Page 21: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1985)
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Aluminum Boats Delivers
Whale Watch Excursion Boat
The Portuguese Princess, a fast, sleek, new 94-foot passenger whale watch boat has entered service in
Provincetown, Massachusetts.
Owner Suzanne Carter was looking for a shipyard that could build a high quality boat in a short time. Aluminum Boats, Inc., Crown
Point, La., "had recently built and delivered two 85-foot crewboats in 12 weeks, so I knew they could deliver my 90-footer on time," Ms.
Carter said.
Salvador J. Guarino, presi- dent of Aluminum Boats said Ms.
Carter called as soon as the financ- ing was completed and his design team began putting her ideas down on paper. The actual contract was signed 23 days later on January 5, 1985.
The keel was laid on January 7, and the boat was completed on
April 10th. Sea trials followed the next day and the gleaming white
Portuguese Princess sporting accent stripes of the Portuguese national colors, departed the Louisiana bayous on April 16th for the long trip to the East Coast.
The all-aluminum boat is 94 feet long, with a 24 foot beam, and 8 foot, 11 inch depth. Normal operat- ing draft is 3 feet, 9 inches. The ves- sel is powered by three Detroit Die- sel 12V71 TI diesel engines develop- ing a total of 1530 hp. They turn three 33x29 inch diameter bronze
Suzanne Carter, left, shown with Salvador
Guarino, president of Aluminum Boats. propellers through Twin Disc 514 reverse/reduction gears with a ratio of 2:1. Auxiliary and ships service power is provided by a Kato, 30KW generator driven by a Detroit Diesel 371 diesel engine.
The Portuguese Princess reached a speed of 26.9 mph during sea trials. Mr. Guarino said the high speed is necessary because a normal whale watching trip is about 31/ to 4 hours long and can cover cruising distances of 2 to 40 miles.
The salon on the main deck level can seat up to 92 persons on 23 Eac- co padded seats. Forty-one people can line the gunwales on each side of the main deck, and the forepeak deck can accommodate up to 48 whale watchers. The bow area also includes additional handrails and features an 8-foot bowsprit which is used for whale spotting.
The galley with grill, microwave, oven and refrigerator is also located in the main salon.
The second level features an open observation deck which can serve 74 people, and seating for an additional 70 guests is provided.
The Portuguese Princess is equip- ped with an A1 George, Inc. electro- hydraulic steering system. Some of the navigation and communications equipment aboard includes: a Fu- runo FR 360 radar; Sitex 787 C loran; Ritchie C453 compass; Stan- dard 8635 VHF; Datamarine 3000 fathometer; Raytheon 400 loudhail- er; and Aiphone intercom/PA sys- tem.
The new boat can carry 2300 gal- lons of fuel oil, 4637 gallons of bal- last water, and 500 gallons of fresh water. Her displacement at full load is approximately 65 long tons. The vessel is U.S. Coast Guard certifi- cated 20 miles coastwise.
For free information on Alumi- num Boats facilities and capabili- ties,
Circle 339 on Reader Service Card
Portable Boring Machine
Features Power Feed
And Digital Readout —Literature Available
The Climax portable, modular boring/facing machine (modu-
LATHE) now has power feed for boring operations. The new digital control module allows positive, pre- cise operator control from a remote position. It can be used where there is minimal clearance around the ma- chine. The moduLATHE is also available without power feed.
With the power module and ap- propriate attachments you can re- face pipe flanges, cut a variety of grooves, bore, linebore, re-machine bearing seats, cut weld preps and more. The moduLATHE will bore up to four inches deep. Line boring capability is available with various lengths of boring bars, mounting plates and outboard bearing plates.
For further information on the
Climax moduLATHE,
Circle 319 on Reader Sen/ice Card
Marathon LeTourneau Exhibits
Slo-Rol® Motion Suppression
Technology During 1985 OTC
Marathon LeTourneau Offshore
Company's Slo-Rol® motion sup- pression system significantly widens the operating window for jackup rigs by making major reductions in roll, pitch and heave motions. It allows jackups to change location during periods of high waves or swells, thus diminishing costly de- lays while "waiting on weather."
Slo-Rol also reduces roll and pitch motions during wet tows in most sea states. This lessens dynamically in- duced structural loads on legs and supporting structures.
The Slo-Rol motion suppression system eliminates up to 90 percent of roll and pitch motions and up to 40 percent of heave motion. It also reduces leg moment loading by up to 90 percent at initial spud can impact with the sea floor.
Extensive wave tank tests of the
Slo-Rol system on a model of a Mar- athon Gorilla jackup have con- firmed the effectiveness of the sys- tem in both roll and pitch suppres- sion.
This motion suppression system consists of open-bottom steel tanks installed adjacent to the corners of a jackup drilling rig's triangular hull.
When filled with compressed air, the tanks radically alter roll per- formance by producing a stabilizing torque that counteracts the wave torque. Since Slo-Rol is a passive tank system, it requires only low power after activation.
Marathon's Slo-Rol system can be easily and economically installed on new-build rigs or retrofitted onto existing units.
For further information,
Circle 3 on Reader Service Card
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