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be completed October 1, 1989. The Naval
Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-87-C- 5020).
September 18
Litton Systems Incorporated, Electron
Devices Division, San Carlos, Calif., is being awarded a $3,665,000 order against a basic ordering agreement to furnish 19 electron traveling wave tubes of one frequency and 30 electron traveling wave tubes of a differ- ent frequency in support of the SLQ-17 radar system. Work will be performed in San
Carlos and is expected to be completed in
July 1988. The Navy Ships Parts Control
Center, Mechanicsburg, Pa., is the con- tracting activity (F040606-87-G-0137).
Westinghouse Corporation, Oceanic Divi- sion, Bala Cynwyd, Pa., is being awarded a $6,178,587 delivery order against a basic ordering agreement for 15 line items to sup- port and repair the AN/AQS-14-AMCM minesweeping system for shipboard use.
Work will be performed in Annapolis, Md. and is expected to be completed in October 1988. The Navy Ships Parts Control Center,
Mechanicsburg, Pa., is the contracting ac- tivity (N00104-85-G-A090).
Dohrman Machine Products Incorpo- rated, Emerson, Neb., is being awarded a $4,187,736 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-fee contract for two ad- ditional modular cargo delivery systems.
Work will be performed in Emerson and is expected to be completed in November 1988. The Naval Sea Systems Command,
Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-87-C-2084).
USMMA Will Dedicate
New Alumni Facility
A new administrative operations center for the U.S. Merchant Ma- rine Academy (USMMA) Alumni
Association was recently dedicated to honor the benificence of James
A. Babson of Winnetka, 111., and his mother, Ethel N. Babson, now deceased.
Mr. Babson, a 1944 Academy graduate, and his mother have been longtime supporters of the USMMA
Alumni Foundation, which is dedi- cated to underwriting programs that enhance the educational and recrea- tional life of Academy midshipmen and which are not federally funded.
The Babson Alumni Center will be a new facility for the administra- tive operations of the Alumni Asso- ciation of the federal school. It will be located on the Academy's cam- pus in Kings Point, Long Island,
Bender Awarded $6.4-Million Contract
For MSC Ship Overhaul
Bender Shipbuilding and Repair
Company, Mobile, Ala., was recent- ly awarded a $6,428,920 firm-fixed- price contract for the drydocking and overhaul of the U.S.N.S. Sirius, a Military Sealift Command combat stores ship. The work is being per- formed in Mobile and is expected to be completed in February 1988.
New Company To Furnish
U.S. Navy Hardware —Literature Available
HMS Marine Hardware, Inc. has been formed for the specific purpose of providing certified hardware for the needs of U.S. Navy new ship construction, ship overhaul, and habitability requirements.
HMS Marine Hardware offers
U.S. Navy specification heavy-duty joiner door locksets, latchsets, hinges, closers, holdback hook and bumpers, plus sanitary space hard- ware including watercloset hinges, coat hook and bumpers, latch and keepers etc.
These hardware items are fur- nished with the proper applicable certifications as required by NavSea drawings and specifications. These certifications require these hard- ware products to be in accordance with specific military and federal documents.
For more information and free lit- erature on HMS Marine Hardware,
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Circle 312 on Reader Service Card
December, 1987 47