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Sonat Offshore And
A/S Smedvig Drilling
Form Joint Venture
Sonat Offshore Drilling Inc. an- nounced recently that it has agreed in principle with A/S Smedvig Drill- ing Company to form a joint venture to own and operate the two semi- submersible drilling rigs Henry
Goodrich and West Vanguard. Son- at Offshore and Smedvig will each have a 50 percent ownership inter- est in the joint venture, with Smed- vig contributing an undisclosed amount of cash in addition to its
West Vanguard for its 50 percent interest and Sonat Offshore contrib- uting the Henry Goodrich for its 50 percent interest.
Offshore Marine Service
Association Meets
In New Orleans
The third quarterly business meeting for 1987 of the Offshore
Marine Service Association (OMSA) was held recently at the
Doubletree Hotel in New Orleans,
Congressman Billy Tauzin (Louisiana), chairman of the Outer
Continental Shelf Subcommittee of the Merchant Marine & Fisheries
Committee, discussed possible methods of stimulating gas explora- tion and drilling activity to help revitalize the economy.
Also included was an executive session of the board of directors, fol- lowed by a joint meeting of the board and general membership.
BIW Announces
Major Reorganization
Duane Fitzgerald
A major reorganization is being implemented at Bath Iron Works
Corporation that will strengthen the overall management team and pro- vide a framework required to opti- mize the business's performance and growth, according to William
E. Haggett, chairman and chief executive officer.
In the new organizational struc- ture Duane (Buzz) Fitzgerald, a veteran Bath attorney and shipyard counsel, will fill the newly created executive vice president post, re- porting to the chairman.
Reflecting the major realignment of functions and business objectives was assignment of responsibilities to four senior vice presidents who will
December, 1987 5 report to the executive vice presi- dent: Royce A. Young Jr., Port- land; Steven G. Buttner, opera- tions; Howard J. Yates, finance and administration; and James M.
Blenkhorn, business development.
Mr. Young and Mr. Blenkhorn have been senior vice presidents, with Mr. Buttner and Mr. Yates, promoted into positions of added responsibilities.
In addition to the elevation of Mr.
Buttner and Mr. Yates to senior vice presidents, those promoted to vice president were: Harland D.
Hatch, from production manager to vice president of production; Ke- vin P. Gildart from director of materials to vice president of hu- man resources; Jerry L. Steiner from director of strategic planning to vice president of materials;
Thomas S. York from facilities director to vice president of facili- ties engineering; Peter E. Jaquith from director of process control sys-
Circle 230 on Reader Service Card tems to vice president of engineer- ing.
William D. Potter moves from vice president of engineering to vice president of technology transfer programs, Jan R. Erikson contin- ues as vice president of lead yard services, as does Lennart M.
Thorell, vice president of interna- tional marketing, William E. Gra- ham, vice president of contracts, and Denis K. Dugan, vice presi- dent of management systems.
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