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400 compression test set meets cur- rent military specifications and comes with a metal carrying case that holds as many as eight adapt- ers.
Mechanics, maintenance engi- neers, shop foremen and fleet own- ers who want an easy, economical and reliable way to test diesel com- pression can send for a specification brochure. For a free copy,
Circle 32 on Reader Service Card
R.J. Bazzini Associates
To Represent Goltens-USA —Literature Available
Robert J. Bazzini, P.E., of R.J.
Bazzini Associates, a company that specializes in the application and sale of engineered equipment and systems, recently announced that his company has been named the representative of Goltens-USA, a worldwide organization with head- quarters in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Goltens-USA is an authorized supplier and repair shop for most of the world's major diesel engine manufacturers. Some of their ser- vices are: main journal and crankpin reconditioning; centrifugal rebab- bitting of bearings of all sizes; relo- cation of twisted crankshafts; gener- al machining, either in-place or in their well-equipped facilities world- wide; development and implemen- tation of preventive maintenance contracts for diesel cogeneration plants of all sizes.
For more information and free lit- erature describing the services of both companies,
Circle 58 on Reader Service Card
Waterman Acquired By
International Shipholding
Waterman Marine Corporation recently signed a definitive agree- ment with International Shiphold- ing Corporation to sell its assets for about $34 million, according to
Niels W. Johnsen Sr., chairman of International Shipholding.
The sale of Waterman, which re- quires Maritime Administration ap- proval, would mean the transfer of six U.S.-flag Waterman-operated ships to a new subsidiary of Interna- tional Shipholding.
At present, International Shi- pholding's principal subsidiary is
Central Gulf Lines, Inc., which op- erates eight U.S.-flag vessels.
Crane Valve Division
Names Michael Sharp
VP, Sales And Marketing
Crane Co. Valve Division recently announced the appointment of Mi- chael Sharp as vice president of sales and marketing.
Previously vice president of sales and marketing with Lee Brass, Mr.
Sharp brings 15 years of experience in the pipe, valve and fittings indus- try to his new position.
December, 1988 5 items in stock, including a complete rental inventory of Butterworth tank cleaning machines.
This newest U.S. supply center for Butterworth products also main- tains a full range of Butterworth brand tank cleaning hose, marine equipment products, and accesso- ries.
For further information and free literature,
Circle 30 on Reader Service Card
Kiene Offers Improved
Diesel Compression Set —Literature Available
The C-400 diesel compression test set with a new protective rubber gauge collar for longer service life is now available from Kiene Diesel Ac- cessories, Inc. of Addison, 111.
The rugged, heavy-duty tool fea- tures a 0-1000 psi gauge with a vent valve that releases pressure so suc- cessive compression readings can be conveniently taken. Flexible steel braid, fabric covered connector hose attaches easily, regardless of injec- tor opening location. Nozzle injector adapters for over 500 automotive- type diesels used in agriculture, transportation, construction and in- dustrial applications are available, as well as an optional kit for leak down or cylinder air testing. The C-
Circle 181 on Reader Service Card
Hurricane Gloria, September 29,1985. Eighty knot winds and hundreds of boats damaged or destroyed. But some mariners had an Alden Marinefax® weather chart recorder aboard and had prepared for the storm.
For over a decade Marinefax has been bringing you the weather-in advance. Charts that help you plan your course around the worst weather-or into the best.
Over the years, Marinefax has changed with the times.
Today's Marinefax TRI has fully automatic chart reception, and features an exceptionally precise radio which locks onto the frequency, eliminating the "drift" common to most other radio receivers. Our dry-paper charts are big and bright, with exceptional resolution, even in multi-contrast satellite photographs.
At Alden we specialize in the weather-only weather. So each Marinefax is built to the same standards of performance as our professional meteorological equipment. Standards which have won Alden Marinefax seven consecutive NMEA awards for performance and reliability.
For more information on how Marinefax TRI can bring you the weather, contact Alden Electronics, 136 Washington
Street, Westborough, MA 01581. (617) 366-8851.