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HydroComp Develops
Naval Engineering
Software Programs
As the competition increases in the marine design field, more and more engineers, naval architects and design firms are turning to micro- computers to develop a marketing edge. Computer-aided calculations are convenient, consistently accu- rate and fast. The only problem is finding the right software for each job.
HydroComp, Inc., based in Dur- ham, N.J., is one of the few firms in the country offering software pro- grams designed specifically for nav- al engineering applications. To meet the demand, Hydrocomp now offers
NAVCAD—naval architectural computer-aided design software.
HydroComp's programs take standard engineering calculations and package them into a format that is easy, consistent and extreme- ly fast to use. Programs are designed for use on the IBM PC or compati- ble systems. To aid infrequent users, the company has built auto- matic checks into NAVCAD and has included an extensive users' manu- al.
HydroComp recently rewrote three NAVCAD programs—POW-
ER, PROPS and PROPS PLUS—to make them easier to use.
A speed and powering program called POWER calculates vessel re- sistance and ehp. HydroComp used three well-known ship resistance re- gressions: the MARIN Regression for conventional displacement ves- sels, the Great Lakes Bulk Carrier
Regression for very full GLBC-type vessels and a Modified Stavitsky
Regression for planing hulls. The resistance calculations may be "op- timized" by using a modification which applies model test results of a "family-type" hull to empirically fair the coefficient of residuary re- sistance. All resistances and appro- priate coefficients, and ehps are printed to the screen and/or print- er.
Also included in the POWER pro- gram is an shp calculation which uses the vessel characteristics and ehp output. Additional propeller data is required. Using appropriate regression equations, propulsive coefficients are determined. Then the program performs an "off- design point" calculation to deter- mine propeller conditions and shaft power. The propeller evaluation is based on polynominalized data for
B-Series, Gawn-Burrill or Kaplan/
Nozzle propellers.
PROPS is a propeller program
HydroComp designed to analyze propulsion systems. This program evaluates a range of design or off- design points, for either free-run- ning or towing conditions for B-
Series, Gawn-Burrill or Kaplan/
Nozzle configurations. Various pro- peller characteristics are needed as well as hull and engine data for off- design point evaluation. "Complete system values are determined and printed onto the screen or printer,
November, 1985 showing thrusts, torques, horsepow- ers, propeller coefficients and cavi- tation data," Donald MacPher- son, naval architect/marine engi- neer and vice president of the firm, explained.
Going one step further, PROPS
PLUS includes all the calculations in PROPS, plus an optional prelimi- nary calculation to select the diame- ter, pitch, blade area ratio and reduction gear ratio of an optimal propeller. "We've redesigned these three programs so that a user can easily step through them without any sup- porting documentation, Mr. Mac-
Pherson said.
For further literature containing full information about these as well as additional NAVCAD programs from HydroComp, Inc.,
Circle 35 on Reader Service Card
Nineteen New Members
Elected To American
Bureau Of Shipping
Nineteen maritime executives from six countries were elected
Members of the American Bureau of
Shipping (ABS) at the semiannual meeting of the ship classification society held at ABS headquarters in
New York City on September 23, 1985. The new Members are:
Klaus Ahlers, chairman, Ho- waldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG,
Kiel, West Germany.
Ralph Anselmi, president, Tampa
Shipyards Inc., Tampa, Fla.
Marshall Ballard, general super- intendent, Penrod Drilling Com- pany, Dallas, Texas.
David F. Banks, senior vice presi- dent, Chase Manhattan Bank,
New York, N.Y.
James M. Barrett, deputy direc- tor—International Engineering,
AT&T Communications, Morris- town, N.J.
Curtis Brand, president, Mobil
Shipping & Transportation Co.,
New York, N.Y.
John C. Couch, president and chief operating officer, Matson
Navigation Co., San Francisco,
Arthur Engel, president and chief executive officer, Southwest Ma- rine, Inc., San Diego, Calif.
Conrad H.C. Everhard, chair- man and chief executive officer,
Seapac Services Incorporated,
New York, N.Y.
Michael J. Finlay, managing di- rector, South African Marine Cor- poration, Ltd., Cape Town, South
Christel M. George, assistant secretary, American Bureau of
Shipping, New York, N.Y.
Commodore J. William Kime,
United States Coast Guard,
Chief, Office of Merchant Marine
Safety, Washington, D.C.
Ambassador Manoel Pio Correa
Jr., president director, Ishikawa- jima do Brasil Estaleiros S.A., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Richard J. Quegan, assistant general manager—fleet planning,
Marine Department, Texaco Inc.,
White Plains, N.Y.
Pedro Sancho, president, Astille- ros Espanoles, S.A., Madrid,
Liselotte von Rantzau-Ess- berger, Reederei John T. Ess- berger, Hamburg, West Germa- ny.
Richard H. Vortmann, president and chief operating officer, Na- tional Steel and Shipbuilding
Company, San Diego, Calif.
Kenneth W. Waldorf, senior vice president, Zapata, Corp., Hous- ton, Texas.
William Y.N. Wei, chairman, Chi- na Shipbuilding Corporation,
Taipei, Taiwan.
The American Bureau of Ship- ping is a not-for-profit, nongovern- mental international classification society that establishes and admin- isters standards, called Rules, for the design, construction, and peri- odic survey of merchant ships, mo- bile offshore drilling units, and oth- er marine structures.
GE Awarded $T0.6-Million Order
For SLEP Of xKitty Hawk'
A $10,600,000 firm-fixed-price or- der was awarded to the General
Electric Company, Medium Steam
Turbine Division, Lynn, Mass., un- der a basic ordering agreement to furnish four high-pressure propul- sion turbines, ancillary parts and components, land associated techni- cal data for the Service Life Exten- sion Program (SLEP) of the USS
Kitty Hawk (CV-63).
The work will be performed in
Lynn, and is expected to be com- pleted in July 1987.
The contracting activity is the
Naval Regional Contracting Center,
Philadelphia, Pa. (N00140-83-G- 0196). The contract funds would not have expired at the end of the cur- rent fiscal year.
Vosper Wins
Cunard Contract
Shortly after the announcement that British Shipbuilders has agreed in principle to sell Vosper Ship- repairers Limited of Southhampton,
U.K., to a management buy-out team, the company announced that it has won a contract to repair a 28,104-dwt container vessel, Act 6, managed by Cunard Line.
Almerico Joins Moss Point
As Vice President
Vincent R. Almerico
Vincent R. Almerico Jr. has joined Moss Point Marine, Inc., as vice president, according to John
Dane III, president of the Esca- tawpa, Miss., shipbuilding compa- ny-
Prior to joining Moss Point Ma- rine, Mr. Almerico had been vice president of engineering and main- tenance for Zapata Gulf Marine
Corp., Houston, Texas. He was re- sponsible for the technical support for the operation of 304 vessels, one of the largest civilian fleets in the world. He also supervised new vessel construction and conversion and modification programs and man- aged a staff of naval architects, ma- rine engineers and inspectors. While at Zapata Gulf, he also participated in proposals and programs for the
U.S. Navy.
Mr. Dane said that Mr. Almeri- co's immediate responsibilities will be to manage all aspects of Moss
Point Marine's new LCU (landing craft utility) contract with the
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