Page 25: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 15, 1985)

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Western Cruise Lines

Names David Sparkuhl

Operations Manager

David John Sparkuhl has been named operations manager for

Western Cruise Lines, San Pedro,

Calif., it was recently announced by

Alex Currie, senior vice president and general manager.

In addition to being in charge of all technical and mechanical opera- tions of Western's Azure Seas, Mr.

Sparkuhl is also responsible for overseeing the annual drydocking of the ship. "This usually takes place in January," said Mr. Sparkuhl, "and the ship alternates every year between drydock and wet dock, the former being when she is literally taken out of the water. For the first time since her arrival on the West

Coast in 1980, she will only be in wet dock for one week in January 1986."

Mr. Sparkuhl joins Western from Todd Shipyards in San Pedro, where he was a shipyard supervisor.

Prior to joining Todd in 1982, he worked for four years as a marine engineer. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in naval ar- chitecture from New York State

Maritime College.

A&T Wins Navy Contract

For $2.8 Million

Analysis & Technology, Inc. (A&T) has been awarded a $2.8-mil- lion, 30-month contract from the

Naval Underwater Systems Center (NUSC) in New London, Conn. Un- der this contract, A&T will provide a broad range of technical support for NUSC sonar transducer pro- grams, principally those associated with the 688 Class submarines.

These transducers act as under- water loudspeakers and micro- phones in producing and detecting sound in water. A&T's work will involve preparing computer-assist- ed performance predictions, mili- tary specifications and repair manu- als, installation testing and mainte- nance, engineering failure analysis, and design evaluations.

Siemens Wins $800,000

Vessel Upgrading Contract —Literature Available

Siemens has been awarded an $800,000 contract by Sea-Land Ser- vice, Inc. of Menlo Park, N.J., for the upgrading of four of its vessels to unmanned machinery space.

The upgrading of each ship in- cludes replacing the existing moni- toring and alarm system with the new Siemens Simos 32, as well as establishing a central firefighting station. The majority of the work will be done at sea, avoiding the costly interruption of service.

The order was placed with the

Siemens-Allis Marine Department,

South Plainfield, N.J.

For further information on Siem- ens' products, services, etc.,

Circle 67 on Reader Service Card

October 15, 1985

Midland Affiliated Names

P.E. Hubbard Senior VP,

Sales And Marketing

Peter E. Hubbard

Eastern Gas and Fuel Associates announced recently that Peter E.

Hubbard has joined its subsidiary,

Midland Affiliated Company, as se- nior vice president, sales and mar- keting. Headquartered in Cincinna- ti, Midland is the largest barge oper- ator on the nation's inland water- ways, with revenues of $201 million in 1984.

Mr. Hubbard was formerly se- nior vice president, sales and ser- vice, for Flying Tiger Line, a leading air freight company. He began his business career as an operations analyst with Flying Tigers in 1968 and held a succession of senior financial, planning, general manage- ment and marketing positions with the company. A Princeton graduate (B.A. in economics, 1964), Mr.

Hubbard served for four years as a naval officer.

Eastern Gas and Fuel Associates is the Boston-based parent organi- zation of energy-related companies engaged in coal mining, marine transportation and natural gas dis- tribution. In 1984, revenues totaled $1.3 billion.

National Safety Council's

Marine Section Announces

Safety Convention Program

The marine section of the Nation- al Safety Council's Industrial Divi- sion has announced its program for the 73rd annual National Safety

Congress and Exposition, October 28-31, at New Orleans, La.

The sessions will be held on Mon- day and Tuesday, October 28 and 29, in the New Orleans Marriott.

Topics to be discussed include: • Labor-based chemical dependen- cy services • Preventive medicine at sea • Marine firefighting • Confined space/tank entry • Defensive driv- ing in a marine terminal • An anti- terrorist vessel security plan.

This marks the first time in 44 years the event has been held away from Chicago. The convention is ex- pected to attract more than 12,000 safety professionals from through- out the world. Nearly 150 educa- tional sessions on various health and safety topics will be held during the four-day program.

For registration and additional information, write to Congress

Planning, National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chica- go, II. 60611; or call (312) 527-4800.

Circle 330 on Reader Service Card

Trimble Navigation Integrates


LORAN-GPS 10X ammm

SB 0 0

The Navigation System of the Future is Here

Today in Trimble Navigation's LORAN-GPS 10X.

You don't have to decide between LORAN and GPS today. Invest in a Trimble LORAN Computer now and get the best in Loran performance. Upgrade to the LORAN-GPS 1 OX when you need to OR buy the I OX now and experience the continuously enhanced GPS performance capabilities as each new satellite is launched.

The combined LORAN-GPS 1 OX provides the mariner with the world's most precise positioning, velocity and time solutions for navigation compu- tations today Enroute times will be shortened. Fuel consumption will be reduced. Efficient use of all your resources will result.

The LORAN-GPS (Global Positioning System) 10X is comprised of one or more identical, but indepen- dent, two-line, 16 character LCD remote heads and a mainframe that houses both the GPS and LORAN sensors. The GPS sensor is a two channel, multi- plexed receiver providing position updates with typical accuracies of 25 meters or better and velocities accurate to 0.2 knots once per second.

The LORAN sensor provides automatic ASF correc- tions to achieve LAT/LON accuracies of 200 meters or better. DR position is calculated when neither system is available.

With three modes of operation, LORAN, GPS, and DR (and satnav if you choose to add the interface), you have worldwide, continuous coverage—GPS 6-8 hours per day presently, LORAN in most northern hemisphere locations plus the two Saudi Arabian chains, and DR in between.

The 10X represents the ultimate in navigation electronics.

Call 800 TRIMBLE for more information. iTlTRIMBLG

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.