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ais des Congres "Acropolis" will be fully occupied by about 100 exhib- itors from France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, the U.K., the U.S., and elsewhere, showing the latest advances in engineering for the handling, storage, and transpor- tation of liquefied gases. Many of the stands are part of government- sponsored or -aided group exhibits from several European nations—an indication of the importance of the exhibition and the quality of the

Conference delegates who are the principal visitors to the display ar- eas.

The opening session in the Gas- tech series is traditionally devoted to World Gas Supplies, and the 1985 meeting is no exception. It will, however, feature for the first time a round table panel discussion on the

LNG trades. The impressive gather- ing of speakers will include: R.A.

Al-Thani, chairman of the execu- tive technical committee responsi- ble for developing Qatar's giant

North Field; M.B. Hashim, man- aging director of Malaysia LNG

Sdn. Bhd.; Dr. J.R. McCabe, project coordinator for the North

West Shelf Project Coordination

Group, Melbourne, Australia; B.

Bramono, head of the gas market- ing bureau of Pertamina, Indonesia, the world's largest LNG exporter;

M.W.H. Peebles, director of plan- ning at Shell International Gas, and a well-known forecaster and market analyst in the business; and K. Sa- wamura, manager of Mitsubishi

Corporation's LNG project plan- ning team. The panel discussion will be chaired by Alexis Pastuhov, former president of Gazocean USA.

Session two of the Gastech series is traditionally devoted to LPG pro- duction and trade; this all-day meeting is widely regarded as the most important LPG gathering held anywhere. Attendance at this ses- sion has always been high; this year there is every likelihood that it will be particularly high, as the session is to be chaired by His Excellency Dr.

A.H. Taher, Governor of the Gen- eral Petroleum and Mineral Orga- nization, Petromin, Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Taher is no stranger to this chair at Gastech; he first led the

LPG session at the Gastech 79 meeting in Houston, when Saudi

Arabia first entered the LPG busi- ness on a very large scale. Since then there have been many fluctuations in the market and in LPG produc- tion, and all parties involved in the complex world of LPG take the opportunity offered by the Gastech meetings to attempt to bring some measure of stability to the market.

With Japan as the major buyer and an increasing number of pro- ducers anxious to conclude sales deals to make up for the restricted volumes now available from Saudi

Arabia (the result of Saudi adher- ence to OPEC's call for crude cut- backs), the LPG session at Gastech 85 should offer a clear message on where the market is heading in the next 12 months or so.

This year a new session has been introduced to the Gastech program.

Entitled Development of Frontier

Gas Fields: the Technological Chal- lenge, its aim is to bring together a

October 15, 1985 number of researchers who are look- ing beyond exploitation of the cur- rent proven gas reserves to the day when engineers will need to seek gas beneath the oceans at depths far beyond the present limits, and from

Arctic regions and other frontier areas that in the 21st century will have to be opened for hydrocarbon development.

Led by R. Kvamsdal of the

Kvaerner Group, Norway, this panel will include P. Fabiani, de- puty manager of advanced technolo- gy for Total Exploration-Produc- tion, Paris; Prof. K. Kokkinowra- chos, professor of ocean engineer- ing at the Technical University of

Hamburg-Harburg, and head of the

Ocean Engineering Division of the

Technical University of Aachen; S.

Yoshii, general director of the tech- nical Research Center of the Japan

National Oil Corporation, Tokyo; and J. English, special projects manager of Can-Dive Services Ltd.,

Vancouver, Canada.

Since 1976, the Gastech meetings have been held in two out of every three years. Beginning in 1986 in

Hamburg, the meetings will be held in every even year. The organizers believe that this biennial schedule will more readily meet the needs of both delegates and exhibitors, and provide the right "rhythm" for the industry.

Conference Program

Tuesday, November 12 2:00 pm—Official opening ceremo- ny: Welcome from Conference Di- rector followed by official opening address by Pierre Alby, president of Gaz de France.

Session One

World Gas Supplies

Chairman: E. Rerolle, vice presi- dent, Chantiers du Nord et de la

Mediterranee. 3:30 pm—"Marketing and the

Natural Gas Industry," by B.M.C.

Fogarty, Shell International Gas

Ltd., London. 4:00 pm—"Natural Gas: Which

Option for Developing Countries—

LNG or the Domestic Market?," by

J.P. Jonchere, Bureau d'Etudes

Industrielles et de Cooperation de l'lnstitut Francais du Petrole. 4:30 pm—"The LNG Trades:

Where are they Today and Where are they Going?" A panel discussion by representatives from producers and consumers.

Moderator: Alexis Pastuhov, president, AVP Corporation, New- bury Port, Mass.


R.A. Al-Thani, deputy managing director, Qatar General Petroleum


M.B. Hashim, managing director,

Malaysia LNG Sdn. Bhd.

J.R. McCabe, project coordinator,

North West Shelf Project Coordina- tion Group, Melbourne.

B. Bramono, head of Gas Market- ing Bureau, Pertamina, Indonesia.

M.W.H. Peebles, director of plan- ning and finance, Shell Internation- al Gas Ltd.

K. Sawamura, manager LNG

Project Planning Team, Mitsubishi

Corporation, Tokyo.

R. Price, director, International

Energy Organization & Policy De- velopment, U.S. Department of En- ergy.

Wednesday, November 13

Session Two

LPG Production and Trade

Note: This is an all-day session starting at 9:30 am; there will be a luncheon break 12:30-2:00 pm.

Chairman: H.E. Dr. A.H. Taher,

Governor, General Petroleum &

Mineral Organization, Petromin,

Saudi Arabia.

Moderator: S.M. Boushehri, Pot- en & Partners (UK) Ltd., London.

Speakers: "Production and Marketing Plans of LPG from the North Dome Proj- ect," by E. Al-Mutawa, acting head of Marketing & Transport De- partment, Qatar General Petroleum

Corporation. "The Changing Patterns of Gas Sea- borne Trades," by J. Bradley, managing director, P&O Gas Car- riers (UK) Ltd., London. "The Challenging Role for Interna- tional Traders," by R. Boudet, president, Geogas Enterprise S.A.,

Geneva. "The Future of LPG as Ethylene

Feedstock," by D. Butters, man- ager-feedstocks, supply and trading,

Imperial Chemicals Industries,

U.K. "The Evolution of LPG Supply and

Demand in Japan," by Y. Kanai, international LPG manager, Mitsu- bishi Corporation, Tokyo. "LPG Development in Indonesia," by Mr. Kartiyoso, deputy LNG coordinator and LPG coordinator,

Pertamina. "North Sea LPG Supply and Pric- ing Post-BNOC," by M.G. Peake, (continued)

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