Page 44: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1989)
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Equipment List
Main engine MAN B&W-Uljanik
Shaft generator Uljani
Propeller Lips
Auxiliary engines . . . Jugoturbina-Sulzer
Generators Uljanik-Siemens
Emer. diesel generator engine . . Famos
Alternator Uljanik-Siemen
Oil-fired boilers TPK
Speed log Simrad
Echo sounder Simra
Gyrocompass, automatic pilot . .C.PIath
Radar Krupp Atlas Elektronik
Navigation system Racal Decca
Radio direction finder Marconi
Navigation lights Uljanik Tesu
Satcom Marconi
Facsimile recorder Simrad
Sound-powered telephones .... Debeg
Cargo pumps Eureka Pumps
Centrifugal pumps IMO
Pressure/vacuum valve for cargo tanks Press-Vac
Salt water and scrubber pumps . . . Iron
Tank cleaning pumps IMO
Discharge oil monitoring system . .Seres
Sounding control system . . . .Autronica
Hydrostatic gages KDG GMS
Pneumatic control instruments . . Jucker
Ballast/bilge ejector .... Ellehammers
Hydraulic power plant for ballast & cargo valves . Skarpenord
Slop tank coating Kansai
Cargo hose cranes Uljanik
Exhaust gas heat exchanger .... TPK
Oil-fired boilers Saake
Steering gear Vulkan
Bow anchors Blohm & Voss
Halon extinguishers Walter Kidde
Fire extinguishing pumps Iron
Lifesaving equipment Grebe
Burmeister & Wain
The first ship in the world to be equipped with a one-man operated bridge, the much-talked-about 84,000-dwt product tanker Petro- bulk Mars, was delivered by Danish shipbuilder Burmeister & Wain.
Sperry Marine Inc. supplied much of the electronic navigation and steering control equipment for the first one-man bridge to be ap- proved by Det norske Veritas.
According to Hans E. Ras- mussen, Sperry Marine regional manager in Denmark, the only mod- ifications made to the Sperry equip- ment to meet DnV's requirements were alarm modifications to the
RASCAR touchscreen control ra- dar/ARPA and to the SRP-690 au- topilot.
In addition to dual RASCARs and the SRP-690 autopilot, Sperry
Marine equipment on board the new tanker includes the SR-220 gy- rocompass, SRD-421S dual axis speed log, marine data TMC/Off course alarm, separate helmsman steering stand, and Sperry's Rate of
Turn System.
The vessel is classified by Det norske Veritas with the new class registration "Watch 1—Ocean Ar- eas and Coastal Waters" (Wl-OC), which means that it can be operated safely by only one person on the bridge day and night under normal operating conditions, as soon as this has been approved by the IMO, the
United Nations' International Mari- time Organization. According to the international conventions, this has so far only been allowed in the day- time, and on approval of the highest ranking officer of the watch. Some of the largest seafaring nations are now working on an extension of this convention so as to apply also to navigation at night.
The class registration "Wl-OC" means that the ship fulfills special requirements as far as instrumenta- tion and surveyance are concerned.
The bridge design enables the offi- cer of the watch to operate all instruments unassisted at all times, have a clear view in all directions, be able to hear all signals, and by means of alarms be able to register any irregularities and errors no mat- ter where they may occur onboard the ship. Furthermore, operational procedures are established which ensure that the bridge is manned at all times and that another qualified operator can attend the bridge with- in a specific response time in case of operator unfitness.
The Vanuatu-flag product tank- er, type CPT 54E, has an overall length of 750 feet, molded breadth of 105 feet 9 inches, and design draft of 38 feet. She is powered by a single two-stroke, constant pressure tur- bocharged MAN B&W Diesel 5L70MCE engine, with a nominal
MCR of about 12,250 bhp at 95 rpm and a specified MCR of 10,900 bhp at 84 rpm. Auxiliary power is pro- vided by four sets of four-stroke, single acting turbocharged diesel engines, totaling approximately 4,000 bhp at 720 rpm. The main and auxiliary engines and boilers are ar- ranged for operation on heavy fuel up to 6000 sec. Redwood no. 1 at 100 degrees F.
