Page 64: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1987)
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The Cajun Queen, a 600-passen- ger dinner-cruise vessel, has been delivered by Halter Marine, Inc. of
New Orleans, La., to New Orleans
Paddlewheels, Inc.
The 140-foot by 36-foot vessel is now carrying visitors from its Mis- sissippi River berth, at the River- walk in New Orleans, on narrated cruises of the bayous, canals, and locks south of the city. Along the way, passengers can sample Cajun cuisine specialties, watch a film highlighting Louisiana's Cajun cul- ture and surrounding wildlife, and see live alligators on board.
The vessel features three decks with enclosed air-conditioned rooms for viewing and private parties and an open promenade deck. Included are Victorian chandeliers, ceiling fans, pressed tin ceilings, bars, bandstands and dance floors food service equipment, and a sophisti- cated audio visual system for educa- tional and professional programs.
The Cajun Queen was designed by
Guarino and Cox Inc. of New Or- leans to resemble steamers of the late 1800s. Her 4.5-foot draft per- mits navigation in the area's shallow waterways and her two Caterpillar 3408 diesel engines enable the ex- tensive tour to be completed in about five hours.
Halter Marine also built the Ca- jun Queen's "big sister," the Creole
Queen, which was delivered in 1984 and now carries passengers on tours of the Port of New Orleans.
For free literature giving com- plete details on Halter Marine,
Circle 11 on Reader Service Card
Mackay Announces
Recent Promotions
Mackay Communications, Inc. re- cently announced the promotion of
Edward J. Bizub to manager, sat- ellite communications products. Mr.
Bizub has more than 18 years' experience in marine communica- tions and has an extensive back- ground in the marketing and sales of
INMARSAT satellite communica- tions terminals. He is a former chairman of the IEEE-45 Marine
Transportation Committee.
Mackay is the exclusive U.S. dis- tributor for the EB Nera "Saturn" shipboard and transportable IN-
MARSAT satellite communications terminals.
Mackay Communications also an- nounced that J. Michael Shaw has joined the marketing depart- ment as product manager. Mr.
Shaw has been with Mackay for 17 years, most recently as manager- contracts department, overseeing the vessel contracts and licensing.
Prior to that, he spent many years in the field servicing communica- tions and navigation equipment aboard ships. He will be responsible for sales of Mackay's complete product line throughout the North- east United States.
Theresa Schmidt was pro- moted to coordinator of contracts and licensing. She is responsible for interfacing with customers on all matters related to ship licensing and vessel contracts.
Two Caterpillar 3408 diesel engines enable the Cajun Queen to complete an extensive tour of bayous, canals, and locks south of New Orleans in about five hours.
Halter Marine Delivers 600-Passenger
Dinner Cruise Vessel 'Cajun Queen'
Deutz-MWM Offers Extensive Range
Of Diesel Engines To Marine Market —Free Literature Available—
After their merger two years ago,
Deutz and MWM, two of the oldest engine manufacturers in the world, streamlined their engine programs and now offer an extensive and overlay range of diesel engines.
Deutz-MWM's wide array of marine engines allows the user to select the best possible choice to suit his par- ticular needs.
Deutz-MWM offers marine diesel engines from 134 to 9,860 hp. How- ever, this wide power range is not the only advantage. A second and real advantage is the number of choices afforded to a user.
For example, in the 900 hp range, the following options are available: for a partrol boat or yacht—TBD 234 V12 marine diesel engine, rated at 979 hp at 2,300 rpm; fast work- boat or ferry—TBD 234 V16, rated 906 hp at 2,100 rpm; workboat with extended low-load periods —
BA12M 816, rated 930 hp at 1,800 rpm; workboat with high-power density and low fuel consump- tion— TBD604 BV8, rated at 952 hp at 1,500 rpm; and workboat with easy maintenance and reliability—
TBD440-6, rated at 979 hp at 900 rpm.
Furthermore, fuel ratings of 190 g/kwh are not confined to engines of more than 2,000 hp. Deutz-MWM engines from 500 hp are now avail- able with this fuel consumption rat- ing. Since fuel may account for up to 80 percent of engine-related operat- ing expenses in a continuously oper- ated vessel, an engine that offers a 210 g/kwh rating as opposed to a 190 g/kwh, means a 10 percent increase in the largest portion of operational cost.
Carbonization in direct-injection engines is a problem when operating at low load for long periods. As a solution, Deutz-MWM offers two- stage combustion engines. On larger engines with four valves, shifting mechanisms are available to allow a low-load optimized system, while keeping a high efficiency and power density at higher ratings as well.
Simplicity is a key element in pro- viding easy maintenance on diesel engines. The most serviced compo- nent is generally the injector; a block-type injection pump in com- bination with easily accessible noz- zles allows not only the fastest ser- vice, but also the least possibility for error.
Many Deutz and MWM engines are in marine service across North
America in yachts, ferries, supply and fishing vessels, dredges and cruise liners. Additionally, Deutz and MWM provide service for Mur- phy Diesel Company engines.
For free literature on the full range of marine diesel engines of- fered by Deutz-MWM,
Circle 19 on Reader Service Card
Circle 165 on Reader Service Card 78 \ CORPORATION SINCE 1959 2,300 Employees, 30 Offices Nationwide
Join the professional marine design staff that keeps growing. You may qualify based on your experience and education in the following areas: • NAVAL ENGINEERING • NAVAL ARCHITECTURE • COMBAT SYSTEMS • COMPUTER AIDED
Competitve salary and benefits
Please send resume or call our Employement Office for consideration 1417 N. Battlefield Blvd.
Chesapeake, Virginia (804)547-8556
Circle 281 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
The TBD 440-6 marine diesel engine, rated at 979 hp at 900 rpm, installed aboard the
African tug Djoliba.
The African tug Djoliba features two TBD 440-6 marine diesel engines.