Page 12: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1988)
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Wartsila Engines Selected
To Power 2 New Bulk Carriers
And Re-Engine A Cargo Carrier
Lasco's new bulk carriers will be equipped with Wartsila Vasa 22/26 auxiliary engines.
Pictured is a six-cylinder in-line version of the engine.
Two new bulk carriers ordered by the principals of Lasco Shipping Co. of Portland will be equipped with
Wartsila Diesel's Vasa 22/26 auxil- iary engines. The 64,000-dwt vessels are under construction at Jiangnan shipyard in Shanghai.
The contract includes three
Wartsila Vasa 4R22/26 auxiliary en- gines per vessel, each developing 540 kw at 720 rpm. The auxiliaries will burn the same 380 cSt heavy fuel as the main engines. The auxil- iary engines for the first vessel will be delivered in early 1989, and for the second, at the end of the same year.
The Vasa 22/26 selected for the
Lasco Shipping vessels is a powerful new medium-speed auxiliary engine which is well-suited for power pro- duction in different types of vessels.
Rigid design components combined with an optimized combustion pro- cess guarantees reliable and eco- nomical operation at all loads, even on the lowest grade heavy fuels.
The Vasa 22/26 has a cylinder bore of 220 mm and a piston stroke of 260 mm. The output range is 540- 3,000 kw at speeds ranging from 720 to 1,100 rpm. The Vasa 22/26 is manufactured in 4-, 6-, and 8-cylin- der in-line versions and 8-, 12-, and 16-cylinder V-versions.
The 7,500-dwt dry cargo carrier
Rosadaniela, owned by Transpapel
Naviera C.A. of Venezuela, will be refitted with new propulsion ma- chinery. The vessel will have its existing main engine replaced with one eight-cylinder, 3,300-kw Wart- sila Diesel heavy fuel engine type
Vasa 32. It will also be fitted with a new reduction gear, a new CP-pro- peller and new remote control sys- tem. Wartsila Diesel will supply all the equipment and be in charge of both project planning and manage- ment. The vessel will be refitted by
The Rosadaniela will be refitted with a Wart- sila Vasa 8R32 main engine with an output of 3,300 kw. Shown is an eight-cylinder Vasa 32 engine. the Venezuelan company Tenaval
C.A. at the Dianca shipyard in Puer- to Cabello, Venezuela. Re-engining is scheduled for completion by the end of August of this year.
Wartsila Diesel is a leading de- signer and manufacturer of me- dium-speed fuel engines in the 500 to 16,000-kw range. The company also delivers complete propulsion packages for different vessel types and sizes.
For further information and free literature on Wartsila Diesel en- gines,
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