Page 40: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 1989)
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Marine Lubricants (continued) to produce a moderate alkaline re- serve (6 TBN) oil. This product offers unusually good rust and cor- rosion protection, wear protection and water separation characteris- tics. DORO AR 30 meets the Sulzer requirement for engines equipped with PTO units.
Texaco offers a complete line of trunk piston engine oils for medium and high-speed diesels. The specific lubricant required would be based on the sulfur content of the fuel being used in the engine. TARO XD oils, with a TBN of 15 minimum, are used in engines burning fuel with a sulfur content up to 1.8 percent.
TARO DP oils, with a TBN of 30 minimum, are specifically designed for trunk type engines utilizing fuel with sulfur in excess of 1.8 percent.
TARO XD and TARO DP are avail- able in SAE 30 and SAE 40 viscosity grades. TARO XL 40 (SAE 40) is for use in medium-speed engines where the operating conditions or fuel sul- fur content requires a 40 TBN prod- uct.
All of these oils are blended from carefully refined base oils fortified with specially developed additive packages to give excellent perform-
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Circle 318 on Reader Service Card
Shell OIL CO., INC.
Circle 328 on Reader Service Card ance even under the most severe operating conditions. They have been extensively tested both in the laboratory and in the field. TARO
XD, DP and XL 40 all offer excel- lent TBN retention and anti-corro- sion properties. They are formu- lated with selected detergent and dispersant additives which mini- mize piston ring deposits, improve overall engine cleanliness and pro- vide long in-service life.
Texaco supports its marine lubri- cants with prompt, efficient techni- cal service and the Texlube used oil analysis program for monitoring the condition of the oils in use.
Circle 106 on Reader Service Card
The marketing of fuel treatments by Unitor Ships Service A/S has recently been dramatically strengthened by the acquisition of supplier Gamlen Chemical Compa- ny. Unitor marine chemicals are now drawn from the combined re- sources and expertise of both Perol- in Marine, long know for its fuel treatments, and Gamlen Chemical
Co. The result is a highly efficient and cost-effective range of fuel treatments, cleaners, and water treatments.
Unitor offers treatment products for such fuel handling system prob- lems as sludge, water contamina- tion, corrosion and bacteria/fungi.
A fuel conditioner such as
Unitor's Fuelcare is effective against sludge formation in unstable fuels. The instability can have been caused by aging or long term heat- ing, or by mixing incompatible fuels aboard.
Sludgy fuels often entrain water, thus by dispersing existing sludge and by preventing incompatibility, water contamination can be re- leased for removal by settling/cen- trifuge.
Corrosion is prevented by the filming action of the fuel condition- er. The additive also chemically neutralizes acids in the fuel.
Where bacteria/fungi are present, it is first necessary to remove as much water as possible from the fuel and then to treat with a biocide.
The biocide Bioclean is a "broad spectrum" biocide, meaning it is effective in killing a wide range of bacteria and fungi, an essential re- quirement for fuels since exact type of bio-activity is often not known.
Water contamination, especially saltwater contamination, in fuel can cause costly problems during com- bustion, such as high temperature corrosion of engine components by ash deposits. Fortunately, high tem- perature corrosion and ash deposi- tion problems can be terated with additives such as Burnall or Clean- burn, which are effective in both these areas. With the use of a fuel conditioner these problems as well as storage tank and pipeline corro- sion can be avoided.
Unitor also offers Gamabreak, a versatile and effective water demul- sifying additive. \ • Mobile^
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