The ship was contracted by Son- derjysk Erhvervsinvestering K/S-16 and chartered on a 15-year bareboat charter to Nordan Tankers 1 Inc.
The owners behind the project are
Naess, Jahre & Partners in coopera- tion with PetroBulk Carriers, con- sisting of Bulls Tankrederi A/S,
Norway, Exmar N.V., Belgium, Mit- sui O.S.K., Tokyo, and Shipping
Development Company Limited (Erling D. Naess, Bermuda). The ship will be operated commercially by PetroBulk Carriers A/S and technically by Naess Shipping (Hol- land) B.V. on behalf of Nordan
Tankers 1 Inc.
Schichau Seebeckwerft
West Germany's Schichau See- beckwerft AG of Bremerhaven, de- livered the second of two of the world's largest railway/freight fer- ries, the 581-foot Robin Hood, to
Rederi AB Swedcarrier, the pool- partner of Hamburg-based TT-
The Robin Hood, with a molded breadth of 84-1/2 feet, draft of about 20 feet, tonnage of about 24,000 and deadweight of 7,800 tons, is powered by two main propulsion plants consisting of four MAN
B&W main engines. Each main pro- pulsion plant consists of a MAN
B&W 6L40/45 diesel, with an out- put of 3,170 kw at 524 rpm, and a
MAN B&W 8L40/45 diesel engine, with an output of 4,230 kw at 524 rpm. The total power for the two main propulsion plants (all four en- gines) is 14,800 kw. For maneuvera- bility, the vessel is equipped with
Lips variable pitch propellers and
Frydenbo rudder plants. She has a service speed of about 18 knots.
The all-around combicarrier en- tered service on the TT-Line route between Travemunde and Trelle- borg, Sweden. Her three decks are interconnected by internal ramps, and she loads and discharges via a stern ramp.
The lower deck, or combi deck, is equipped with 910 meters of rail length distributed on six tracks, al- lowing for the transportation of 36 long-type railway wagons or 75 rail wagons of average size.
On the two upper decks, there is space for about 100 trucks/trailers.
When not in use for rail cargo, the lower deck can accommodate an ad- ditional 60 trucks/trailers.
Furthermore, the Robin Hood has accommodations for 300 passengers in 122 cabins, a restaurant, lounge/ bar, cinema and conference rooms.
Equipment List
Main engines(4) . MAN B&W
Propellers(2) . . Lips
Thrusters .... KaMeWa
Generator engines . . MAN B&W Holeby
Generators . Telefunken System Technik
Reduction gears . Lohmann & Stolerfoht
Engine controls Noris
Steering controls Frydenboe
Radar Sperry
Compass .... Sperry
Autopilot .... Kockums
Pumps . . . Behrens Pumps
Echo sounder . . ELAC
Speed log .... Jungner
Ramp/doors . . . MacGregor Naviere
Mooring winches Hatalapa
Chantiers de I'Atlantique
The sleek 1,700-passenger luxury cruise liner Star Princess, P&0
Cruise newest addition, was deliv- ered this past year by GEC Als- thom's Chantiers de I'Atlantique shipyard at St. Nazaire, France.
Operated by Princess Cruise, the 805-foot 8-inch cruise liner has a molded breadth of 105 feet 8 inches, service draft of 25 feet 3 inches and tonnage of 63,524 grt. Manned by a crew of 600, the Star Princess has 13 decks, with 735 cabins which incor- porate: 14 suites, 36 mini-suites, 510 outside cabins, 165 inside cabins and 10 wheelchair-accessible cabins.
Passengers sailing on the Star Prin- cess are treated to such cabin ame- nities as telephones, twin beds which convert to queen size, five- channel color television, four music channels, card key access, outdoor terraces in suites and mini-suites, and refrigerator and bar.
As for entertainment aboard the
Liberian-flagged liner, passengers can enjoy such public areas as: the
Galleria, a large shopping arcade; La
Patisserie, a specialty pastry-es- presso lounge; the Vineyard, a wine
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