Page 38: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1987)
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The Princeton, recently christened at Ingalls Shipbuilding, ered by four GE gas turbine engines.
Pascagoula, Miss., will be pow-
Ingalls Shipbuilding Photo
Ingalls Christens 11th Aegis
Guided Missile Cruiser For Navy
CG-59 Named 'Princeton'
The 11th in a series of 15 Aegis guided missile cruisers under con- tract to Ingalls Shipbuilding Divi- sion of Litton Industries was recent- ly christened Princeton (CG-59) at ceremonies at the Pascagoula, Miss., shipyard.
The principal speaker at the cere- mony was the Honorable Jim
Courter, U.S. Representative from
New Jersey's 12th Congressional
District and a member of the House
Armed Services Committee. Mrs.
Warren William Bradley, moth- er of New Jersey Senator Bill
Bradley, was the ship's sponsor.
The Princeton is 567 feet long, with a beam of 55 feet, and displaces 9,500 tons. She is powered by four
GE gas turbine engines, which pow- er the cruiser to speeds of more than 30 knots.
The Princeton is equipped with
Equipment List
Propulsion gas turbines GE
Main reduction gears . .Westinghouse
Ship service generators . . Stewart & Stevenson
Propellers Bird-Johnso
Ship control systems Litton
AN/SQS 53A & AN/SQR 19 sonars GE
Shaft bearings American Metal
Waste heat boiler . . . Combustion Engineering
Switchboards & power and lighting panels Nelson Electric 400 Hz power supply ALS
Radio equipment, damage control & fuel control consoles .... Litton
Aegis fire control system, AN/SPY 1A radar transmitter & SPS 49 radar system Raytheon
Advanced marine cable . . . Raychem
Steering gear Jered Brown
Electrical connectors SAE
Gauges Weksler Instruments
Electrical backshells Sunbank
Electrical symbol items . . . Henschel
Electrical cable Collyer
Distilling plants Aqua-Chem
F/O&L/O pumps . . Warren Pumps
Refrigeration & A/C York
Aegis seawater pump, freshwater pumps & GTG seawater pumps Carver
Duplex strainers CM Bailey
Control valves Cla Val
Globe valves Hunt Energy
Bronze gate & glove valves, deck drains & scuppers .... Pima
Bronze gate & glove valves, deck drains & scuppers . . . Liberty
Low pressure air Worthington
Silbrazed union end valves & buships type bronze valves Milwaukee
Ventilation fans, turbine cool- ing fans & generator cooling fans Joy Manufacturing
Fan coil assemblies Nuclear Cooling
Generator ducts & mixing tubes . TRE
House & hose fittings .... Aeroquip
Commissary equipment ... HE Green
Welding electrodes & weld- ing wire Airco
Welding electrodes Teledyne
Steel plate US Steel
Steel plate Armco and Capt. Michael G. Simpson,
USN, Supervisor of Shipbuilding,
Conversion and Repair, Pascagoula.
John Wright Coker Jr., minister of the First Presbyterian Church in
Pascagoula, delivered the invoca- tion.
For free literature on the ship- building and ship-repairing facili- ties of Ingalls Shipbuilding,
Circle 21 on Reader Service Card
Selectro Guide Offered
Free By Miller Electric
A new edition of the Arc Welding
Equipment Selector Guide covers a wide rage of power sources, control/ feeders, guns and welding systems and is free from Miller Electric Mfg.
All models are arranged in a sim- plified chart arrangement enabling the user to easily locate equipment best suited to the welding process desired: SMAW (stick), GTAW (TIG), GMAW (MIG) spray trans- fer, GMAW (MIG) short circuit,
FCAW flux cored, SAW submerged arc, ACA air carbon arc, and SW stud welding.
There are 63 different DC, AC, and AC/DC power sources listed with recommended processes and individual machine ratings for each.
Seventeen models of engine driven welding generators are charted with processes, ratings, KVA figures and type of fuel for each machine. Seven models of resistance spot welders, two models of air plasma cutters are included.
Eleven models of control/feeders are given with wire sizes and types for each. Four wire feeder guns and 12 semiautomatic welding guns are described with amp ratings and duty cycles.
For more information and a free copy of the Selector Guide from
Miller Electric,
Circle 30 on Reader Service Card the MK 41 vertical launching sys- tem, a multiwarfare missile launch- ing system, capable of firing a mix of missiles against airborne, surface and underwater threats, greatly ex- tending the ship's combat flexibili- ty.
Other principals at the christen- ing ceremonies included: Mrs.
Hardeman Bond, sister of the sponsor, who served as the Matron of Honor; Ms. Marina Gentilini, a member of Senator Bradley's staff, served as Maid of Honor. Oth- er participants included: Vice Adm.
Joseph Metcalf III, USN, Depu- ty Chief of Naval Operations for
Rear Adm. James B. Greene Jr.,
USN, Aegis Shipbuilding Program
Manager, Naval Sea Systems Com- mand; Jerry St. Pe, senior vice president of Litton and president of the Ingalls Shipbuilding Division;
MonArk's new 26-foot survey boat is powered by two Outboard Marine Corp. "sea drives" rated each at 155 hp, yielding a top speed of approximately 32 knots.
MonArk Delivers Survey Boat
To Corps Of Engineers
The U.S. Army Corps of Engi- neers in Rock Island 111., recently took delivery of a new 26-foot sur- vey boat designed and built by
MonArk Boat Company's Workboat
Division in Monticello, Ark.
The 26-footer is an all-aluminum vessel which will be used primarily for channel reconnaissance and hy- drographic survey of the Mississippi
River ship channel between Lock
No. 22 at Saverton, Missouri and
Lock No. 10 at Guttenberg, Iowa.
The boat features a cathedral plan- ing hull and is powered by two Out- board Marine Corp. (OMC) "sea drives" rated each at 155 horsepow- er yielding a top speed of approxi- mately 32 knots.
In selecting the design for their new boat, the Corps of Engineers was primarily concerned with the need for a spacious enclosed cabin to house and operate the state-of- the-art survey equipment which was installed by the customer.
The large enclosed cabin, offered as a standard with the MonArk 2610-C, allowed for installation of formica work counters port and starboard, storage compartments, and an enclosed toilet.
For support during survey opera- tions, the 26-footer is equipped with two 5-kw generators, 13,500-BTU air conditioner, depth sounder, cab- in insulation, A/C and D/C electri- cal receptacles, and stowage com- partments.
Total fuel capacity of 150 gallons allows for extended survey opera- tions on the Mississippi without in- terruption for refueling.
For more information and free lit- erature on MonArk Boat,
Circle 12 on Reader Service Card
Propulsion OMC
Steering (hydraulic) Teleflex
Depth Finder . . . Lowrance
Controls Morse
Bilge Pump .... Rule
Air Conditioner . . . . . . Duo Therm
Generators .... Honda
Wipers . American Bosch
Ship to Shore . . . Marinco
Horn AFI
Fendering . Johnson Rubber
Seating Wise
Navigation Lights . . . .Aqua Signal
Searchlight .... Jabsco 50 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News