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Intercon Receives MarAd
Go-Ahead For Additional
Four Twin Cargo Cranes
Intercontinental Engineering-
Manufacturing Corporation (Inter- con) recently received notice from the Maritime Administration to proceed with the manufacture of four pedestal-type, twin cargo cranes. The option follows the ini- tial contract requirement for six twin cranes presently in process.
Singlely operated, each crane is rated at 30 long tons at 121-foot out- reach, and 60 long tons at 121-foot outreach when operated in dual (two single cranes teamed) mode.
All functions of the twin cargo cranes are electrohydraulically pow- ered.
One shipset of twin cranes will be installed aboard the Navy's auxilia- ry craneship T-ACS 9, with the remaining shipset on T-ACS 10.
Contract completion is scheduled for December 1989.
For free literature giving full in- formation on products manufac- tured by Intercon,
Circle 55 on Reader Service Card
Sembawang Shipyard
Wins $7.3-Million Contract
Sembawang Shipyard Limited has won a major S$15-million (about $7.3 million) contract to re- construct and refurbish a complete accommodation unit of a supertank- er.
The contract to rebuild the 239,435-dwt Liberian registered tanker S/T Rova was awarded to
Sembawang Shipyard by Olaya
Shipping Corporation.
For free literature giving details on the facilities and capabilities of
Sembawang Shipyard,
Circle 53 on Reader Service Card
Call For Papers
For Conference On
Advanced Marine Systems
The Intersociety Advanced Ma- rine Vehicles Conference and Ex- hibit, which will be held June 5-8, 1989 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in
Crystal City, Washington, D.C., is soliciting unclassified abstracts and papers on a wide range of topics related to advanced marine sys- tems.
The conference and exhibit pro- vides a forum for technologists, po- tential commercial and industrial users, military planners, regulators and operators to exchange and dis- cuss new ideas in the field of ad- vanced marine systems.
Papers are being solicited for the following topics: mission and appli- cation scenarios; advanced mono- hull systems; air cushion systems,
SWATH vehicles; seaplanes; sub- surface vehicles and ROVs; wing-in- ground-effect vehicles; hydrofoils; surface effect ships; planing hulls; hybrid and nonconventional craft; competition marine craft; multi-hull craft; design methodologies; sea-
September, 1988 based space launch systems; AMV testing facilities and techniques; at- sea launch and recovery techniques; institutional and regulatory issues; and AMV operations and econom- ics.
One session will be devoted to a student paper competition. Prizes of $200, $100 and $50 will be awarded for first, second and third place. There will also be a poster session for brief project reports and a film video viewing of the latest operations and testing.
Some of the major societies in- volved in the conference include:
The Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers; the American
Society of Naval Engineers; the U.S.
Hovercraft Society; the Wingship
Society; and the Canadian Air
Cushion Technology Society.
The deadline for submitting ab- stracts, which should be between 200-400 words, is October 29, 1988.
Abstracts should include paper title, principle author, organization, ad- dress and telephone number. Notice of acceptance will be issued on No- vember 30, 1988, with final manu- script due March 17, 1989.
Abstracts should be sent to: H.
Weiland, Intersociety Advanced
Marine Vehicles Conference, Con- ference Committee, P.O. Box 1071,
Mercer Island, Wash. 98040.
From Stauff Hydraulics
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Circle 253 on Reader Service Card
The World's Most Complete Annual
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Marine Designers, Naval Architects and Purchasing Agents.
Mail to: Marine Equipment Catalog c/o Maritime Reporter 118 East 25 Street
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Yes, I wish to take advantage of this Special Offer. Please reserve copies of Marine Equipment Catalog. ($45.00 outside the U.S.)
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Circle 345 on Reader Service Card 71