Page 13: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1988)
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Korea Shipbuilding
Delivering Six Tankers
To Norwegian Owners
Five years after they were or- dered, delivery by Korea Shipbuild- ing & Engineering Corp. (KSEC) of six advanced combination carriers worth $171 million has begun to two
Norwegian owners. KSEC said four of the 37,000-dwt products/ore/ bulk/oil carriers were built for Klav- ness Co. and two for Havtor Co. under contracts signed in 1983 for delivery in 1986.
When the original delivery time arrived, the Norwegian firms cited technical problems with the vessels and refused to accept delivery un- less the price was cut. After long- running arbitration, KSEC reduced the price of each vessel by $6 mil- lion.
Klaveness announced that with technical alterations, the six vessels will be able to trade as originally intended.
Canadian Government To
Spend $624.4 Million
For 12 Minesweepers
Canadian Defense Minister Per- rin Beatty recently announced plans to design and build 12 mine- sweeping vessels to fill a gap in Can- ada's aging naval fleet. The contract is valued at 750 million Canadian dollars (US$624.4 million).
J.Y. Clarke, president of the
Canadian Maritime Industries As- sociation, said the project would provide a boost to medium-sized
Canadian shipyards, which don't have the capacity to handle the larg- er frigate and submarine contracts.
He estimated that 75 percent of the work could be done in Canada.
The vessels will be equipped with 40-millimeter Bofors guns and re- mote-control minehunting systems.
They will be manned by the 3,000- strong naval reserve which, under
Canada's new policy is responsible for maritime coastal defense
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