Page 20: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1985)
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Artist's conception of the oil rig service center.
Contract For Wharf At Cow Head
Oil Rig Servicing Facility Awarded
A contract for $C6,685,054 has been awarded to Foundation-Lun- drigans, a joint venture for the con- struction of a wharf at the oil rig facility at Cow Head on the Burin
The wharf, which was designed by
Newfoundland Design Associates of
St. John's, will measure 125 meters long with a 44 meter by 23 meter head block and will be capable of accommodating two oil rigs as well as supply vessels at the same time.
The project is scheduled for comple- tion early in 1986.
Foundation-Lundrigans is a joint venture company comprised of
Foundation Company of Canada
Ltd., of Toronto and the Lundrigans
Group Ltd., of Corner Brook.
When completed, the Cow Head facility will consist of three main elements including the wharf struc- ture together with a rock-filled causeway, a site storage area and a service building.
The estimated cost of the entire project is $Cll million which is cost shared on a 70:30 basis between the
Federal and Provincial Govern- ments under the Burin Peninsula
Development Fund Agreement.
The Cow Head oil rig servicing facility is an expansion of Marys- town Shipyard Limited and will be supported by the workforce as well as the fabricating and machining facilities at the yard, ft is antici- pated that the facility will provide a saving of up to 40 percent on rig ser- vicing costs.
Anixter Relocates
Evanston Facility
Anixter Bros., Inc., headquar- tered in Skokie, 111., has moved its
Evanston, 111., facility to a larger service center located at 2201 Main
Street, a 60,000-square-foot proper- ty recently purchased by the compa- ny. The announcement was made by
Larry Walsh, regional vice presi- dent.
The Evanston facility was the ori- ginal site of Anixter headquarters when the company was founded in 1957. Later, as the company ex- panded, the building on Brummel served as a major sales/distribution center for the Midwest. This ar- rangement continued until a further business expansion necessitated a move.
Anixter-Evanston will continue to serve the needs of business and industry in the states of Illinois,
Iowa, and the greater metropolitan areas of Chicago and Northwestern
Indiana with a full line of wire and cable, and business communications products. For customer convenience the telephone numbers have not been changed: (312) 869-8000 and 1- 800-942-1664.
Circle 307 on Reader Service Card
Sometimes you need all your eggs in one basket.
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Circle 218 on Reader Service Card
Circle 117 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News uthwest Marine, Inc. can meet your dry dock challenge with innovative solutions, quality work and on time, on budget results. In the pursuit of excellence, it is people that make the difference. Above:
Herb Er^J Vice President and Af%
Engel, President of Southwest
Marine, Inc. are dgjjQratulated
Captain Dimitrios Mylonas,
Poppe, Jr., Vice President of O tions, Eastern Cruise Lines
Harry Raymond, Jr., Opera
M.indger. \X/estem Cruise Li jofe weH done, on time a budget.
Southwest Marine, Inc.
Foot of Sampson Street
P.O. Box 13308
San Diego, CA92113 (619) 238-1000
TWX No. 910-335-1167
Southwest Marine, Inc. 985 S. Seaside
P.O. Box 3347
Terminal Island, CA 90731 (213)519-0600
TWX No. 910-345-6638
Southwest Marine of
San Francisco, Inc.
P.O. Box 7644 (Pier 28)
San Francisco, CA 94120 (415) 543-0499
Southwest Marine of Samoa, Inc.
PO. Box 1387
Pago Pago,
American Samoa 96799
SS Azure Seas 1985 Dry Docking. ON TIME-OI
An International Shipyard