Page 13: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1990)
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Simplex Wire Awarded $42-Million Contract
For Fiberoptic Cable
Tyco Laboratories, Inc. an- nounced recently its Simplex Wire and Cable Company subsidiary,
Newington, N.H., received a $42- million contract from AT&T Federal
Systems Division for undersea fiber- optic cables to be used by the U.S.
Navy for oceanographic research.
Simplex already has manufac- tured more than 17,000 nautical miles of commercial fiberoptic un- dersea cables for AT&T, and cur- rently is manufacturing another 2,500 nautical miles for TAT-9, the second-generation fiberoptic cable system to be installed on the Atlan- tic seabed in 1991.
For more information on Sim- plex,
Circle 139 on Reader Service Card
Tidewater Board Elects
Two New Directors
John P. Laborde, chairman, president, and chief executive offi- cer of Tidewater Inc., announced recently the board of directors elected Donald T (Boysie) Bol- linger and Hugh J. Kelly as com- pany directors for a term expiring at the next annual shareholders meet- ing. The board has nominated Mr.
Bollinger and Mr. Kelly for elec- tion as directors at the annual stock- holders meeting for a term that would expire in 1993.
As chairman and chief executive officer of Bollinger Machine Shop
Shipyard, Inc. in Lockport, La., Mr.
Bollinger is a leading builder of vessels for the offshore oil and gas industry and the U.S. Navy and
Coast Guard. He is a director of the
National Ocean Industries Associa- tion, the Offshore Marine Services
Assocation, and the World Trade
Center of New Orleans.
Mr. Kelly, an oil and gas consul- tant based in Mandeville, La., retir- ed in June 1989 as president and chief executive officer of Ocean
Drilling & Exploration Company.
He currently serves on the board of directors of Subsea International, the American Bureau of Shipping, and is past chairman of the board of the National Ocean Industries Asso- ciation.
New Platinum Series
Watermakers Introduced
By Matrix Desalination
Matrix Desalination, Inc., Fort
Lauderdale, Fla., has introduced its new high-capacity Platinum Series® watermakers.
The units are all custom-designed by Matrix engineers and built pre- cisely to user requirements and operating conditions. They cost-ef- fectively produce from 3,000 to 3,000,000 gallons of potable water per day, enough to service large megayachts, cruise ships, island re- sorts and communities, even small cities.
Each watermaker is specifically laid out to exactly match delineated space constraints, while maximizing efficient serviceability, an extremely important consideration in high- production, continuous duty appli- cations.
According to company president
Whitney Irons, the Platinum Se- ries represents the ultimate in reli- ability and durability. "Matrix steadfastly resists making short- sighted concessions to the competi- tive cost-cutting pressures that in- variably lead to long-term user problems. Only the highest quality components available are incorpo- rated into those units."
Like all other watermakers in the
Matrix extensive line of marine and industrial desalinators, the Plati- num Series employs state-of-the-art reverse osmosis technology. Sea or brackish water is pressurized, caus- ing it to pass through a special semi- permeable membrane that blocks salt and other contaminants. The result is pure, potable freshwater from any feed source.
Matrix backs its established and successful track record in desalina- tion with extensive, ongoing devel- opment engineering and worldwide service fine-tuned to providing de- pendable, trouble-free watermak- ing.
For free literature containing complete information from Matrix
Circle 43 on Reader Service Card
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Circle 292 on Reader Service Card
August, 1990 15