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Principals at the christening ceremony included (First row, L to R): Mrs. Paul A. Schneider, and Paul A. Schneider, Executive Director, Amphibious, Auxiliary, Mine and Sealift Ships
Directorate, NAVSEA; Mrs. Paul D. Hurst; E.L. Gibson; Congresswoman Lindy Boggs (La.); flower girl Linde Miears; Mrs. Walter C. Diehl, sponsor of the ship; Ms. Mary E. Kreppel, matron of honor; Walter C. Diehl; and Mrs. Peter J. Rots. (Second row, L to R): Capt. W.C.
Pfister, Program Manager, NAVSEA; Capt. E.L. Gibson, USN Commander, Fast Sealift
Squadron One, New Orleans; Capt Paul D. Hurst, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, New Orleans; John A. Pendergrass, Ass't Secretary for Occupational Safety &
Health, U.S. Dep't of Labor; Mrs. John A. Pendergrass; Richard F. Brunner, executive VP and COO, Avondale Industries, Inc.; and Rear Adm. Peter J. Rots, Commander, Eighth Coast
Guard District. and mission reliability under com- bat conditions.
The mission of the Walter S.
Diehl, as well as her sister ships of the T-AO-187 Class, is the transpor- tation of bulk products from sbore depots to combatants and support forces under way. The oilers also deliver limited fleet freight, cargo, water, mail and personnel.
Cargo-underway-replenishment is accomplished using transfer rigs with transfer hoses suspended by a span wire that is automatically maintained in a constant tension range. The T-AO 187 Class vessels are also capable of refueling helicop- ters from a vertical-replenishment facility aft of the accommodation house.
For free literature on the ship- building and ship-repairing facili- ties and services of Avondale,
Circle 20 on Reader Service Card
MAN GHH Obtains
ASME Certificates
MAN GHH has been qualified by the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) for the construc- tion of nuclear components in the primary loop (N Stamp), erection of primary loop components (NA
Stamp), and manufacture of prima- ry-loop items (NPT Stamp).
MAN GHH is now qualified in all countries of the world to manufac- ture, erect, and repair complete nu- clear components and component items according to the ASME Code, and is fully geared and qualified to build pressure vessels according to the ASME Code for both the con- ventional and nuclear sectors.
For more information and free lit- erature from MAN GHH,
Circle 57 on Reader Service Card
Avondale Christens Fleet Oiler
Walter S. Diehl For U.S. Navy —Free Literature Offered—
The Walter S. Diehl, T-AO-193, the fifth in a series of seven fleet oilers under construction at Avon- dale Industries' Shipyards Division,
Avondale, La., for the U.S. Navy, was recently christened. She is scheduled for delivery to the Navy in 1988.
The principal speaker at the christening ceremony was the Hon- orable Lindy Boggs, U.S. Repre- sentative, 2nd Congressional Dis- trict, Louisiana. Mrs. Walter C.
Diehl, daughter-in-law of the ship's namesake, served as the ship's spon- sor.
The welcoming address was deliv- ered by Richard F. Brunner, ex- ecutive vice president and chief operating officer, Avondale Indus- tries, Inc. Capt. Paul D. Hurst,
USN, Supervisor of Shipbuilding,
Conversion and Repair, New Or- leans, introduced the special guests in attendance.
Other speakers at the christening were: the Honorable John A. Pen- dergrass, Assistant Secretary of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), U.S. De- partment of Labor; Paul A.
Schneider, Executive Director,
Amphibious, Auxiliary, Mine and
Sealift Ships Directorate, Naval Sea
Systems Command; and Capt. E.L.
Gibson, USN, Commander, Fast
Sealift Squadron One, New Or- leans.
Other christening participants in- cluded: Mrs. Mary E. Kreppel, who served as the Matron of Honor; flower girl Lundie Miears, daugh- ter of an Avondale employee; and
Lt. Michael P. Garvey, Chaplain
Corps, USN Reserve, delivered the invocation.
The Walter S. Diehl is 667V2 feet long, 97 V2 feet wide and has a maxi- mum draft of 36 feet. She is pow-
December, 1987 •^-^Ofct -5 *»*• *. * s \
The Navy fleet oiler Walter S. Diehl (T-AO- 193) was recently christened at ceremonies held at Avondale Shipyards Division in Avon- dale, La. She is powered by two medium- speed. 10-cylinder PC4.2 Colt-Pielstick die- sel engines. ered by twin 10-cylinder, medium- speed PC4.2 Colt-Pielstick diesel engines, which produce 16,300 hp each. She will have a service speed of 20 knots. The oiler's twin-screw propeller design provides improved directional stability, ease of control
Avondale Constructing
Steel Box Girders
To Diversify Operations
Avondale Shipyards, Inc., New
Orleans, La., in an effort to diversify its operations, has negotiated a con- tract to construct steel box girders for a new bridge in Denver, Colo.
MarAd Awards B&A Marine $3.5-Million Contract
The Maritime Administration has awarded a $3,474,555 contract to
B&A Marine Co., Inc., 75 Hunting- ton St., New York, N.Y., for mainte- nance and repair work and sealift enhancements to Ready Reserve
Force (RRF) cargo vessel Cape
The maintenance and repair work includes drydocking, sandblasting and painting. Sealift enhancements include the installation of a helicop- ter deck. The work is expected to be completed in approximately three months.
The RRF consists of National De- fense Reserve Fleet vessels capable of being activated for sealift opera- tions on five to ten days' notice. It is a joint program of MarAd and the
U.S. Navy. Funding for the contract is being provided by the Navy.
ASNE To Present Annual
Awards At Centennial
Celebration In May 1988
The American Society of Naval
Engineers (ASNE) recognizes out- standing members of the naval engi- neering community through its an- nual awards program. These awards will be presented at the Society's annual meeting in Washington,
D.C., the first week of May, which will mark ASNE's centennial cele- bration.
Each year consideration is given to the following awards: Gold Me- dal Award, given to an individual who has made a most significant engineering contribution either through personal effort or through the direction of others during the past five years; Solberg Award, presented to an individual who has made a most significant contribu- tion to naval engineering through personal research during the past three years; Harold E. Saunders
Award, presented to an individual whose reputation in naval engineer- ing spans a long career of notable achievement and influence; and the
Claud A. Jones award, presented to an individual who has made sig- nificant contributions to improving operational engineering or material readiness to maritime defense forces during the past three years. yst
Marine Sanitation Devices
Navy & Military Sea Lift Command
Demand the Leaders from Red Fox
Now, it's no longer a military secret! For over 15 years the unequaled dependability of Red Fox units have been in service World Wide. Chlorination or
Ultraviolet. From 2 to 600 man crews. IMO, USCG,
Dutch Bureau of Mines Certification.
Circle 230 on Reader Service Card 51