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Sperry's New Satellite Communicator

Granted Unrestricted Type Approval —Literature Available

Sperry Corporation's Aerospace & Marine Group's new Satellite

Communicator has been granted unrestricted type approval by IN-

MARSAT, following extensive qual- ification testing as a Standard A,

Class I Ship Earth Station.

The Sperry Satellite Communica- tor meets the SATCOM require- ments of a wide range of vessels from pleasure craft, fishing boats, offshore oil industry support ves- sels, to oceangoing ships of all types.

Features include a new, compact, lightweight antenna, below decks equipment offering sophisticated interface options, operator-friendly operations, and space-saving com- pactness.

Operator/terminal interface is based on simplicity. A step-by-step menu-driven system guides even the beginner through all operating pro- cedures. Because the operator's con- sole of the Satellite Communicator functions as an easy-to-use word processor, telex messages can be drafted and reviewed easily before transmission.

Optional features include: remote indicators to alert shipboard per- sonnel to incoming traffic and sys- tem status; automatic position poll- ing, which allows a shore authority



The Choice is Markey

Wilmington Transportation co.'s newest tug the 95'"PHILIP W." joins the fleet in handling many ships in these harbors. Once again Wilmington selects Markey deck machinery to give the tug the capability of working her chores more efficiently. Her Hydraulic stern Capstan and Gypsy Bitt Windlass are "MARKEY." How about yours?


P.O. Box 24788, Seattle, Wash. 98124 79 S. Horton St., Seattle, Wash. 98134

Ph. 206-622-4697 "REPRESENTED BY

H.J./ WICKERT & CO . INC.. 1550 Burke St - Unit D

San Francisco. Ca 94124 • Ph. 415-647-3500

J.H. MENGE CO.. INC.. P.O. Box 23602

New Orleans. La 70183 • Ph. 504-733-4871 .J.H MENGE CO.. INC.. 1011 World Trade Bldg 1520 Texas Ave . Houston. Tx. 77002 • 713-224-9750 to interrogate the system for an up- to-date position report without operator intervention; dual-voice in- terface to facsimile equipment, computer modems, remote tele- phones, and PABX; high-speed data transmission; and control unit work space memory expansion.

Sperry offers an optional rugged- ized personal computer with the

Satellite Communicator. This per- mits cost-effective traffic and data transmission at 1200, 2400, or 9600 baud over satellite voice channels, and accommodates more econom- ical electronic mail. The Satellite

Communicator assures more effi- cient and effective fleet manage- ment through reliable, instanta- neous, and secure communications between ship and shore.

The Aerospace & Marine Group of Sperry Corporation manufac- tures a full line of high technology marine products including gyrocom- passes, autopilots, radar, automatic radar plotting aids (CAS), steering systems, stabilization systems, and navigation aids. Products are dis- tributed and supported through an extensive worldwide network.

For further literature containing full information on Sperry prod- ucts,

Circle 18 on Reader Service Card

Raytheon Introduces

New Commercial 'IMO'

Recording Echo Sounder

Raytheon Marine Company has introduced a new commercial chart- recording echo sounder with per- formance features meeting and ex- ceeding IMO depth indicator re- quirements for ships traveling in international waters.

The Raytheon RD-500 Echo

Sounder records and prints depth in six ranges from zero to 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 feet, meters, or fathoms. Time and event marks can also be printed on the chart. Digital display of depth is provided by three-digit LCD on the front control panel. An audible depth alarm indi- cator, with buzzer reset, is presetta- ble from one to 999 feet, meters, or fathoms, to warn of shallow condi- tions.

The chart, LCD, and front panel




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Circle 331 on Reader Service Card Circle 212 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.