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from Warren are their Pyroite verti- cal turbine pumps for capacities to 3,000 gpm and heads to 300 feet.
Pyroite will handle acids, alka- lines, hydrocarbons, salt water, deionized water and nearly all cor- rosive or erosive liquids at tempera- tures to 500° F.
For further information and free literature on Warren's Pyroite pumps,
Circle 92 on Reader Service Card
Flexible reach-rods for operation of hard-to-reach valves are manu- factured by S.S. White Industrial
Products of Piscataway, NJ.
S.S. White Industrial Heavy Duty
Flexible Reach Rods are used for safe remote control of valves in haz- ardous or inaccessible areas. Once installed, valves can be operated smoothly from distances up to 40 feet away. The flexible rods may be routed around curves and around obstacles. They require no addition- al operating gear such as universal joints or right angle gear boxes. The rods absorb shock and vibration and stand up to abrasion, abuse and cor- rosion. They are prelubricated and the only maintenance required is once-a-month operation.
S.S. White Industrial Heavy Duty
Flexible Reach Rods are available in
Copper Blast would like to dust off your blasting budget.
Dust (shown here from silica sand) means lower cutting efficiency and visibility and increased health hazards and clean-up costs. ®
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COPPER BLAST (in use here) has very little dust, is low in free silica, cuts 30-50% better than lower-quality slag abrasives and up to four times better than many silica sands
We can tell you how much the dust in your present abrasive is costing and how much you can save by using COPPER BLAST.
COPPER BLAST is a low free silica, low dust abrasive with a 30%-50% cutting advantage over lower-quality slags. It cuts up to four times faster than many silica sands. With COPPER
BLAST, job time goes down and cost effectiveness goes up.
The first step could be our COPPER BLAST Value Worksheet.
Using your project figures, you can see how much dust particles — which do no work! — are costing you. We'll also show you how COPPER BLAST can save time and money on your jobs plus the results of laboratory tests on several kinds of abrasives.
COPPER BLAST is manufactured in a new, high-tech plant and adequate supplies are always available throughout the West and Midwest.
For your COPPER BLAST Value Worksheet, or for more infor- mation, call or write James D. Hansink, Manager, Construction
Materials, Rocky Mountain Energy, 10 Longs Peak Drive,
Box 2000, Broomfield, CO 80020. Or return the reader response card in this publication.
Call toll-free: 800/525-8113. (In Colorado, call collect 303/469-8844).
A Subsidiary of Union Pacific Corporation
Circle 215 on Reader Service Card Circle 221 on Reader Service Card 118 standard lengths from 3 to 36 feet and in three sizes to fit valves from % to 16 inch diameter.
For free literature describing the
S.S. White Industrial line of reach rods,
Circle 93 on Reader Service Card
Wilden Pump & Engineering
Company of Colton, CA, manufac- tures an air-operated, positive dis- placement pump designed to handle very thick and very abrasive materi- als. The heart of the pump is its unique air valve that shifts the air supply to both diaphragms alter- nately with complete reliability un- der all conditions of head and flow.
With no electrical connections, the pump is abrasion resistant, self- priming, submersible, and has vari- able volume/pressure and simple clamp band construction.
Up to 90 percent solids and more than 250-foot heads are no problem for the Wilden pump, as the double diaphragm design cuts velocity in the unit to half total discharge ve- locity. The most abrasive slurries are handled with ease, as there are no seals and no metal-to-metal con- tact.
Volume is infinitely variable by controlling the air flow to the pump, from a few gallons per minute to more than 14,000 gallons per hour.
No pressure relief valve is required, and the pump can run dry indefi- nitely without damage.
Wilden pumps are available with wetted parts in aluminum, cast iron, stainless steel, and Hastelloy C; non-wetted parts are aluminum or cast iron. Elastomers are neoprene,
Buna N, Nordel, Viton, or Teflon.
For free information on Wilden pumps,
Circle 94 on Reader Service Card
Williams Valve Corporation of
Long Island City, NY offers a com- plete line of gate, globe, angle and swing check valves for commercial (and military) applications.
Williams valves are in use aboard
U.S. Navy vessels. They are of su- perior design and engineering.
To obtain additional free litera- ture on the entire line of Williams
Circle 61 on Reader Service Card
Full flow, /{-inch ball valves with swing-out bodies for fast, easy main- tenance are now available from
Whitey Co., Highland Heights, OH.
The valve, designated the "62" Se- ries, features high flow capacity and is rated to 2,200 psi (ANSI 1500-lb.
Class) and 450°F.
This quarter-turn valve's stan- dard features include a trip-proof oval handle and a blow-out proof stem for added safety. The unique stem packing is spring loaded to self adjust for wear as well as changes in
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