Page 34: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1985)
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WORLD SHIPBUILDING (continued) from the high figure of almost 53 million gross tons reported in May 1983. It now stands at just over 33 million gross tons. The biggest de- crease has been in the tanker sector, which is down by 5 million gross tons, much of which has been sold for demolition. The 2 million gross ton increase in completions to a fig-
Table 3—Delivery Schedule of World Orderbook (In million gross tonnage)
Type 1985 1986 1987 1988 & after Total
Fleet at 6/30/84
Oil tankers 3.11 2.17 0.33 5.62 147.463
Ore & bulk carriers 10.50 3.62 0.52 — 14.65 103.681
Bulk/oil carriers 0.73 0.55 0.46 — 1.74 24.653
Containerships 1.48 0.97 0.024 — 2.48 16.913
General cargo 1.42 0.27 0.036 0.045 1.77 77.174
Specialized carriers 0.86 0.17 0.001 — 1.03 13.280
Miscellaneous 2.45 0.69 0.16 0.045 3.39 35.519
Total orderbook as of 12/31/84 20.56 8.45 1.54 0.137 30.69 418.682
When you want solutions instead of moxe problems, call MECO.
We can help you cut through all the conflicting chatter about which system is best for offshore fresh water production. You see,
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MECO's vapor compression units, all equipped with non-acid
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Telex: 35161 COASIN
Phone: 861-7133 128 ure of 18 million gross tons has led to a decrease in the work in hand to approximately 30.7 million gross tons (Table 1).
As that table shows, new orders in 1984 were down by some 3.5 million gross tons compared with 1983.
However, it should be noted that almost 2.5 million gross tons of the total for 1983 was an unprecedented order for bulk carriers. The rate of ordering, on a quarterly basis, has shown a steady increase throughout the year.
The world orderbook now stands at almost 2 million gross tons less than at the same time last year. For the second year running, demoli- tions have exceeded 16 million gross tons, more than 75 percent being sold to Far East shipbreakers.
Except for 1982, the amount of tonnage ordered annually has re- mained fairly static since 1979, though the fortunes of the tradition- continued on page 36)
Merchant Vessels, 100 Gross Tons and Over, Completed During 1984 in Leading Shipbuilding Countries of the World
Country No. Total GT
Japan 902 9,711,381
South Korea 87 1,472,897
People's Republic of
China (inc. Taiwan) 61 1,150,842
Federal Republic of
Germany 109 516,590
Denmark 46 474,181
United Kingdom 46 444,743
USSR 210 395,584
German Democratic
Republic 58 366,841
Romania 18 365,211
Spain 92 354,955
Finland 30 340,358
Source Lloyd's Register Annual Summary of Merchant
Ships Completed During 1984
Composition of world fleet as at
June 30, 1984 (million gross tonnage!
G Bulk Or.-KB HTankers 147 IC.tryo Contamei 94
J Spei ( irriers 1 i K Miscellaneous 37 ranges from 600 to 1,000 operat- ing hours. Single-switch starting makes these units the simplest to put on line, regardless of oper- ator experience.
For situations requiring reverse osmosis, MECO units incorporate filtration and pre- treatment technology that many other manufacturers can't offer- technology that results in long- term, trouble-free performance gallon after gallon.
MECO's waste heat recovery evaporators com- bine high-quality components (such as 90-10 copper- nickel alloy) with high-efficiency technology to pro- duce fresh water.
For information about MECO's solutions to your fresh water supply problems, write or call MECO,
Equipment Com- pany, Inc., 861
Carondelet St.,
New Orleans, LA 70130. Phone (504) 523-7271. Cable
MECO. Telex: 058-377 or 460165.
Call MECO. You'll be talking to people who can get you what you need, not a com- pany that has to sell you what it's got.
Reverse Osmosis Unit
Waste Heat Recovery Unit
Circle 155 on Reader Service Card