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Olau Hollandia, reportedly the larg- est vessel of her type operating from
Germany. The 528-foot ferry has a passenger capacity of about 1,600, and is expected to be delivered this
September. Her sister, the Olau
Brittania, is under construction at
Schichau Seebeckwerft and is ex- pected to be delivered next year.
In January, Schichau Seebeck- werft also delivered the all-around combicarrier Robin Hood to TT-
Line of Hamburg. The sister vessel of the Nils Dacke delivered last year by Schichau, the Robin Hood has an overall length of 581 feet and dead- weight tonnage of 8,800.
Lindenau GmbH, Schiff- swerft & Maschinenfabrik of
Kiel received an order for a 3,500- dwt clean oil tanker from Ethiopian
Shipping Lines, Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. Scheduled to be delivered in October 1989, the product/oil tanker will be equipped with 12 loading tanks. Her cargo tank ca- pacity will be about 4,000 m3.
In the conversion sector, Blohm & Voss re-delivered the passenger/ car ferry Saga Wind to Swedish owner Sea Wind Line, part of the
Silja Line Group, after lengthening and engine refit.
The shipbuilding consortium of
Bremer Vulkan, HDW, Blohm & Voss and Thyssen Nordsee- werke is still hoping to construct
Knut Kloster's Phoenix World City, a colossal 250,000-grt cruise ship.
The project's $l-billion price tag is making financial arrangements dif- ficult.
Finnish shipyard Rauma-Re- pola was recently awarded a $50- million contract to build a second cruise ship for Delfin Cruises. The first ship, the 300-passenger Delfin
Clipper, is scheduled to be delivered this month. The second cruise ship, a 330-passenger vessel, is expected to be delivered in the spring of 1990.
In addition, the Finnish builder was also awarded a $71-million turnkey contract to design and sup- ply materials and equipment for the construction of a jack-up drilling rig and construction dock in Iran. Rau- ma-Repola staff will work in Iran supervising the construction of the rig.
Wartsila Marine Industries,
Inc. is nearing the completion of the first of three 70,000-grt cruise ships for Carnival Cruise Lines. The 2,600-passenger Fantasy is expected to be delivered in October of this year. Wartsila's Turku Shipyard ex- pects to deliver the 855-foot Fanta- sy's sister ships, the Ecstasy and
Sensation in 1990 and 1991, respec- tively. The construction is being performed under a $600-million pact.
In Denmark, Burmeister &
Wain recently won an order from the Polish Steamship Co. to build two Panamax 70,000-dwt bulk car- riers. The deal could be worth $136.6 million to B&W if options for two additional bulk carriers are ex- ercised.
According to the Swedish Ship- builders Association, Swedish mer- chant shipbuilding has reached its lowest production and orderbook figures since WWII.
In 1988, Swedish yards completed eight ships of 16,612 grt, not includ- ing naval vessels. As of the end of 1988, Sweden's orderbook stood at 11 ships totaling 11,721 tons, includ- ing the icebreaker Oden, since deliv- ered to the government by Gotav- erken Arendal.
Alsthom's Chantiers de l'At- lantique of St. Nazaire, France, is busy constructing the sister ship of the huge 74,000-grt Sovereign of the
Seas. The yard expects to deliver the cruise ship in April 1991.
Italian yards experienced a healthy influx of orders in 1988.
Fincantieri's Montefalcone
Shipyard has begun the construc- tion of the first of two 70,000-grt cruise ships for Astramar. The huge luxury liner, which is expected to be delivered in the spring of next year, will have a passenger capacity of 1,950.
Yugoslavia's Brodogradiliste
Treci Maj (3. Maj) was awarded some important export orders, in- cluding two 110,000-dwt crude car- riers for Mosvold Rederi and four 22,000-dwt multipurpose cargo ships for Chinese-Polish Joint Stock
Shipping Co. 3. Maj also has two 110,000-dwt tankers on order from
American owner Teekay Shipping. 3. Maj is also constructing a 6,000- grt, 362-foot luxury cruise ship for
Salen Lindblad/Atlas. The 821-pas- senger vessel is scheduled for de- livery this year.
One of the latest contracts won by
Uljanik, Pula, Yugoslavia, is for the construction of two 40,000-dwt tankers for undisclosed owners.
Brodosplit is also preparing to de- liver the sister vessel of the Baltic super ferry Amorella to SF Line of
The ongoing U.S. Navy and gov- ernment vessel construction pro- gram remains the main impetus in the U.S. During 1988, the Navy con- tracted for 32 ships, which increased the backlog in U.S. yards to $16.6 billion. This was a substantial in- crease over 1987, which showed a backlog of $9 billion.
One of the bright spots in the U.S. for new vessel construction contin- ues to be in the shallow-draft vessel market, particularly in the cruise boat sector.
However, no new commercial shipbuilding orders were placed in 1988. U.S.-flag operator Hvide
Shipping has requested bids from 14
U.S. shipyards for the major recon- struction work of a 41,000-dwt chemical tanker. While Matson
Navigation has requested bids from
Avondale Industries, Bethle- hem Steel-Sparrows Point and
National Steel & Shipbuilding
Co. for the construction of a 1,600-
TFEU combination containership.
The contracts have yet to be awarded for these two projects.
But the fact remains that without a comprehensive maritime promo- tional package from the govern- ment, the U.S. shipbuilding indus- try will be unable to take advantage of any international increase in de- mand for new tonnage.
The Canadian shipbuilding in- dustry was rendered a severe blow when the government cancelled its plans to build 10-12 nuclear subma- rines. As in the case of the U.S., gov- ernment contracts accounted for most of the tonnage on order, with the remainder comprised of such commercial vessels as fishing boats, tugs, barges, etc. A bright spot was in the repair and conversion sector, where the value of work increased from to $188 million to $214 mil- lion.
In Brazil, Verolme do Brasil was awarded a $135-million order to build four 68,000-dwt self-unload- ing bulk carriers. The award in- creased the value of the yard's or- derbook to over $480 million. Two of the ships were for the CSL Group
Inc. of Montreal and two for VULI-
CA Shipping Inc. of the Bahamas.
Verolme delivered a similar bulk carrier for Canadian Steamship
Lines in 1989. The Brazilian yard also converted the ex-Pacific Peace (renamed CSL Innovator) into a 62,732-dwt self-unloading bulk car- rier for operation on the U.S. East
Coast. •
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June, 1989 49