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Propulsion Plant Debut
For MAN B&W's Mini-Bore,
Two-Stroke Diesel Engine
Free Brochure Available
The Japanese feeder confainership Rokku Maru features the first MAN B&W S26MC diesel engine installation.
The recent seagoing debut of
MAN B&W Diesel's S26MC two- stroke design—plus a growing order backlog—suggest that there is a strong market for what is reportedly the world's smallest low-speed crosshead engine in the small-to- medium oceangoing, coastal and in- land ship propulsion market.
The 260-mm bore/980-mm stroke engine was released last year to extend the economic and technical merits of MAN B&W's MC two- stroke program for ships which were previously restricted to four-stroke, medium-speed geared machinery.
The S26MC range encompasses four to eight-cylinder models, which of- fer outputs ranging from 700 kw (950 bhp) to 2,920 kw (3,970 bhp) at speeds of 250 rpm or less, allowing direct-coupling to the propeller.
The overall operational advan- tages of the new model—including high reliability, low maintenance demands and impressive fuel econo- my on low grade bunkers—have at- tracted Asian and European owners.
Interest has intensified with the en- try into service of the first S26MC marine installation—a six-cylinder model powering the Japanese 126-
TEU feeder containership, the Rok- ku Maru.
The 6S26MC engine installed aboard the 239-foot containership, which was subcontracted to Han- shin Diesel by MAN B&W licensee
Kawasaki, develops 2,185 kw (2,970
S26MC CROSS SECTION \\ r fCP^ bhp) at 250 rpm and is directly cou- pled to a CP propeller for a design speed of 14.3 knots.
Both the shipowner, Marui
Kauin, and shipbuilder, Yamanaka
Shipyard, reported that the engine performed well during sea trials with the use of heavy fuel with a 0.9963 specific gravity and 165 cSt viscosity. Very little smoke was ob- served under all maneuvering condi- tions, and none at all at full load.
Low noise and vibration levels— notable features of the design—also confirmed expectations. Open in- spection of the engine revealed no 1J< )A1 LIFTING SLINGS (SAMPLE SLING)
BH ^
OF $500.00 OR MORE
Rated Capacity in Pounds
Stock No. Width Ply Basket Hitch Slock No. Width PI/ Basket Hitch (Inches) (Inches)
BLS-1-602 2 1 4600 BLS-2-605 5 2 21000
BLS-1-902 2 1 6400 BLS 2-905 5 2 28000
BLS-2-602 2 9600
BLS-2-902 2 12800 BLS-1-606 6 1 14400
BLS-1-906 6 1 19200
BLS-1-603 3 1 7200 BLS-2-606 6 2 24480
BLS-1-903 3 1 9600 BLS-2-906 6 2 32640
BLS-2-603 3 13320
BLS-2-903 3 17760 BLS-1-908 8 1 25600
BLS-2-908 8 2 40960
BLS-1-604 4 1 9600 BLS-1-910 10 32000
BLS-1-904 4 1 12800 1
BLS-2-604 4 17280 BLS-2-910 10 2 48000
BLS-2-904 4 23040 BLS-1-912 12 1 38400
BLS-1-605 5 1 12000 BLS-2-912 12 2 53760
BLS-1-905 5 1 16000
METRO WIRE ROPE CORP. 553 Lehigh Ave., Union N.J. 07083 (201) 964-3690 Fax: (201) 964-8990 signs of piston ring sticking or coke.
The debut marine installation will provide a convenient practical testbed for longer term monitoring of the S26MC engine on heavy fuel.
The operational integrity and per- formance of the design have already been well proven by the six-cylinder prototype after over a year of ex- haustive testing at MAN B&W Al- pha Diesel's factory in Frederik- shavn, Denmark. The initial devel- opment goals have been comforta- bly met within the engine's poten- tial margins. The prototype 6S26MC engine is now available for sale.
For a free brochure detailing the features and applications of the
S26MC engine from MAN B&W
Circle 110 on Reader Service Card
Yarrow Wins U.K.
Frigates Order
Worth $538.5 Million
The U.K.'s Yarrow Shipbuilders recently won an order to build three more Type-23 frigates for the Royal
Navy. The order for a fourth ship will be held over until next year when another batch of new vessels will be announced.
Each ship is about 10 million pounds ($17 million) cheaper than the average of three earlier Type- 23s ordered in 1986, bringing the price to about 105 million pounds per vessel ($179.5 million).
The three new Duke-class ships— the Iron Duke, Monmouth and
Montrose—follow four other Type- 23s already under construction, three at Yarrow.
The number of new frigates of all types now on order for the Navy is now 10. Type-23 is the main anti- submarine ship envisaged for ser- vice over the next decades.
Plans call for the government to order two new frigates next year, two in 1990, three more in 1991, and again the following year. This will ensure that aging ships are replaced and the escort force of about 50 is maintained. for free literature giving details on the facilities and capabilities of
Yarrow Shipbuilders,
Circle 52 on Reader Service Card
Aerial Baskets
Digger Derricks
Pressure Diggers
HiRail Equipment 80 Used Units in Stock sold as is or reconditioned
Wanted - listed used equipt, nunvi/l.^c Trucks & Equipment \trlt I iVIli o Hatfield, PA 19440 (PHILA. AREA) (215) 721-4444
Kiene Diesel Offers Free
Literature On Cylinder
Pressure Indicator K-100
Kiene Diesel Accessories, Inc. of
Addison, 111., is offering free litera- ture on their cylinder pressure indi- cator K-100 for reading firing and compression pressures on gas or die- sel engines.
The patented K-100 utilizes the "trapped pressure" principle, whereby cylinder pressure is "trap- ped" within a chamber and the pressure read directly and conven- iently on a high-quality bourdon gauge. This field-proven concept re- duces the moving part of the indica- tor to a single lightweight, high- temperature resistance valve, thus eliminating springs, counters, pis- tons and other operating problems.
The literature contains ordering information on the Model K-100 cylinder pressure indicator, as well as Model K-101 and Model K-107.
Also discussed are V-line indicator valves for two or four-stroke/cycle gas or diesel engines.
For more information and free copies of the literature from Kiene
Circle 34 on Reader Service Card
Daewoo's Okpo Shipyard
Delivers Pan Ocean's
Fourth Car Carrier
Daewoo's Okpo shipyard recently delivered Pan Ocean Shipping Co.'s fourth car carrier, the Auto Diana.
The last of the 5,700-car-capacity vessels ordered by Pan Ocean at the
South Korean shipyard two years ago, the newly built car carrier will be put into service on the north
American and European route to carry South Korea's export cars.
Other vessels delivered to Pan
Ocean this year include the Auto
Atlas and Auto Benner in March, and the Auto Champ in June. 72 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News