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Page 12: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1989)
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Navigation & Communications Equipment
Through recent technology breakthroughs and advancements, the leading manufacturers of ma- rine electronics are constantly intro- ducing innovative products in an effort to make navigation safer and more precise, and communications faster and easier.
Newer, more compact, and more powerful lorans, radars, radiotele- phones, weather chart recorders, navtex receivers, ARPAs, hand-held phones, etc., with state-of-the-art, cost-effective features continue to be introduced to the marine market.
In an efFort to sort out some of these new choices, the editors of
MARITIME REPORTER have asked a number of the marine market leaders in the fields of navi- gation and communication equip- ment and services to report on their newly introduced product lines. The following review is based on infor- mation we had received at press time.
To receive free literature de- scribing any of the high-tech prod- ucts detailed in this review, circle the appropriate reader service num- ber listed under each company's name, using the postage-paid card bound into the back of this issue.
Circle 82 on Reader Service Card
Alden Electronics, Inc., West- boro, Mass., has introduced the low- cost Alden Faxmate™ Weather
Chart Recorder.
Armand Bouchard, Faxmate product manager, said "Alden is in- troducing Faxmate to provide an economical means for all mariners to be able to acquire vital weather and oceanographic charts while un- derway. As an added bonus, the
Faxmate can double as a printer for an IBM PC or compatible comput- er, since it features a standard Cen- tronics interface."
Designed to operate with any HF or ham radio, the Faxmate provides mariners with surface analyses charts which show current locations of storms as well as prognoses which predict the indicated speed and di- rection of these storms. Many trans- mit sites now broadcast sea surface temperature, mixed layer depth and the location of warm and cold water eddies which are so helpful in locat- ing species of fish.
The Faxmate complements Aid- en's current line of Marinefax re- corders which have won the coveted
National Marine Electronics Asso- ciation (NMEA) Award for reliabili- ty and performance for the last eight consecutive years.
Circle 83 on Reader Service Card
Furuno U.S.A., Inc., South San
Francisco, Calif., has recently intro- duced a number of new products, including radar video plotter adapt- ers, radars, and a direction finder.
Furuno's new FR-8000D series ra- dars are designed to provide top performance at a reasonable price for most workboats, fishing vessels, and smaller passenger boats. These radars, available in 5-, 10-, and 25- kw models, features extremely high resolution, 12-inch monochrome
CRT displays with no-compromise eight-level quantization.
Following last year's successful introduction of the FR-2010D X- band radar, Furuno expanded this line with the addition of a 30-kw S- band model for top performance in adverse weather. This new FR- 2030S is particularly suited for oceangoing ships, fishing vessels and ferries, all of which are inevita- bly involved in rough sea conditions.
The FR-2030S provides a bright 20- inch diagonal high resolution CRT that shows radar returns in eight levels of high contrast yellow-orange against a selectable background for day or night. Target detection is enhanced by use of echo stretch and averaging.
Furuno also introduced an inno- vative family of video navigation plotter adapters for all the new digi- tized radars. Two series are avail- able—the RP series, which are basic video plotters, and the ARP series, which provide automatic tracking of manually acquired targets. All plot control electronics are contained in the radar display units, making for an extremely compact and conven- ient installation. Of course, appro- priate heading and position sensors must be fitted.
For general navigation and rescue operations, Furuno offers the micro- processor-controlled ADF FD-160.
Its built-in microprocessor permits programming of up to 200 channels in 100-Hz steps from 100.0 kHz to 29.9999 MHz. All channels and re- ception modes are stored in memory and preserved by rechargeable bat- tery.
Two forms of scanning are pro- vided: band scanning that traces frequencies within a selected range or steps through preset intervals, or channel scanning that accesses de- signated channels either in order or in preset steps.
Also within the past year, Furuno
U.S.A. was appointed exclusive dis- tributor for the Lokata line of 406
MHz distress beacons in the U.S.
These advanced beacons transmit on the worldwide frequency for sat- ellite-aided search and rescue, and include information on ship identi- fication and type emergency. Sig- nals are relayed via polar-orbiting
COSPAS-SARSAT satellites to ground stations which then calcu- late vessel position to within 1-2 km.
