Page 122: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1985)
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Tracor Awarded $3.6-Million Contract
For Sub Maintenance
Tracor Incorporated, Austin,
Texas, is being awarded a $3,633,394 cost-plus-fixed-fee modi- fication for submarine extended operating cycle maintenance and modernization programs support.
Work will be performed in Rock- ville, Md., and is expected to be completed September 30, 1985.
Contract funds would not have ex- pired at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems Com- mand, Washington, D.C., is the con- tracting activity.
Elliott White Gill
Names New Sales
Agent For Taiwan
Pey Hwa Enterprises Company
Ltd. of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Repub- lic of China, has been appointed the new sales representative for United
Technologies Elliott White Gill
The money-saving, time-saving
Diesel source
USP&I adjuster, Joe Stapleton. is a former ships master with over 20 years' maritime experience
Choose USP&I tor more efficient claims handling.
Most USP&I adjusters are former ship's officers with extensive maritime backgrounds.
They are abreast of the latest advances in marine transport and changes in maritime law. They can evaluate an exposure promptly and accurately— often saving the cost of legal services and drawn out litigation.
When you consider the expense of delay, and the higher and higher judgments being awarded, doesn't it make sense to use an adjuster with the know-how to settle a claim promptly9
For a free copy of our Directory and Profile, write to:
William G. Cinotto, USP&I, 2 Corporate Place South.
Piscataway, NJ 08854. Tel. (201) 981-8288.
Telex: 233004 CTL UR. Cable Address: USPIAGE fJSOf
United States P.&l.
Agency, Inc
A subsidiary of Under writers Adjusting
USP&I Offices
Portsmouth. NH (formerly Boston otfice);
New Orleans. LA;
New York, NY; Norfolk, VA;
Tampa, FL.
William G. Cinotto
USP&I 2 Corporate Place South
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Please send copies of the
USP&I Directory and Profile
Powerhouse V • " : ~ : . •••
In the U S can Ton- Outside the U S
Free (8001545-5566 or ^^W^T^s Telex (II) call collect 1707) 552-8777 5,1 ' 910-366-2039 IJI OAK 1111 Green Island Rd . American Canyon. California 94589
Circle 137 on Reader Service Card
Determine oil viscosity on site . . .
Don't wait to buy one after it's too late!!
Now you can quickly check the viscosity of any oil. . on site. The Visgage is simple to operate. No stopwatches or thermometers are required. Has been used for over 3 decades in thousands of industrial plants and maintenance shops. Checks engine oils, industrial lubricants, and hydraulic fluids, even water-glycol fire-resistant types. Call or write for a quotation today.
Louis C. Eitzen Co.
P.O. Box 1210
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 303-945-7572 thrusters for Taiwan. Pey Hwa spe- cializes in machinery, equipment, and fittings for the marine industry.
K.H. Liu, president of Pey Hwa, has completed an orientation course at Elliott's Springfield, Ohio, plant.
Elliott Company, a division of
United Technologies, manufactures the White Gill thrusters at two loca- tions—in Springfield and at Cowes,
Isle of Wight, U.K., with sales of- fices worldwide. The company's thrusters are produced in four styles designed in various sizes to transmit power from 50 to more than 2,000 hp. They are powered by either elec- tric motors or internal combustion engines.
For more information on Elliott
White Gill thrusters,
Circle 50 on Reader Service Card
Blackinton Named
General Manager Of
Bethlehem-Beaumont Yard
Circle 128 on Reader Service Card Circle 178 on Reader Service Card
Richard E. Blackinton
The appointment of Richard E.
Blackinton as general manager of
Bethlehem Steel Corporation's
Beaumont (Texas) Yard has been announced by David H. Klinges, vice president of Bethlehem's ma- rine construction group. Mr.
Blackinton, who had been general manager of operations and facilities, marine construction, will succeed
Sherman C. Perry.
Following graduation from the
University of Rhode Island in 1951 with a B.S. degree in civil engineer- ing, Mr. Blackinton joined Bethle- hem Steel's management training program for college graduates and was intially assigned to the Hobo- ken, N.J., yard. He transferred to the corporation's former yard in
Brooklyn, N.Y., in 1953, and two years later returned to Hoboken as a planner and then estimator.
In 1957, he was assigned to ship- building headquarters then located in New York City as assistant to construction engineer, and later as technical assistant to the vice presi- dent. In 1966 he returned to the
Hoboken yard as a ship superinten- dent and became assistant project superintendent at the San Francisco yard later that year.
Mr. Blackinton was promoted to general superintendent at Bethle- hem Steel's shipyard in Beaumont in 1969 and subsequently served there as plant engineer, methods engineer and assistant to the gener- al manager. He returned to the Ho- boken yard as general superinten- dent in 1978 and the following year was named general manager. He was appointed to his present position in 1982. 120 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News