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Aegis Missile Cruiser 'Leyte Gulf/
II 00th GE-Powered U.S. Navy Ship,
Delivered By Ingalls Shipbuilding
The USS Leyte Gulf, a Ticonde- roga (CG 47) class Aegis guided mis- sile cruiser, and the 100th U.S. Navy ship powered by GE LM2500 en- gines, was recently signed over to the U.S. Navy by Ingalls Shipbuild- ing Division of Litton. The USS
Leyte Gulf will be part of the Navy's seventh fleet and will operate out of
Mayport, Fla.
Admiral Metcalf, Deputy of
Naval Operations for Surface War- fare, described the USS Leyte Gulf as "pound for pound, the most po- tent warship afloat."
The cruiser is equipped with the most sophisticated radar and weap- on systems available, including the
Aegis radar detection, tracing, and fire control system.
Powered by four LM2500s, the
USS Leyte Gulf is capable of speeds in excess of 30 knots.
The LM2500 has been selected by the U.S. Navy and 16 other navies around the world for applications including patrol hydrofoil missile- ships, guided missile frigates,
Spruance (DDG 963) and Kidd (DDG 993) class destroyers, and the new Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) class
Aegis destroyers.
On-shore applications for the
LM2500 include electrical power generation, cogeneration, electrical drives, and gas and oil pipeline transmission. More than 800
LM2500s have been sold or ordered for marine and industrial applica- tions around the world.
For more information and free lit- erature on the GE LM2500,
Circle 17 on Reader Service Card
Ingalls photo
Coast Guard To Change
Vessel Drydock Rules
According to a recent report, the
U.S. Coast Guard will extend the intervals between which shipowners are required to put their vessels into drydock for tail shaft examinations.
The change would result in a reduc- tion in costs to the maritime indus- try.
The Coast Guards stated that the changes would bring their require- ments into closer accord with the regulations of classification societies and those being considered for adoption internationally.
The Coast Guard has requested that comments on possible further revisions on the new "interim final rules" should be submitted prior to
January 21.
New Amendment
May Help U.S. Yards development of ship design policies and procedures documentation.
Prior to that, he worked as the act- ing director, Naval Architecture
Sub-Group and as the director,
Weight Division, where he super- vised preparation and evaluation of weight estimates, formulated weight control policy and weight engineer- ing criteria, and sponsored research and technology tasks associated with weight engineering.
Victor R. Burnett Jr. has been appointed to the position of naval architect. He will be directly respon- sible for the development of docu- mentation defining ship design pro- cess policy and procedures. He has over 34 years' experience in the ship design and specification field at
NavSea with his most recent posi- tion being director, Engineering
Standards Sub-Group responsible for the development of ship and equipment specifications and stan- dards as well as data management.
Navy Reports
Stark Repair To Cost $142 Million
Damage to the frigate USS Stark (FFG-31), hit by an Iraqi Exocet missile while on partrol in the Per- sian Gulf last summer, was esti- mated by the Navy to be as much as $142 million.
Litton Industries' Ingalls Ship- building, Pascagoula, Miss., was awarded a first-phase repair con- tract worth $12,336,102.
The Navy expects the repairs to be completed in August 1988.
Rockwell Wins Navy
Communications Contract
Rockwell International Corpora- tion's Collins Defense Communica- tons has been awarded a $24.1-mil- lion contract to produce its AN/
ARC-182 UHF/VHF radio systems for the U.S. Navy.
Designed for use aboard Navy tactical aircraft, the AN/ARC-182 combines the communications capa- bilities of four radios to completely integrate communications for close air support, air traffic control, mili- tary/NATO forces, and maritime operations.
Portland Yard Wins
LSD Overhaul Contract
Worth $15.8 Million
Northwest Marine Iron Works
Co., Portland, Ore., was the lowest bidder, $15.8 million, in the compe- tition for the overhaul of the amphi- bious dock landing ship Anchorage (LSD-36).
The Senate has unanimously agreed to pass an amendment to the fiscal 1988 Defense Authorization
Bill, which would allow the Navy to enter into long-term U.S.-built tanker charters and which may help increase business for U.S. ship- yards.
The amendment, which was in- troduced by Sen. Peter Wilson (Calif.-R), would allow the Navy to charter tankers for a longer period of time than the present 18-month maximum. The increase in the char- ter time would create the opportu- nity for a "build-and-charter-type" program. "The private sector will build, the taxpayers will lease," said Senator
Wilson. "It is a very good arrange- ment for both."
Furthermore, Senator Wilson noted that short-term contracts, which were imposed in the late sev- enties, ranged between about $6 million to $11 million per ship, whereas long-term charters for the same vessels would be only about $2 million apiece.
JJH Inc. Announces
Key Personnel Additions
Daniel Weiler, vice president and general manager of JJH Inc.'s
Washington office, a leading naval engineering firm located in Crystal
City, Va., has announced the addi- tion of several key people to his staff.
Robert J. Riggins has been ap- pointed to the position of head of ship design and fleet support. Be- fore joining JJH Inc., he was the ship design director for NavSea, where he performed and directed design work for submarines, surface ships, aircraft carriers, amphibious ships, hydrofoils and surface effect craft for the past 28 years. His tech- nical specialties include design of deck systems, hydraulic power sys- tems, ship hydrodynamics and aero- dynamics, and ship motions.
Erwin K. Straubinger has been appointed to the position of senior project engineer. He recently supported the Naval Sea Systems
Command Ship Design Group in the
Norshipco Completes
Gopher State Conversion —Naming Ceremony Held
The SS Gopher State (T-ACS 4) was recently named at a ceremony at Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock
Corp.'s Berkley Plant in Norfolk,
Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock
Corp. (Norshipco) converted the 610-foot ship, previously called the
Export Leader, from a container ship to an auxiliary crane ship under a contract from the U.S. Maritime
Administration for the Department of the Navy. The Gopher State, part of the Reserve Fleet anchorage in the James River near Fort Eustis, will be operated by the U.S. Navy's
Military Sealift Command.
For free literature on the ship- building and ship-repairing services of Norshipco,
Circle 79 on Reader Service Card
George G. Sharp Awarded $4.8-Million Contract
The Maritime Administration has awarded a contract valued at up to $483,862 to George G. Sharp, Inc., 100 Church St., New York, N.Y., to provide technical marine support services during the conversion of two National Defense Reserve Fleet containerships into U.S. Navy Aux- iliary Crane Ships (T-ACS 7-8).
A contract was awarded in Sep- tember to Tampa Shipyards, Inc.,
Tampa, Fla., for conversion of the President Truman and American
George G. Sharp, Inc., will assist
Mar Ad's construction representa- tive at the shipyard by providing the services of a logistic support inspec- tor, hull inspector, electrical in- spector, machinery inspector, logis- tics support clerk and office man- ager/coordinator, for a period of up to 16 months.
When converted, the vessels will become part of the Ready Reserve
Force maintained by MarAd and funded by the Navy. 48 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News