Circle 84 on Reader Service Card
The Galbraith-Pilot Marine Divi- sion of Marine Electric RPD, Inc., recently unveiled a new line of ship- board communications equipment ranging from water-tight control panels for helicopter flight decks to cruise passenger ship emergency loudspeaker systems with a capacity of 400 loudspeakers capable of reaching all quarters of a large cruise vessel.
This line of communications equipment features control panels for four, five or seven speaker groups; a water-tight control panel for four speaker groups for use on weather deck and gangway watch stations; an intercom control panel for all interior quarters; and ampli- fiers with power from 50 to 250 watts.
Also included is a complete range of loudspeakers, some weather- proofed for outdoor deck locations; entertainment speakers for ward rooms, staterooms and lounges; and explosion-proof speakers for engine rooms, cargo holds and other poten- tially hazardous areas.
Accessories such as handsets, push-button switches, stowage boxes and jack boxes are also avail- able.
Circle 95 on Reader Service Card
Goldstar Precision, Cerritos, Cal- if., has introduced a new color radar series featuring models GS-924C,
GS-932C and GS-948C for the com- mercial vessel and passenger boat market.
Featuring high-resolution 8-inch color CRTs with real images in eight colors, 5-kw transmitter power and a choice of 24- , 32- or 48-nm, the new Goldstar color scan radar series offers sophisticated, high-tech per- formance.
According to Goldstar, each unit has on screen readouts of all opera- tional information of features status to assure the easier and safer opera- tion of the radars. Three different digital Guard Zones are set up using the two EBLs and VRMs with audi- ble and visual alarm on the target's penetration into the guarded area.
Other features include: track history showing targets movement; off-cen- tered display for picture exapnsion in aft and bow direction; STC, FTC and IR, etc.; and interfacing with
Loran-C NMEA 0182/0183 and
Compass NMEA 0183 to supply ship's course.
GS-924C series radar facilitate the easy-to-operate multifunctions.
The series features a menu table with such functions as: "TUNE"— maximize the target echoes on the screen; "RAIN"—suppress the clut- ter caused by rain, snow, fig, mist, etc.; "ILLUM"—adjust the bright- ness level of the control panel; "BRILL"—adjust the CRT bright- ness level; "BACK"—select day- light blue or black background color; "PICT"—select the target presentation mode in color or mono- chrome; "NAV"—select navigation mode in Head-up or Course-Up; "RINGS"—range rings on/off; "IR" interference rejection on/off; "TRACK"—track history on/off; "EXP"—target expansion on/off; and "LORAN"—latitude and longi- tude or time difference.
Circle 108 on Reader Service Card
New from Harris is a remote con- trol device for its RF-3200 marine single sideband radio. Now you can mount the radio in one location and the remote control up to 125 feet away, with operation from either location.
The RF-3234 Remote Control
Unit is now available as an optional accessory with the RF-3200. The package includes a remote control unit with built-in speaker, a mount- ing cradle with hardware, micro- phone, control cable and an inter- face circuit board for installation in the RF-3200 transceiver.
Front-panel controls on the RF- 3234 include channel and scan group selectors, scanning switch, squelch, clarifier, mode and noise blanker, as well as indicators show- ing system status. Operation of the remote control is similar to the RF- 3200, making it easy to learn and use.
The RF-3234 is the latest in a series of options to be introduced by
Harris for the RF-3200 radio. Harris designed the RF-3200 with spare slots inside the transceiver so it can be easily upgraded with slip-in cir- cuit boards as new options are avail- able. Other new options planned for the radio include ARQ modem capa- bility for data transmission and an
FCC and DOC accepted linear 1,000-watt amplifier for added pow- er.
The RF-3234 has a rugged, weather resistant housing that is designed for the harsh marine envi- ronment. The remote unit is less than 3-1/2 inches high, 8-3/4 inches wide and 5-1/2 inches deep. It weighs approximately 3-1/2 pounds, including the mounting frame.
The RF-3200, introduced by Har- ris last year, is a 125-watt SSB radio, which pioneered a number of new features not previously avail- able.
Circle 96 on Reader Service Card
Hull Electronics Company has expanded its complete line of HF/
SSB transceivers and automatic an- tenna couplers to include fully equipped radio stations for high- 12 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News