And Regulation
Chairman: R.K. Roberts, Department of
Transport, Marine Directorate, London. 2:30 p.m.—"MARPOL Annex II: Modifica- tions And Amendments Agreed Since
Acceptance," P. Bergmeijer, head of Ma- rine Environment Division; directorate gen- eral of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, Rijs- wijk. Netherlands; chairman, IMO BCH
Working Group on Implementation of Annex
II to the MARPOL 73/78 Convention. 3:00 p.m.—"Simplifications Of Proce- dures And Arrangements For Annex II," T.A.
Sharp, Department of Transport, Marine
Directorate, London. 3:30 p.m.—"MARPOL Annex II—A Ship- ping Industry Perspective," U. Ackermann, chartconsult S.A.. Locarno, Switzerland; past chairman, Chemical Carriers sub-com- mittee, International Chamber Shipping,
London. 4:00 p.m. — "Do Governments Fulfill
Their Part Of The International Maritime
Anti-Pollution Regulations—Shipowners
Do," J.P. Page, president-directeur general,
Societe Franijaise de Transports Petroliers,
Paris; chairman, Intertanko Safety and
Technical Committee. 4:30 p.m.—"The Response Of U.S. Ter- minals To MARPOL Annex II Proposals,"
R.E. Claypoole, chairman, Independent Liq- uid Terminals Association; president, GATX
Terminals Corporation, Chicago, III. 5:00 p.m. — "An Outline Of The Present
Situation On Bulk Chemicals Transportation
In Domestic Waters Of Japan And Imple- mentation Of MARPOL Annex II." H. Jin, senior surveyor, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo; member of the Shipbuilding Research Asso- ciation of Japan. 5:30 p.m.—"A Comparative Study Of
Multi-National Regulation Of The Marine
Transport Of Bulk Chemicals," R.L. Brown
Jr., Riddell. Williams, Bullitt and Walkinshaw,
Seattle, Wash. 6:00 p.m.—Welcome party, co-hosted by the Norwegian Group of Exhibitors and the
MariChem Scretariat, for all registered par- ticipants and their guests at the Kensington
Exhibition Center.
Wednesday, June 26
Session 2—Operations And Safety (1)
Chairman: R.J. Lakey, Robert J. Lakey &
Associates, Inc., Houston, Texas. 9:30 a.m.—"The Role Of Industry In De- veloping Operational And Safety Guide- lines," Capt. A. Allievi, chairman, Chemical
Carriers sub-committee, International
Chamber of Shipping, London. 10:00 a.m.—"The Possible Impact Of
IMO Requirements And EEC Environmental
Legislation Upon Terminal Facilities," P.R.
Cooke, managing director, Powell Duffryn
Terminals Ltd., Fleet, Hants, U.K. 10:30 a.m.—"Experiments On Efficient
Stripping Systems For Chemical Carriers,"
H. Van't Sant, directorate-general for Envi- ronmental Control, Rijswijk, Netherlands. 11:00 a.m.—"STWC (1978) Chemical
Tanker Certificates, Onboard Vs. Shore
Training," D.R. Owen, marine manager,
Sabre Gas Detection Limited, Aldershot,
Hants, U.K. 11:30 a.m.—"The Economic Incentive
For Employing High-Cost Crews: Chemical
Carriers And Other High Technology Ships
Could Benefit Most," S.S. Plice, Plice &
Plice, Inc., Island Heights, N.J. 12:00 noon—"The Next Generation Of
Chemical Tankers—Are They Becoming
Too Sophisticated?" R.J. Lakey, Robert J.
Lakey & Associates, Inc., and K.J. Szallai, president, Troll Tankers, Inc. 12:30-2:00 p.m. —Delegates' lunch break.
Operations And Safety (2)
Chairman: F.M.J. Van de Laar, Netherlands
Dock Labour inspectorate, Rotterdam. 2:00 p.m.—"Practical Experience With
Applying Inert Gas And Nitrogen Inerting To
Chemical Carriers," J.D. Mazzei and R.G.
Terry, Sun Refining And Marketing Compa- ny, Aston, Pa. 2:30 p.m.—"Operational Experience
With Nitrogen Generation Through Mem- brane Separation On A Chemical Tanker,"
Th. Johannessen, Maritime Protection A/S,
Kristiansand, Norway. 3:00 p.m.—"Handling Of Vapours Gener- ated During Transshipment Of Liquid Bulk
Chemicals," J.W. Uijlenbroek, Badger B.V.,
The Hague. 3:30 p.m.—"Legislation And Regulation
Developments In The Netherlands: Focus
On Air Pollution," R.A. Hulscher, Ministry of
Public Housing, Physical Planning and Envi- ronment (VROM), The Hague. 4:00 p.m.—"Developments In The Move- ment Of Bulk Liquid Chemicals To And From
New Zealand, P.W. Entwistle, Bulk Storage
Terminals Ltd., Mount Maunganui, New Zea- land. 4:30 p.m.—"Cargo Quality Control—The
Role Of The Cargo Surveyor," J. Vermeiren,
SGS Redwood (Depauw & Stockoe), Gene- va. 5:00 p.m.—"Quality And Quantity In- spection—A Chief Officers' Guide," A.E.
Percey, Caleb Brett (USA) Inc., Essington,
Pa. 5:30 p.m.—"The Determination Of Sup- ply And Demand For Chemical/Parcel Tank- er Carrying Capacity In Deep Sea And/Or
European Short Sea Trades," R.L. Tolle- naar, Maritime Research Institute, Rotter- dam, Netherlands. 7:30 p.m.—Cocktail buffet party in the
Royal Garden Hotel for all the registered delegates and their accompanying guests.
Thursday, June 27
Session 3—Tank Containers In The Bulk
Chemicals Trades (Workshop Session)
Chairman: D.C. Gasson, Technical Opera- tions manager, Unispeed Intermodal Ltd.,
Southampton, U.K.: chairman, Association of Tank Container Operators, U.K.
A number of formal papers will be pre- sented consecutively without discussion.
Following a coffee break, the chairman will initiate a discussion session in which the presenters of the papers will be joined on the platform by a number of other tank con- tainer specialists. The formal papers are listed below in order of presentation. 9:00-10:30 a.m.—"Tank Containers Op- erated By The Shipper Versus The Tank
Container Operator Concept—Which Is The
Best Way?" Mrs. E. Tiedemann-Schund,
Hoyers (UK) Ltd., Huddersfield, York, U.K. "Multitanks—A New ISO-Compatible
Generation Of Intermodal Tank Containers: 200-10,000 Liters Capacity," H. Gerhard,
Westerwalder Eisenwerk Gerhard GmbH,
Weitefeld/Sieg, Germany FR. 106 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News