Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1988)
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Marine technology is a field cov- ering all the technical activities con- cerned with research into and the use and protection of the seas.
The importance of the presenta- tion of West German R&D findings in marine technology is underlined by the demands of internationally renowned scientists such as Prof.
Konstantin Kokkinowrachos, chairman of the German Committee for Marine Research and Marine
Technology, for the intensification of national and international coop- eration in the field, including that between universities and industry.
A further keynote theme at SMM '88 will be information and exhibits concerned with scientific and tech- nical cooperation with developing and newly industrializing countries aimed at an improved exploitation of the seas, i.e.—fishing and aqua- cultures or harvesting the protein- rich krills in the Antarctic.
The committee led by Professor
Kokkinowrachos is also the or- ganizer behind an SMM '88 con- gress entitled "Europe and the
Sea—Marine Sciences and Technol- ogy in the 1990s." Whereas seaweed and eelgrass will only play a margi- nal role in the generation of power in the years to come, innovations from the field of offshore technology will increase in significance for oth- er maritime areas. In this respect, particular attention should be paid to the research work being under- taken at Hamburg-based Harburg
Technical University, which is one of the exhibitors at SMM '88. Har- burg University is playing an impor- tant role in furthering the under- standing of the complicated interre- lationships between substances and of mechanical stress and the chemi- cal effects of exposure to seawater.
In addition, the International
Congress on Ship's Technology (ICST '88) will be held in conjunc- tion with SMM '88 on September 28. The theme of ICST '88 will be the "Contribution on the Economy and Safety in Ship Technology."
Highlighting the congress will be a presentation by Dr. G.A. Lust- garten and K. Aeberli, Sulzer
Brothers AG, Winterthur, on "Two-
Stroke Diesel Engines for Cost-
Effective Ship's Operation."
Among the exhibitors at SMM '88 will be Hamworthy Engineering, which will be occupying Stand 2052 in Hall 2. The company's Pumps and Compressors subsidiary will display its new ranges of air-cooled compressors and centrifugal pumps.
Diesel engine manufacturers
MAN B&W Diesel and MAN Nutz- fahrzeuge, Werk Nurnberg, will pre- sent their complete line of marine engines, turbochargers and services in Hall 6, Stand 6078. Complete engines and components, videos, slides and wall charts will be on dis- play.
In Hall 7, at Stand 7001, Mar- kishes Werk Halver (MWH), spe- cialists in components connected with the exchange of gases in com- bustion engines, will present its lat- est program of inlet and exhaust valves, valve inserts, valve springs, valve guides, valve cages and valve rotators.
Circle 215 on Reader Service Card
Of particular interest to diesel en- gine users will be the company's patented Turnomat valve rotator, which ensures a definite valve rota- tion speed.
The latest developments in the
Evac Vacuum Toilet System will be demonstrated at the stand of Triton
Belco AG, the West German distrib- utors for OY Wartsila AB Evac of
Finland. Several working units will be on display, including the popular "silent" toilet, a toilet with Evac's new electronic flushing control and the company's newest addition, the "toilet of the future."
At the stand of their West Ger- man subsidiary, ASEA-Hagglunds
GmbH, Hagglunds Marine & Off- shore AB will present their full range of deck crane technology.
Low-profile versions of Hagglunds
G2 and L2 type cranes will be on display, as well as the company's "hinged cab" wire-luffing cranes.
An adajecent stand will display the hydraulic products of the Hag- glunds Denison group of compa- nies.
Liebherr-Werk Nenzing, another marine lifting equipment and crane specialist, will also be exhibiting at
SMM '88. The company will present its production line of offshore cranes, including the North Sea- proven BOS type and its series of ram luffing offshore cranes, RL type, with their low overall height (continued)
MAN B&W Diesel and its licensees: the competitive edge in two-stroke and four-stroke Diesel engineering as a result of long-standing experience, consistent research and development.