Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1989)
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Both of these new series are de- signed with heavy-duty construc- tion throughout. When connected to properly-formatted external naviga- tion receivers, these radars display valuable information on-screen, in- cluding own vessel's Lat/Long or
TD position and ship speed.
Raytheon added an innovative feature to its SeaGuard zone intru- sion alarm in both these radar se- ries. The alarm warns not only of targets entering a designated area, but also of targets leaving preset boundaries.
With Raytheon's R81/R82/R84 radars, the operator can electroni- cally designate and numerically mark up to ten targets on-screen; and, electronic parallel cursor lines greatly facilitate quick plotting.
Other new products introduced by Raytheon include the NWU-53 color video plotter; RAYSTAR-920
GPS navigator; RAY-NAV-780 Lo- ran-C navigator; and NCR 300A navtex receiver.
Circle 110 on Reader Service Card
Raytheon Service Company, Ma- rine Sales & Service Division, pro- vides a worldwide capability as a one-stop source for sales, service, installation, maintenance, overhaul and supplies for high-quality ma- rine navigation, communications, and monitoring and control equip- ment and systems from a broad variety of international manufactur- ers.
The company offers 24-hour, sev- en-days-a-week service that extends to any area of the world, operating from nine strategically located U.S. port offices/repair centers. Custom- ers include vessel owners, operators, builders and repairers; dredgers, marine constructors, hydrographic surveyors and researchers, and a va- riety of government agencies.
Conscious of rapid industry-wide changes and new regulations affect- ing equipment and their operations,
Raytheon Service Company desig- nated Weldon Vogt, Eastern Area marketing manager, based in the
Pennasauken, N.J., headquarters office, to provide information, data and advice on current and future industry trends and regulatory re- quirements.
Expansion and new personnel have added strength to the compa- ny's ability to meet customers' re- quirements. To better serve the
Central/South Florida ports, a ninth
Raytheon Service Company facility was opened in Ft. Lauderdale under the direction of Mark L. Mitchell, a 10-year veteran with the company.
Robert DeRoche, a 15-year ve- teran in marine electronic equip- ment sales and service, was named
Gulf service manager, incorporating the Houston and New Orleans of- fices.
One of the driving forces behind
Raytheon Service Company is its innovation and ability in expanded customer service or in the develop- ment and production of new equip- ment—finding a need and filling it.
A prime example of this is the recent introduction of the new SI-
TOR 489P Telex System, a user- friendly marine ARQ telex system that employs a computer-driven (PC) interface. This development points to the firm's advances in "systems integration," the ability to utilize top-quality components in the design and production of new and highly useful equipment.
Raytheon Service Company is a separate operating division of Ray- theon Company, Lexington, Mass.
Circle 3 on Reader Service Card
RDD, Inc., an intercommunica- tions specialist with over 20 years' experience in the marine and petro- chemical electronics field, recently announced several new manufactur- ers' representative agreements.
RDD is still the exclusive U.S. distributor for SPT of the U.K., manufacturers of marine sound- powered telephone products. RDD has recently signed an agreement to market and support Newco Safety
Tel of Calgary's unique line of ex- plosion-proof and non-explosion- proof push-button intercom sys- tems. Rheiner Dinges, president of RDD, said that unlike similar page/party systems, the Newco in- tercom utilizes latest state-of-the- art design which allows for selective ringing, selective paging, all paging, interfacing with plant or rig PABX systems, and flexible zone configu- ration.
Circle 267 on Reader Service Card
I 1 I Expandability, [ Utility, Voice and Data
I Communication,
I Full Frequency, | Versatility, Economy, ' and automatic antenna couplers.
I The Hull 230 SSB.
I When Hull builds a radio, we build it right. i Bimiiiiii I i J j.I.iHJii, ill Imklll^M I i IHHBHB|HI i il^HHi
Circle 222 on Reader Service Card zero-leakage check valves 200 Series
Minimum restriction to flow; to 6000 psi
Open channels in streamline poppet Full ports
Unique, damage-proof O-Ring seal provides full flow and is maintenance-free. Bubble- tight sealing at any differential pressure.
Choice of inlet and outlet connections and materials. Cracking pressure from 0.5 psi. 1/8" to 2" pipe sizes. Metal-to-metal backup seal Floating O-Ring
Special design capability to meet custom or system requirements.
A Brunswick Company
P.O. Box 3666,1111 N Brookhurst St., Anaheim, CA 92801
TWX 910/591-1147 • TELEX 65-5324 • (714) 774-6110
Circle 106 on Reader Service Card 18
ATLAS MAXI marine incinerators insure the most economical disposal of solid waste onboard ship.
VESTA incinerators come in different si- zes which are capable of handling sludge oil and solid waste of ships ranging from smaller vessels to passenger liners.
The incinerators can also be delivered as a fully containerized unit, complete with all necessary connections and ready for operation. 'esta 27 Skudehavnsvej, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel.: +45 1 29 12 66, Telex: 19 730, Telefax: +45 1 29 60 90
ATLAS MAXI 25 S is the complete solid waste disposal unit, equipped with all the automatic regulating and safety de- vices which are necessary for perfect functioning year after year.