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AMP Offers Low-Cost
Method Of Marine Cable
Splicing—Literature Offered
The AMP Marine Cable Splicing
Kit from AMP Products Corpora- tion, Valley Forge, Pa., provides the marine industry with an advanced wiring method for modular ship- building, jumboizing and repairs.
According to the manufacturer, the
AMP splicing system is the first safe, waterproof, corrosion- and im- pact-resistant, abrasion-protected, industry-accepted, low-cost method of marine cable splicing.
The AMP Marine Cable Splicing
Kits include pressure-type AMP
Butt Connectors; AMP Thick Wall
Heat Shrink Tubing with Sealant (MIL-I-23053/15) throughout for replacement cable jacket; and AMP
TERMI-FOIL Grounding Har- nesses for maintaining electrical continuity of armor.
Reviewed and accepted by both the U.S. Coast Guard and the Amer- ican Bureau of Shipping, this ma- rine splicing kit eliminates long ca- ble pulls and allows for splicing of wiring cables at modular breaks. In addition, it splices low smoke Navy cable as well as commercial cable for both new construction and repair.
Additional benefits of the prod- uct include cost savings associated
Cummins offers a complete line of marine generator sets designed for performance, reliability and durability in a broad range of 37 to 925 kW. And. with Cummins you always get high quality, on- time delivery, and fast, depend- able service.
Cummins marine generator sets are available with heat exchanger, radiator, keel or remote cooling.
Other available optional equip- ment includes: base rails, isolators, mufflers, electric or air starting, engine control panel, generator control panel, manual or auto- matic paralleling, alarm system, and Cummins EFC. American
Bosch or Woodward governors.
Cummins generator sets are avail- able with Marine Agency Certifica- tion. For specific agency approved ratings, contact Cummins Engine
Cummins has more than 300
Marine Distributors and branches located in over 160 countries. The
Cummins Distributor can provide complete technical and pricing in- formation on Cummins shipboard generator sets, or you may write:
Cummins Marine Generator Sets.
Cummins Engine Company. Inc..
Box 3005. MC 60403. Columbus,
IN 47202-3005. U.S.A.
Weight fcg- (»bs.)
Rated MaiCont.' Rated MaiCont. BHP kW BHP kW 125 215 235 260 285 285 335 360 420 465 510 625 700 750 925 658(1450) 687(1514} 835(1840) 865(1905) 2295(5055) 2586(5695) 2651 (5840) 2747(6050) 2851 (6280) 3330(7335) 3487(7680) 3575(7875) 5008(11030) 5471(12050) 5650(12445) 5766(12700) 7377(16250) 7416(16335) 7872 (17340) 8989(19800)
Circle 264 on Reader Service Card with the ability to salvage broken shipboard cables, as well as faster repair completion which allows for preplanning of electrical work in damaged vessels.
For additional information and free literature on the AMP Marine
Cable Splicing Kit,
Circle 39 on Reader Service Card
McDermott Lays Keel For
First Of Three Craft In $32.6-Million Contract
McDermott Shipyard officially marked the beginning of construc- tion of torpedo test craft for the
U.S. Navy with a keel-laying cere- mony for" the YTT 9, the first of three such craft being built by
McDermott at their Morgan City,
La., yard. The craft will be operated by the Naval Undersea Warfare En- gineering Station (NUWES) in
Keyport, Wash.
The Naval Sea Systems Com- mand awarded McDemott a $21.7- million prime contract to design and construct the YTT 9 and YTT 10, and a $10.9-million contract for
YTT 11. McDermott's YTT design, developed from a proven offshore supply ship hull configuration, is 187 feet in length, with a 40-foot beam and berthing capacity for 40 personnel.
The craft will be powered by a single-screw geared diesel and by two electric-driven Z-drives. The
YTT Machinery Control System, which provides for unattended en- gine room operation, is a Bailey
Controls "Network 90" micropro- cessor-based control system. Bailey is a McDermott Company based in
The YTT 9 is scheduled for de- livery to the Navy at the McDer- mott Shipyard in August 1989, YTT 10 in November 1989, and YTT 11 in January 1990.
McDermott Shipyard, a division of McDermott Marine Construc- tion, builds and repairs special pur- pose Navy ships, ferries, large tugs, supply boats, barges, dredges, and a wide variety of oceangoing work ves- sels.
For more information and free lit- erature giving complete details on the facilities and capabilities of
McDermott Shipyard,
Circle 35 on Reader Service Card
Butterworth Adds Eighth
U.S. Supply Center—
Marine Hardware
Marine Hardware Company of
San Pedro, Calif., serving the metro- politan areas of Los Angeles, San
Diego Harbor, and Santa Barbara, recently became the eighth Butter- worth Cupply Center in the U.S.
The addition of Marine Hardware
Company to the Butterworth chain of supply centers domestically and abroad keeps pace with the compa- ny's current plans for expanding the availability of Butterworth rental units to customers worldwide.
A major supplier of marine prod- ucts, Marine Hardware Company maintains an inventory of 28,000 4 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News