Page 22: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1987)
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Crowley Maritime Selling
Columbia Marine Lines
To Tidewater Barge
Crowley Maritime Corporation,
San Francisco, Calif., has entered into a contract to sell its Columbia
Marine Lines to Tidewater Barge
Lines (Tidewater), Vancouver,
Wash. Tidewater is the largest tow- boat entity operating on the Colum- bia River, with a fleet consisting of over 70 barges and 14 tugs.
Interest In Multi-Passenger
Tourist Submersibles
Continues At Strong Pace
Interest in multi-passenger sub- mersibles, primarily for the tourist trade, continues at the strong pace of 1986, when several were classed.
So far in 1987, ABS has received eight requests for classification for tourist-type submarines from build- ers in five countries. Most of the vessels will be made of steel, but two of the ones currently proposed will be constructed of acrylic plastic.
Operating depth of the eight sub- mersibles range from 150 to 2,500 feet, with passenger capacities rang- ing from 28 to 50. With these re- quests for classification come in- quiries worldwide from designers of tourist submersibles.
Special Docks for the NAVY
MarAd Announces
Availability Of Report
The Maritime Administration has announced the availability of the following report: "Navigation/Communications
Program for Inland Waterways,
Volume II: Requirements Defini- tions Statement," prepared by
Transportation Systems Center,
Cambridge, Mass.
This, the second volume in a series of studies, attempts to define the accuracy and control require- ments for navigation and associated communications in restricted inland waterways. The overall program ob- jective is to determine how inland waterway navigation can be more productive and still be safe in times of darkness or adverse weather con- ditions. The use of developing elec- tronic systems to supplement the existing visual navigation aids are evaluated.
The report may be obtained from the National Technical Information
Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,
Springfield, Va. 22161. The order number is PB88-107024/AS; the price $24.95.
GHH floating drydocks have been used for the maintenance and repair of commercial and naval ships for more than 100 years, but requirements have changed and today
MAN GHH also engineers and designs special-purpose floating drydocks suitable for modern Navy ships and meeting their very complex requirements.
High-lift special bilge blocks safely take care of the ship's hull; the propeller, rudder, stabilizers and the sonar dome are accommodated for easy access so that the overhaul of these high-power vessels in a minimum of time does not present any problems.
Convincing Technology
MAN GHH Corporation 50 Broadway - 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Phone 212/509 4545
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Circle 114 on Reader Service Card
Bennex Reports Early
Success For New
Lightweight Oil Booms
From the kick-off meeting right through to commissioning, trial-docking and delivery of the dock, your partners are highly experienced MAN GHH engineers.
The new NOAS-series range of lightweight oil pollution control booms from Bennex A/S of Bergen,
Norway, has met early success in the market with 5,000 meters already ordered for 1987 delivery.
Orders valued in excess of 10 mil- lion NOK (about $16,500,000) for the new booms, which are rated for harbor, coastal and offshore use, have included deliveries to Statoil for use at the Mongstad terminal, to
Norsk Hydro for deployment from the stand-by vessel Far Scout on the
Oseberg field and to Italy as part of the country's contingency plan for high seas oil pollution control.
Bennex says the NOAS-series oil booms are easier to handle than conventional designs because of their lightweight, flexible design and unique configuration which fea- tures new floatation chambers in airtight PVC-coated polyester.
The NOAS 1000-series oil boom range comprises five different mod- el designs from the 300X for harbor use in wave heights of up to 1 meter to the 1000 N for offshore applica- tions in 6 meter seas and heavy winds up to force 8.
For full details on these deliveries and the Bennex NOAS 1000-series oil pollution control booms,
Circle 35 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News