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pressure and temperature, thereby preventing stem leakage. A patent- ed three piece seat design compen- sates for wear and prevents leakage past the ball.
Brass and 316 stainless steel ma- terials are standard. Modified ver- sions are available to handle chlo- rine, sour gas and temperatures as low as — 65°F. Air actuated models are also available.
Whitey offers a complete line of swing-out ball valves in sizes rang- ing from /{-inch to 2-inch with
SWAGELOK tube fitting, female
NPT pipe fitting and weld end con- nections.
For information on Whitey's ball valves,
Circle 62 on Reader Service Card
Worthington Pump Division,
Dresser Industries Inc., Mountain- side, NJ, manufactures a full line of cargo pumps for the marine indus- try.
The Worthington LNS centrifu- gal cargo pumps are specifically de- signed for fast, reliable and efficient tanker service. The LNS will pump large volumes of oil and other hy- drocarbons as well as salt water bal- last providing fast cargo unloading so vital to profitable tanker opera- tion.
The LNS horizontal or vertical pumps are single stage, double suc- tion, heavy-duty pumps designed and built to meet the needs de- manded by modern high pressure cargo pumping.
Worthington LNS single stage pumps provide a great savings in space, weight, maintenance and re- pair costs, as well as initial cost without sacrificing reliability, per- formance or efficiency.
The Worthington LNS pumps' main features include: Casing de- signed to produce a smooth flow with gradual changes in velocity.
A-l LNS pumps have double colute casings. Stripper connections are fitted at the top of the suction spaces. The impeller is of double suction enclose type and is firmly secured to the shaft by a feather key. The shaft is ground to accurate dimensions and polished to a smooth surface. Shaft sleeves are fitted on sizes 10LNS-19, 10LNS-22 and 12LNS-21 to protect the shaft at the stuffing boxes. Stuffing boxes may be fitted with packing or me- chanical seals as required.
For full details and free literature on the Worthington pump line,
Circle 63 on Reader Service Card
Cat Pumps Corporation, Minne- apolis, MN manufactures a line of over 150 models of pumps.
Cat Pumps supplies special corro- sion resistant models constructed of
Nickel Aluminum Bronze, Nitronic- 50 and 316 Stainless Steel.
For full details and specific appli- cations from Cat Pumps Corpora- tion,
Circle 64 on Reader Service Card pontoon configuration also permits use of the shorter vertical columns without a corresponding loss of air- gap. The GranGulf's pontoon size and shape incorporate principles of
SeaTek's patented "B2S" design as well as principles from a pending
Marathon patent.
While the GranGulf's pontoons appear larger on the outboard side of the vertical columns, they actual- ly have less displacement than the inboard pontoon sections. This pon- toon shape capitalizes on variations in wave phase along the pontoons by reducing the vertical forces waves would exert on these pontoons com- pared with pontoons of uniform cross section and the same displace- ment. The GranGulf's unique pon- toon shape also allows for its larger stabilizing columns and larger pon- toon sections. These design features let the rig carry its full variable deck load during transit.
Overall length of the GranGulf is 280 feet, overall beam 195 feet, and height to the main deck 96 feet.
Maximum storm conditions are: wave height, 100 feet; wind velocity, 100 knots; and current, 3 knots.
For more information from Mara- thon LeTourneau,
Circle 3 on Reader Service Card
Hedges Named President
And Director of BP North
America Petroleum
Jerry Hedges has been elected president and a director of BP
North America Petroleum Inc. He was also named to the board of directors of BP North America Inc.
He succeeds John Rounce, who has returned to BP's London of- fices.
Jerry Hedges
Mr. Hedges will continue to be located in BPNAP's offices in Hous-
Marathon LeTourneau GranGulf™
Semi Design Offers Economic
Construction & Optimum Deck Load
Marathon LeTourneau's new
GranGulf™, a large, lighter-weight semisubmersible drilling unit for
Gulf of Mexico-type operating con- ditions, offers construction econo- mies plus optimum deck load for a semi of its size and weight.
Rated for a 4,000-ton deck load when moored in 2,000 feet of water, the GranGulf can be easily up- graded for 2,500 feet of water with only minimal reduction in variable deck load. It also offers the options of propulsion assist and dynamic positioning for drilling in much deeper waters.
The GranGulf's larger diameter,
Artist's conception of Marathon LeTou shorter square vertical columns re- duce steel weight and offer a num- ber of construction advantages over columns of other configurations.
Marathon expects that the rig will be less costly to build than semis with comparable deck load because the GranGulf requires less steel and less sophisticated fabrication.
The shape of the GranGulf's pon- toons is also a major feature of the new design. This configuration gives the rig superior storm response characteristics, less transit resist- ance and better wave clearance all without loss of normal station-keep- ing performance while drilling. The leau's new semisubmersible drilling rig.
Circle 250 on Reader Service Card 3i£ -P isNS! 1 -.53
High Wind Loads For tough environments
Easy to install and maintain 441 Lexington Avenue, Suite 903, New York, NY 10017
Telephone (212) 682-5090
Perfect in blast & paint facilities
Send for complete technical information
June, 1985 113